Theory to practice|Amanda Fastest Investigator|Deck Guide

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Valentin1331 · 56877

Bored of the The-ory, Amanda goes out to start Practicing, cycling (her Deck), Hiking, Bird Watching, Ice Climbing and Finding new routes.

Feel free to ♥ this deck, and let me know in the comments what do you think is the best version of Amanda!


Credit: Eric Wilkerson


The The Red-Gloved Man deck is really good for Amanda, but now that The Edge of the Earth is out, I think there is a way to make her even more efficient, especially in regards to using as little moving actions to focus on performing as many tests per turn.

Table of Content:

• Overview

• Main Strategy

• Cycling (your Deck)

• Hiking

• Increasing the Pace

• Example of a Turn

• non- Tests

• Early Game

• Upgrade Path

• Make your own deck!


Difficulty: ★★☆☆☆

Enemy Management: ★★★☆☆

Clue-getting: ★★★★★

Encounter protection: ★★★☆☆

Survivability: ★★☆☆☆

Economy: ★★★★☆

Card Drawing: ★★★★★★

Main Strategy:

Cycle the deck using Unrelenting under Amanda almost every turn.

Use the Pocket Telescope, Eon Chart (4), Shortcut and Hiking Boots to spend as little actions Moving and as many actions investigating each turn.

Cycling (your Deck):

Using your passive:

Play in priority Unrelenting under Amanda because it also helps for the Encounter/Scenario Tests. Plus with all your draw, you will always have enough to commit to your tests. Keep the 2nd copy of Unrelenting in your hand all the time to save it for the next round.

Using Player Cards:

• Perception (2) should bring you 4 cards back per turn.

• Cryptic Research of course is a great draw engine, up to 6 cards per turn, .

• Practice Makes Perfect makes a potential draw of 2 cards, on top of the potential draw of Perception (2), Unrelenting when they are the result of the search.

• Scientific Theory (3) is here to soak the Horror caused by the fast-cycling as well as a good way to spend your extra cash.

Cycling Capacity:

Overall the deck has the capacity to cycle itself in one single turn:

Ideally, you have 5 assets in play and keep 1 copy of Vicious Blow, Mind over Matter (2), Occult Theory, Unrelenting in your hand waiting for the right time to use them. This results in 25 cards in your Deck + Discard pile (at the beginning of a campaign, goes up to approx 27 with more weaknesses included by the end of the campaign).

During your turn you draw:

+2 cards during Upkeep and Amanda's Passive = 2 cards

+1 Mind over Matter (2) = 23 to 27 cards

  • 2 cards with Eureka! = 25 to 29 cards

Why not going for Big Amhanda?

With all this card draw, we need ways to increase our hand size right? Not even. Once the Assets are down, all our cards are either Events, or Skill cards, making it likely that you spend all the cards you draw every turn, bringing you extra clues, Move actions, secret refill, and resources.

The only cards you may want to store in your hand are the situational cards such as Mind over Matter (2), Vicious Blow for enemies, 1 Ice Pick (3) for when the one in play is used, Occult Theory and Obscure Studies for tests, and 1 Unrelenting when the second one is under Amanda. All the rest can and should be used every turn.


The most painful thing to do for Amanda is to use your actions to Move when you have a good card under her.

Using the Telescope:

To decrease the burden, we welcome in this deck the game-changing Pocket Telescope.

• Use Shortcut during a window of an Investigate action at a connecting location to move 2 locations in one go!

• Empty a connecting location with the Pocket Telescope to trigger the Hiking Boots granting you a move 2 locations away!

Using these 2 methods should allow you to not use Move actions on most of your turns.

Other methods:

Cycling your deck often means that you should be able to use Enraptured enough to be able to use your Eon Chart (4) or Scroll of Secrets early game every turn.

Increasing the pace:

• Ice Pick (3) is fast and brings an extra clue at the chosen location of the Pocket Telescope only on success, never waste it.

Deduction that comes back often as we cycle the deck.

• Working a Hunch that you can use during an investigation of the Pocket Telescope to find the clue at the chosen location.

Example of a Turn:

If A,B, C and D are connected locations, with 4 clues each and an enemy on D. Place Unrelenting under yourself and:

1 (using Eon Chart (4): Start at location A, investigate Location B using the Pocket Telescope, committing Deduction and Ice Pick (3), which results in 4 clues and empties the location bringing 4 resources with Crack the Case and triggering a move to B with the Hiking Boots.

2: From B investigate Location A using Deduction (2) and spending the 2 resources in Working a Hunch to get 4 clues and empty A and get 4 more resources with Crack the Case.

3: From B still, Investigate C, using your second Ice Pick, and the last Working a Hunch for 3 clues. During the investigation play Shortcut and move to D.

4: (using Eon Chart (4): From D, use Mind over Matter (2) to Evade an enemy at that location.

5: From D, use a normal investigate action to empty C.

In this turn, you got:

• 12 clues over 3 locations

• Cycled your deck entirely

• Made 10 resources and spent a maximum of 9

• Evaded an enemy

• Moved 3 locations away from your starting point

And you are all ready to start again next turn.

