Dark Horse Jenny Barnes

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

pariah · 1

I have not tested this deck yet. Any comments are welcomed.

This is meant to be used in a 4-player campaign where Jenny will be a secondary clue collector with some ability to defend herself. But this build should work well for solo too.

Jenny is the best for Dark Horse because she can generate 2 resources (or 3 with Lone Wolf in play), and easily finance the more expensive cards when needed. Since Jenny can handle enemies on her own, she should be able to benefit from Lone Wolf most of the time.

Fire Axe , Lockpicks and Cheap Shot have the best synergy with Dark Horse: Fire Axe gets +1 damage; Lockpicks and Cheapshot gets +1 twice.Hard Knocks is used to keep Jenny at 0 resources before she gets Streetwise.


Jan 10, 2018 sojosol · 14

I think Dark Horse would prevent Jenny from getting her extra resource from her class card ability. Wording on Dark Horse "During the upkeep phase, you may choose to not gain resources." Jenny Barnes ability "You collection 1 additional resource during each upkeep phase". Perhaps you are already taking this into consideration and are suggesting to have Jenny Barnes utilize Dark Horse only occasionally?

Jan 10, 2018 pariah · 1

Dark Horse allows the player to choose whether to gain resources, right? My understanding is that she can gain 0 resources (by choosing to not gain resources via Dark Horse) or 2 resources (by not choosing not to gain resources) during upkeep.

I think she will be able to spend the resources and benefit from Dark Horse most of the time, but I will need some testing. What worries me most is that Streetwise spends 2 resources at a time and I am not sure if she can spend the last resources reliably.

I hope I can test this deck out soon.

Jan 10, 2018 sojosol · 14

Yes, your understanding matches mine. From your description I originally thought you implied that Jenny could use Dark Horse and still get her additional resource.

Using Jenny's ability along with Dark Horse roughly 50% of the time to effectively even out her economy is an interesting concept. When I played with Jenny, however, I found her to very expensive to operate. Especially with Streetwise, as you mentioned. Dark Horse seems to work best with characters that still operate well with a poor economy, such as Pete. That being said, I'm interested to hear how your testing goes.

Jan 10, 2018 pariah · 1

Ideally, I would want her to always gain resources and spend them all before investigation/fighting. My hope is that she can benefit from Dark Horse about 80% of the time during the investigation phase and only lost it when she needs to save up for Leo De Luca, or one of those 3-cost cards before drawing Lone Wolf.

Jan 12, 2018 pariah · 1

I've tested this build a bit in The Gathering and The Midnight Masks.

I think overall it works as expected, except that evasion isn't really Jenny's strong suit. I tried to replace Manual Dexterity with Perception, and Backstab with Think on Your Feet, and it worked much better.

Her cards are on the expensive side in the beginning, but it works well enough after the .41 Derringers are replaced with Switchblades.