Jim Culver is chaotic

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Saving628496 · 36

This is a flexible Jim deck all about juggling a lot of different items in Jim's hands and getting Geared Up quickly and efficiently to get through scenarios without running out of gas. Use a Bandolier to hold your Derringers, Sickles, or Sword Canes while you light some Candles, play some Jazz, or Dowse for clues. Olive McBride, will help you pass tests with Jim's ability, and when used in conjunction with your Pendulum, draw you cards as well.

Too much doom on your cards? Until you upgrade into Sin-Eater, you'll just have to play another card over it to discard it. Also included in your 19XP upgrade package are Spirit Athames to help boost your Sixth Sense, a Grotesque Statue to offer even more control over drawing from the chaos bag, and Blood Pact in case you've decided you actually don't have enough doom.

After exhausting the sideboard, consider upgrading to Jewel of Aureolus to get an even better economy when you draw symbol tokens or forgo the Spirit Athame in favor of upgrading your Sixth Sense on its own. You can even replace your bandoliers with Astral Mirrors so you can keep playing cards as often as you want.