Non- Tests:

• You should always have Mind over Matter in your hand when needed, bringing you to 8 / once fully set up and if you have Unrelenting under your Investigator card. More than enough for most scenario tests.

• The deck can get rid of certain enemies using the Ice Picks (3) and Vicious Blow to deal up to 7 damage in 1 turn without having to use Vicious Blow under Amanda. If you do, this goes all the way up to 11 damage.

• Obscure Studies and Occult Theory and early on Inquiring Mind help to pass the tests. So keep them in your hand until you need them. Note that Practice Makes Perfect does not work with Occult Theory because it does not have any icons when not in your deck and therefore cannot meet the requirement for Practice Makes Perfect to use it.

• Scientific Theory (3) also gives us the possibility to buy our way out of certain tests.

Early Game:

At the beginning of a campaign, you will use Scroll of Secrets that you refill with Enraptured as you do not have the Eon Chart yet. Arcane Enlightenment allow you to have 2 copies in play with your Pocket Telescope.

Based on the card that you draw at the bottom of your deck:

• Asset/Event: Draw it.

• Skill: Put it on top of your Deck and use Written in the Stars to have the equivalent of 2 Skills under Amanda.

• Weakness: discard it.

This combo allows you, based on how lucky you are, to potentially have Perception (2) and Deduction for every skill you perform this turn!

The rest of the deck is relatively similar and just improves with the XP.

Upgrade Path:

Link to the 0xp Deck

In the Thick of It to have Unrelenting x2 + Hiking Boots x1 - Total 3xp

Dr. Milan Christopher x1 + Pocket Telescope x1 Cryptic Research x2 - 8xp - Total 11xp

Perception x2 Perception x2 - 4xp - Total 15xp

Written in the Stars x2 Eon Chart (4) x1+ Scientific Theory (3) - 7xp - Total 22xp

Scroll of Secrets x2 Ice Pick (3) x2 - 6xp - Total 28xp

Arcane Enlightenment x1 Mind over Matter x1 - 4xp - Total 32xp

Inquiring Mind x1 Occult Theory x1 - 1xp - Total 33xp

Deduction x2 Deduction x2 - 4xp - Total 37xp

Make your own Deck!:

• Dream-Enhancing Serum is a good way to get 1 to 2 cards each turn, but I didn't add it here because it felt like slowing down the tempo of the deck.

• Unearth the Ancients was a cool way to make set up of the Asset heavier versions of this deck easier to set up while having icons to commit afterwards. If going this way, we could maintain the Written in the Stars/Scroll of Secrets combo as it is really fun when it does work.

• True Understanding is also a decent way to get clues from the game but it is too situational for this deck.

• Curiosity could also work here but the goal is really to play the cards as we draw them and not keep them in my hands, especially not until the moment when it is interesting to me: the Mythos Phase its tests.

• Relic Hunter + Grisly Totem is another card per turn but 6xp for 1 card seems to be a little bit over the top.

Come with suggestions on how to make this deck better or more adapted to certain play styles (solo/4 players, pure cluever/Flex...).


Feb 22, 2022 Pugtato · 1

I've been brainstorming some different Amanda decks recently, and I like several ideas you've included here. Particularly, the tricks you can do with Pocket Telescope during the fast window are pretty cool. It is worth noting that the two actions from Eon Chart must be different actions.

Feb 23, 2022 Codayus · 1

Some interesting ideas. I especially like Mind over Matter (2); feels nice. Occult Theory is also an nice way to mitigate her hideous willpower stat; I'd glossed over it due to it not working with PMP, but it's still a good card even without that. (On a side note, you might want to mention in the description that it doesn't work with PmP as that may otherwise confuse some people.)

A couple other things you could try:

1) Segment of Onyx + Relic Hunter. It's 3xp, and slows your setup a little, but after the first cycle you're fine. Enraptured should keep it charged, although you may now struggle to keep Eon Chart charged, in which case you may need to add a 2nd copy so you can cycle them, which is another 4xp and another card slot, and having to replay the chart may mean you need Unearth the Ancients to keep your temp up, at which point this is basically a different deck. Still, Pendant of the Queen every turn is crazy good!

2) Cryptic Writings are good for resource gain with this much card draw. That frees up an ally slot, although I'm not sure to what end. Maybe Michael Leigh? The stat bonus is nice, and it helps flex into combat. Or Gené Beauregard for stats and even more location shenanigans.

3) If you have the spare XP, Ancestral Knowledge is an interesting choice. Pairs well with Segment of Onyx (since that eats up 3 card slots), and I think you'd still be able to cycle consistently. And Amanda never seems to run out of cards to include. Whether the extra consistency at the start is worth the XP is a harder question.

4) Depending on the group you're playing with, Promise of Power can be amazing. More PMP targets are nice, especially ones you can commit to anything. Ideally you'd need another investigator to be running a deck that can benefit from curses though. (I mean, you could run The Stygian Eye or Cryptic Grimoire but neither seems worth it here.)

5) Lastly, you could consider Leadership. It's a bit more resource gain, and it works with PMP, and can be a useful way of helping out allies.

Lovely deck, and I'm honestly not sure any of the cards above would actually improve it.

