Forgotten Age Blind Run #8: Shattered Aeons

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Forgotten Age Blind Run #7: The Depths of Yoth 2 0 0 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

Magnificate · 1203

(Note to self: Remember to upgrade links when available)

Shattered Aeons

Jenny begins the scenario Poisoned, with 1 physical trauma, 2 fewer cards in hand and extra in the chaos bag.

Supplies: Map, Binoculars, Blanket, Compass, Pickaxe

Opening Hands: Lone Wolf, Timeworn Brand, Dodge


  • PLAY Lone Wolf
    • It's a decent opening hand given that Jenny only has three cards to begin with. She won't be immediately taking out her Timeworn Brand because it would be vulnerable to Lost in Time lurking in the encounter deck.
  • INVESTIGATE (+3 , 0, discover 1 clue at #Nexus of N’kai)
  • EXPLORE into #Wracked by Time (, 2 damage)
    • Due to timing the encounter discard was still empty while the effect resolved, so Jenny is merely bruised a bit. I find it wonderful that the designers can find more and more new ways to flavor the basic damage or horror effects.
  • Upkeep: draw Unexpected Courage, 4 resources total.


  • Mythos: 1/6 doom, A Tear in Time (commit Unexpected Courage, )
  • Lone Wolf
  • PLAY Timeworn Brand
  • EXPLORE into #Between Worlds
    • Another encounter! And this one is weird. I'm sure there would be some way to template it as an actual location rather than an encounter. Anyway, the decision that needs to be made here is whether I have Jenny go back or stay in place and get the clue? I don't know how many clues are on other locations, but I suspect there's at least one, so I'm not terribly pressured. Besides, moving seems more substantial than taking a resource or attempting an un-boosted investigation.
  • MOVE to #Nexus of N’kai (1 horror)
  • Upkeep: draw Searching for Izzie (at #Nexus of N’kai), 2 resources total.
    • It's the last scenario, so Izzie is ignorable. I'm quite certain Jenny herself wouldn't agree, but we'll say that because the weakness ended up on the Nexus itself Jenny shall considerer finishing her quest as an important stepping stone to finding her sister.


  • Mythos: 2/6 doom, Words of Power
    • How I hate that encounter! I seem to draw it an inordinate amount of times, certainly higher than statistics would suggest. I naturally want to discard it as soon as possible, but then I've got to remind myself that it is not immediately threatening.
  • Lone Wolf
  • EXPLORE into Ancient Evils (1 doom)
    • Seriously! That was the last encounter in the exploration deck and Jenny still blundered into it!
  • EXPLORE to #Shores of R’lyeh
    • Hmmm... There's only one connection and it leads back to the Nexus. And the Nexus itself only has two connections when there are three locations in the exploration deck. This strongly suggests that exploring from Shores of R’lyeh makes no sense.
  • INVESTIGATE (+3 , discover 1 clue at #Shores of R’lyeh)
  • advance #Worlds Beyond to #Search for the Brotherhood
    • The new act has no clue requirements. Do I have Jenny pick them up or do I accept horror when moving instead?
  • Upkeep: draw Lola Santiago, 3 resources total.


  • Mythos: 5/6 doom, #Shattered Ages (-2, place 1 clue on #Shores of R’lyeh)
    • Yeah... Those clues must be important somehow, no question about it.
  • Lone Wolf
  • PLAY Lola Santiago
    • Lola is not Leo, but Jenny is glad to have her assisting regardless!
  • INVESTIGATE (-2, discover 1 clue at #Shores of R’lyeh)
  • INVESTIGATE (, discover 1 clue at #Shores of R’lyeh)
  • Upkeep: draw "Watch this!", 3 resources total.


  • Mythos: 6/6 doom, #Threads of Time advance to #Pendulous Threads, Ancient Evils (1 doom)
    • Wow. Formless Spawn might end up ruining non-evader solo runs. That's 10 health! Just... How? Or does the scenario expect the investigators to leave the Nexus earlier? In either case, putting Dodges in the deck turned out to be an excellent idea after all.
  • Lone Wolf
  • MOVE to #Nexus of N’kai
  • EXPLORE to #City of the Unseen (#Formless Spawn attacks, Dodge)
    • Gloomy!
  • INVESTIGATE (+3 , , discover 1 clue at #City of the Unseen)
  • Upkeep: draw Expedition Journal, 3 resources total.

