Expert True Solo Dunwich

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Jenny Barnes - Don't test me (Dunwich Legacy on Expert) 122 92 16 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

Jernau Morat Gurgeh · 62

This Deck was used to successfully beat Dunwich true solo on Expert difficulty.

With so many large negative modifiers in the bag, the aim is to put everything into pumping and as high as they will go, and rushing through the act deck as soon as possible. Aside from Say Your Prayers, every card in the deck can somehow boost Jenny's or , or generate resources to boost them via Streetwise which the deck relies on a lot. Aside from Backstab there is no combat in the deck - in the whole campaign I think I killed about two enemies.

I found that the walkthrough posted here: was an excellent guide to the campaign and would recommend it to anyone attempting an expert run, although that deck doesn't revolve around Streetwise so much and focuses on testless clues instead.

The House Always Wins: Barely made it out, picking up two victory but didn't get Dr Francis.

Upgrades: Charon's Obol

Extracurricular Activity: Managed to save the students just in time, with four victory including the Obol.

Upgrades: Streetwise and Quick Thinking > Lockpicks

Miskatonic Museum: Disaster! I was using Alyssa Graham to look for the Hunting Horror in the encounter deck, thinking that I could just stick it on the bottom and take a doom. I reckoned without the Horror HIDING BEHIND A SURGE CARD making this impossible! Drew my weakness (Silver Twilight Acolyte) at the same time as the Horror appeared, blew all my resources on a failed evade, ended up resigning with no victory bar two from the Obol.

Upgrades: Quick Thinking > Lockpicks

Essex County Express: This went better than expected, managing to get to the engine car in good time and got four victory. Killed an Acolyte with Backstab, the first enemy killed in the whole campaign so far. Took a Physical Trauma from the steam monster though.

Upgrades: Perception > Sure Gamble

Blood on the Altar: Another disaster. Found the chamber quickly but was unable to clear it of clues or deal with a Nightgaunt. Had to resign and leave the sacrifices to their fate, as well as taking a trauma from Searching for Izzie. Got four victory from Charon and the resolution.

Upgrades: Perception > Ace in the Hole

Undimensioned and Unseen: Only two spawns of Yog troubled Dunwich, due to my failure before. Jenny took spent most of the game running away from Whippoorwills and Thralls, then took down one spawn and resigned.

Upgrades: Manual Dexterity > Sure Gamble

Where Doom Awaits: I have been crushed by this scenario before a number of times, but things went pretty well, with Alyssa Graham doing amazing work dumping enemies on the bottom of the deck, and warning Jenny of location based treacheries such as Spaces Between and Vortex of Time. Cleared the last location with Drawn to the Flame and was through the gate!

Upgrades: Manual Dexterity > Cat Burglar

The Yithians can be a problem in this scenario, but again Alyssa just dumped them on the bottom of the encounter deck. Took a massive hit of horror from Vast Expanse but was able to close the gate just before going insane. The Universe was saved, even if Jenny was not!