Runic Banks

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

ArkhamNoobie · 2

Roland Banks

Role of this deck

Roland Banks deck focused on dealing damage with strong ways to assist our Cluever companion in gathering clues, this last part can also help manage our weakness, Cover Up. I do not think this deck could be used on true solo, but it can be slightly modified to work as a flex.

Card reasoning

The main focus of this deck is to get Runic Axe into play as soon as possible, so you should hard mulligan for either Runic Axe or Prepared for the Worst if you don't draw the axe.

Hallowed Mirror is included because, as you all know, Roland has very little room to take horror damage, so this will be our only way to heal ourselfs or our allies if needed.

You might ask, why Grete Wagner and not Beat Cop? As I mentioned earlier, we don't want to leave the clue gathering solely to our Cluever. The Level 0 beat cope needs to be discarded in order to deal damage and thanks to our main weapon I hope we don't need any extra damage for 4 resources. Grete gives you that +1 and helps your Cluever.

Why Guard Dog and not Beat Cop again? Grete costs 5 resources, and Guard dog 3, totaling 8. If we were playing beat cop instead, that'd be 9 for a benefit that (in my opinion) is not neccesary here.

Safeguard is, as quoted by someone in the card's page, a slotless Leo de Luca. One free movement to wherever my Cluever is going is valuable since I want to protect them, and they are problably heading to a location with clues in it, this is where Fieldwork comes into play, not only do we move for free, but we also get a +2 on our next skill test, all without spending actions!

Cryptic Writings and Emergency Cache are here to help with our economy. (Allies and weapons are specially expensive).

Dodge is included as a staple guardian card, trying to avoid damage while engaging the enemies.

Evidence! and Scene of the Crime are here to help with our share of clue gathering.

On the hunt helps us activate Scene of the Crime for 2 clues.

Glory is here for card draw.

Refine is probably one of the most important parts of this deck, as it will help us get a free XP and put it into Runic Axe, improving our main weapon.

Upgrade Path

x1 Stick to the Plan 6xp

I'd go for this first to make our deck more consistent. The 3 cards that would go in here are Refine to assure we can upgrade our Axe. Feel free to decide the other 2 but I'd suggest Prepared for the Worst (later, you can upgrade it to Prepared for the Worst since it's gonna be free), a copy of one of our allies or a copy of Emergency Cache.

Right after you get Stick to the Plan you should aim to upgrade the axe with Saga (if you don't have it already thanks to Refine) to make it more consistent. After that I suggest consistenly using refine and upgrading the Axe with whatever you prefer; my first suggestions would be Glory or Heirloom

Prepared for the Worst x1 Prepared for the Worst

After upgrading 1 copy of it, I suggest upgrading the second copy into something else whenever you see fit. Stand Together is my choice, there is no cost to play it and it's a good source of cards and resources, but I'll leave that up to you!

Guard Dog x2 Beat Cop 4xp. x1 Charisma 3xp

It allows us to have both Beat Cop and Grete Wagner on the field at the same time, that means +2 and both benefits, dealing damage and getting clues.

Evidence! x2 On the Trail 2xp

Same efect as Evidence! without needing to defeat an enemy, it does cost one action, but we get to choose between moving or discovering a clue, adding adaptability to the situation!

On the Trail x2 On the Trail 4xp

We can also upgrade directly from Evidence! to this.

So far that's 19xp (in case you did not spend any on Runic Axe or 22 if you upgraded to Stand Together). Does not seem so bad for the average campaign.

Thank you!