Carolyn Fern - International Arms Dealer

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Carolyn Fern - Agent Provocateur 5 3 0 1.0

unremb · 251

Designed for a 4-investigator campaign (Taboo compliant).
Has limited healing ability at the start, which will be boosted significantly once Kerosene and Ancient Stone (4) are added.


Difficulty: Standard
Primary role: Support/Healing
Secondary role: Cluing

Complexity High
Clues Moderate
Combat Moderate
Card Draw Weak
Resources High
Treachery High
Hand .45 Automatic
Hand Hawk-Eye Folding Camera - Ancient Stone (4) with XP
Accessory Hallowed Mirror - Police Badge with XP
Ally Alice Luxley - Beat Cop (2) with XP
Arcane - perhaps Protective Incantation with XP
Tarot - Death • XIII with XP


Priority goes to Alice Luxley.
Early Hawk-Eye Folding Camera is nice but not necessary.


Delay the Inevitable on Dynamite Blast is a hilarious combo (as is Warning Shot before Dynamite Blast)


High Priority Upgrades

Medium Priority Upgrades

Low Priority upgrades

Support Upgrades

Playing on Hard/Expert

See my Carolyn Fern - Agent Provocateur deck for a hard/expert difficulty build.