Jenny's Boardstate: 5 health, 6 sanity, 3 resources, 3 clues

Threat: Words of Power

In Play: Lola Santiago, Timeworn Brand, Lone Wolf

In Hand: "Watch this!", Expedition Journal


  • Mythos: 2/7 doom, Ancient Evils (1 doom)
    • Seriously!
  • Lone Wolf
  • PLAY Expedition Journal
    • It'll definitely make it easier to play around #Formless Spawn.
  • MOVE to #Nexus of N’kai
  • EVADE (-1, exhaust #Formless Spawn)
    • No Streetwise. It was perhaps the biggest gamble Jenny's taken so far, but with Lola around the odds were reasonable.
  • EXPLORE to #A Pocket in Time
  • advance #Search for the Brotherhood to #Yithian Relic
    • Aha! Ancients Evils aren't Hexes! Nothing gets shuffled. This means the exploration deck remains safe.
  • Upkeep: draw Hot Streak, 4 resources total.


  • Mythos: 4/7 doom, #Shattered Ages (-5, place 1 clue each on #Shores of R’lyeh, #City of the Unseen & #A Pocket in Time)
    • OK, I still can't confirm whether those clues are important or not, but unless I commit everything I've got to this test there's no chance of passing it. Let's hope Jenny and Lola will be able to deal with escalating confusion.
  • Lone Wolf
  • #A Pocket in Time
    • The top card was Mob Enforcer. Does that mean he had the relic? Or, perhaps he came after Jenny, took the relic from her and seeing time shattering all around him decided to hand it back to Jenny after all? If so, we're even now, Mob Enforcer.
  • PLAY Relic of Ages
  • advance #Yithian Relic to #Mend the Shatter (#Alejandro Vela engages)
    • Jenny expected to face Alejandro at some point. Now, let's see... Jenny could potentially handle the guy in one hit, but the test is difficult. The Parley test is easier and I could boost it, but I feel Jenny is not in a position to plead for her life. Not yet. I do have the Expedition Journal, which means I could escape and explore away. It's also the easiest test, so I'll have Jenny do just that.
  • EVADE (+3 , -2, exhaust #Alejandro Vela)
  • EXPLORE to #Mu
    • Well, isn't that a perfect location for our non-nonsense friend?
  • Lola Santiago (discover 1 clue at #Mu)
  • Enemy: #Alejandro Vela readies
  • Upkeep: draw Timeworn Brand, 2 resources total.


  • Mythos: 5/7 doom, #Creeping Darkness
    • Yeah, I'll count that as Ancient Evils and ignore it.
  • Lone Wolf
  • PLAY Hot Streak
  • Lola Santiago (discover 1 clue at #Mu)
  • #Relic of Ages (+3 , , -3, 1 doom)
    • No great loss. Unless the next agenda is exceptionally short.
  • INVESTIGATE (0, discover 1 clue at #Mu)
  • Enemy: #Alejandro Vela hunts and attacks (1 damage & 1 horror to Lola Santiago, 1 horror)
    • Alejandro focuses on Lola. I wonder, is there a prior relationship between them? They're both archeologists. Perhaps, with his last vestiges of humanity, Alejandro feels jealous and angry at Jenny for managing to replace him while travelling underground? Or perhaps Lola is merely an easier target.
  • Upkeep: draw Switchblade, 9 resources total.


  • Mythos: 8/7 doom, advance #Pendelous Threads to #Snapped Threads (2 doom), Words of Power
    • Another! I'll remind that the previous one is still in play.
  • Lone Wolf
  • Lola Santiago (discover 1 clue at #Mu)
  • EVADE (+3 , commit "Watch this!", bid 3 resources, -1, exhaust #Alejandro Vela, gain 6 resources)
  • #Mend the Shatter (+6 , , -2, #Mu mended, Jenny & #Alejandro Vela move to #A Pocket in Time)
    • Yes! If I didn't do double Streetwise there would be doom on Alejandro, which could complicate matters. Now, for the final stretch.
  • EXPLORE to #Plateau of Leng
  • INVESTIGATE (+3 (-3, discover 1 clue at #Plateau of Leng)
  • Enemy: #Alejandro Vela readies
  • Upkeep: draw Lockpicks, 3 resources total.


