Silas Marsh - Smooth sailing in The Innsmouth Conspiracy

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Maxime Briand · 7

2021-05-29 The Innsmouth Conspiracy (Normal Difficulty), Solo. Final deck. Victory following Scenario VIII - Into the Maelstrom (R1, R2). 4 Physical Trauma / 0 Mental Trauma. 2 Unspent Experience.

This powerful deck let me sail smoothly throughout The Innsmouth Conspiracy Campaign. Track Shoes was key to this success, letting me take skill tests where I could trigger 2 copies of Drawing Thin then commit Take Heart for bonus ressources and cards, or commit Quick Thinking for an extra action. My experience points were quickly invested in the potent Eucatastrophe, that I always kept available thanks to Resourceful (and vice-versa), exploiting Silas' ability as much as I could.

Silas is one of the few characters where I would recommend taking both his regular and replacement signature cards, the main hindrance being the larger deck size. I also took Versatile to cover a few blind spots from my starting deck, taking extra Skills here and there including a Double or Nothing, also at the cost of a larger deck size. Surprisingly, this didn't prove to be an issue thanks to a lot of drawing and recursion effects.

For fighting, Meat Cleaver worked really well with Silas' low Sanity, but I made sure to keep Peter Sylvestre around in order to soak additional Horror just in case. Sea Change Harpoon was a great second pick. And instead of adding yet another Weapon Asset to my deck, I went for Brute Force which saw a lot of play thanks to Silas' synergy with Skills.

In order to discover Clues, I mostly relied on Old Keyring or "Look what I found!", but this felt quite draw dependent at some times. Committing a bunch of Skills allowed me to power through the most difficult skill checks, but there would be room for improvement here.

Finally, Charisma was taken to exploit the Story Allies while leaving a spot open for Peter Sylvestre at all times, but certainly wasn't a must have.