I didn't hear no bell....

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

AshcanMike · 1

Had a chance to play this for the first time. Guardian usually isn’t my thing, but felt more engaging with all of the events. Ignore the one upgrade, it was added after the first play for the next session and didn’t change any of the other cards.

Any thoughts on improvements or upgrade directions?


Aug 30, 2020 The_Wall · 286

I assume that you're playing in multiplayer because you are using "Let me handle this!". I would say that any multiplayer guardian worth his salt wants to strongly consider Safeguard (2) because it lets you pick up enemies instead of the moving investigator.

Later in a campaign you will find that 5-6 strength doesn't always cut it so you will want to find a boost from somewhere (Ace of Swords, Keen Eye, big guns, there are quite a few).

Guardians are notoriously strapped for cash so typically want some resource generation, however, I suspect that Cho can get by OK with just his default pennies given that he appears to only want to spend about 1 card and average 1 resource per turn. If that changes (maybe you want a ridiculous ally such as Agency Backup) then look at Stand Together and maybe grab an Ever Vigilant to stuff under your Stick to the Plan.

Just because you're playing guardian doesn't mean you should ignore clues. A few auto-clue cards such as Lesson Learned and Scene of the Crime can take some pressure off your seeker while they deal with a weakness of bad treachery.

Aug 30, 2020 AshcanMike · 1

Thanks for the notes!