  • Mythos: 3/12, #Temporal Devourver (at #A Pocket of Time)
    • Safe!
  • Lone Wolf
  • #Mend the Shatter (+6 , , #Plateau of Leng mended, Jenny moves to #A Pocket in Time)
  • R1.
    • And so Jenny saved the world. Not just the world, but rather the universe as we know it. She accumulated enormous amounts of experience. This in part because of Charon's Obol and the liberal use of Delve too Deep, but mostly because this campaign is generous with XPs. Perhaps a bit too generous. On balance the campaign also gives out a lot of potential trauma, but Jenny somehow managed to avoid most of it. Except for not having blanket in her supplies. Who could expect blankets would be so important? If nothing else, the supply mechanics was innovative and deserves praise for that. Jenny also went out of her way to avoid building up Yig's Fury and that paid off relatively well, especially in the second-to-last scenario. Accruing Yig's Fury certainly feels more significant that pursuing the Stranger in the last campaign. Overall, I had great time with Forgotten Age, especially it's narrative side. It even gives an in-story excuse for investigators getting machetes! However, I feel there is one significant misstep. The Boundary Beyond. If you remember my blind attempt at the scenario went exceptionally well, but I've played it again since then numerous times and it tends to go rather poorly. It's punishingly difficult, especially if one wants to woo Ichtaca. But, with the campaign over, Boundary Beyond also feels shallower in the narrative sense. Why was showing us the polyp future important if polyps turned out to be a non-factor in the finale? Still, it's one scenario in eight, plus the City of Archives definitely makes up for it by itself.

Campaign Log:

The Untamed Wilds: Jenny cleared a path to the Eztli ruins. Alejandro chose to remain at camp. Jenny has earned Ichtaca’s trust. 7 XP (Ichtaca, Ruins of Eztli, Serpent's Haven, Circuitous Trail, 2 bonus XP). 1 Physical Trauma. Yig’s Fury: 0.

The Doom of Eztli: Jenny recovered the Relic of Ages. The Harbinger is still alive (0). Jenny gave custody of the relic to Alejandro. 6 XP (Burial Pit, Grand Chamber, Secret Passage, Charon's Obol, Delve Too Deep). Yig’s Fury: 1.

Threads of Fate: Jenny found the missing relic. Jenny rescued Alejandro. Jenny forged a bond with Ichtaca. 7 XP (Maria DeSilva, Northside, Eztli Exhibit, Arkham Police Station, Town Hall, Charon's Obol, 2x Delve Too Deep, 3 bonus XP, 5 XP spent do heal trauma). Yig’s Fury: 1.

The Boundary Beyond: 6 paths are known to Jenny. Ichtaca has confidence in Jenny. The Harbinger is still alive (0). Jenny mapped the way forward. Ichtaca's faith is restored. 8 XP (Charon's Obol, 6 locations). Yig’s Fury: 1.

Heart of the Elders: The jungle watches. The Harbinger is still alive (0). 9 XP (Serpent from Yoth, Hall of Idolatry, Dark Hollow, Perilous Gulch, Crystal Pillars, 2x Charon's Obol). Yig’s Fury: 2.

The City of Archives: Jenny cooperated with the Yithians. The process was perfected. Alejandro is set against Jenny. 9 XP (Yithian Observer, Yithian Orrery, Deconstruction Room, Restraining Chamber, Delve Too Deep, 4 bonus XP). 1 Physical Trauma. Yig’s Fury: 2.

The Depths of Yoth: The Nexus is near. The Harbinger is still alive (0). The braziers remain unlit. 8 XP (Serpent from Yoth, Charon's Obol, 5 bonus XP). Yig’s Fury: 2.

Shattered Aeons: Jenny mended the tear in the fabric of time! 8 XP (#Mu, Charon's Obol, 5 bonus XP), 2 Physical Trauma, 3 Mental Trauma.

See you around when Jenny tackles Circle Undone!


Nov 20, 2018 Dyannick · 1

Thank you for your well written session reports, I really enjoyed reading them and playing along. I finished the campaign today, loved this deck!

Nov 23, 2018 Phobic · 2

Great writeup, thanks :D