Mark Harrigan in Scarlet Keys, Slight Adjustments

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

LordHamshire · 666

Goin' in blind to an Expert difficulty multiplayer Scarlet Keys campaign with all the standalones ever released (except Barkham) included. Seems like the Great War vet will be hopping the pond again, we'll see what happens. My random weakness turned out to be The Thing That Follows, which I'm very ok with. I'm not freaking out about not drawing my .45 Thompson early in a campaign, idk Scarlet Keys at all, but usually you can get by just punching early if you really need to plus random Vicious Blows until you can eventually grab the Tommy. Mark draws a lot. I'll get Stick to the Plan soon and throw Prepared for the Worst in there.