Feb 23, 2022 Codayus · 1

One other comment - as Pugtato noted, Eon Chart (4) requires you to take different actions, which means:

  1. You can't use it to investigate twice (slightly lowering your calculated maximum card draw), since you're not planning on making evade checks.
  2. Sometimes you have to move, whether you want to or not. LuckilyHiking Boots and Pocket Telescope help mitigate unwanted moves.

That being said, since you are getting "free" moves from the chart, you might not need Shortcut and Hiking Boots?

Or alternatively, you can save some 3 XP by opting for Eon Chart (1) if you assume that you'll generally only need to investigate.

Or as a third option, you can take two Charts, of either level, and plan on cycling them during the turn to get some more actions back, but again you'll likely need Unearth the Ancients to make it work.

Feb 23, 2022 Valentin1331 · 56877

@Codayus Thanks for all the suggestions!

Indeed once we get more XP, it would be amazing to take Ancestral Knowledge and Three Aces + Segment of Onyx/Pendant of the Queen, taking out 1 shortcut or Working a Hunch.

We could also add later Ariadne's Twine to refill the Eon Chart, leaving the Enraptured to the Pendant of the Queen.

Three Aces removes itself from the game after one use, so it does not thicken the deck and you are right, I completely forgot about it, but the Pendant is insane here too.

When it comes to Dr. Milan Christopher, I used him for the mostly, I was happy having 2 passive boosts also to take better advantage of Mind over Matter (2). The cash made by Crack the Case is more than enough not to need Cryptic Writings IMO. Gené Beauregard is definitely an option to mess up with the board even more, and I also thought about Jeremiah Kirby but with all these skills, I was not quite sure...

Regarding the Eon Chart, I will edit the deck description, thanks for the reminder!

Feb 28, 2022 Taevus · 674

You are saying that if you use Shortcut during and investigation with Pocket Telescope, you can move two spaces, shortcutting from the "As If" location. I didn't think this was the case, but I went to the recent FAQ (v19), section 2.10:

° Other card abilities or game effects resolved during this duration are also resolved with the altered game state in mind.

That does seem to support what you said. Interesting.

Mar 01, 2022 Valentin1331 · 56877

Hey @Taevus, the FAQ of Shortcut also seem to go in this direction:

You can play this card during a skill test. This will not interfere with the test in any way, the 'target' of a test is determined and locked at the very beginning of the test.

May 05, 2022 Malacante · 1

I took this deck through Dunwich alongside a Lily and it's awesome, even if it was a bit foolhardy to play an investigator that constantly cycles her deck in a campaign with Beyond the Veil. My experiences with it:

  • I just could not get Written in the Stars to work at all. It just never seemed like I had the right opportunity to see something I really wanted with scroll on the bottom on a turn where I planned to make a bunch of relevant checks. It always seemed better just to draw the skill with Scroll and commit it. I think I ended up using Written for the ? icon like 95% of the time.

  • That said, Scroll was an all-star. It got used a lot to manipulate the encounter deck and help me dodge the dreaded Beyond the Veil and when my hand was full, to give cards to my partner. I ended up not even taking them out for picks, since dunwitch isn't heavy on xp

  • Vicious Blow(0) seems really awkward. It's nice to have the dream of putting it under Amanda and having a turn where we deal 6 damage, but with only an effective fight of 3 and almost no other possible commits to help that, it never seemed like something that was actually achievable. Scientific Theory makes that a bit more attractive but 4 still isn't enough to be reliable in most cases, and I'd have to have spent enough resources to boost 2-3 tests, which I didn't have. I think Vicious Blow (2) solves that problem by getting to 5 with theory, it's just possible something else could go in that slot until we're ready to upgrade.

  • I ended up using Unrelenting just to seal the bag's worst tokens about half the time. I don't know if that was just me playing poorly but given the choice between for-sure increasing my chances of passing and maybe drawing two cards I could commit for an equivalent boost, I went for the former. Unrelenting is really good at passing tests. So, I didn't ever really get to the point where I was cycling the deck every turn, it was more like every 2-4 turns. The raw draw is there but the order you get it in, and whether there are good chances to use it, is less consistent. The deck is still absurdly fast. Special shotouts to Blood on the Altar, which thanks to getting the best possible key/hidden chamber RNG Amanda cleared on round 5, two rounds before the first agenda would advance.

All and all really fun deck that gave me an appreciation for skill-based builds. I'm bringing it to Forgotten Age with my group and hopefully there I can get enough xp to see the complete build in action.

May 05, 2022 Valentin1331 · 56877

Thanks for the in-depth review and I'm suuuper happy that you liked that Deck.

  1. I agree that written in the stars can be a bit wonky, that's why I've taken it out of the Deck at some point. It's just a way to explore another synergy that is just fine when it works and gives a bit of fun in low xp when most Decks are usually just waiting for XP to bloom.

  2. Cool indeed if you played Dunwich, that was brave because that's indeed the one campaign that can be scary because of Behind the Veil. If you do another campaign maybe you'll have a chance to use them differently :)

  3. Indeed the Vicious Blow can be awkward, but it is actually intended to be played under Amanda when you can use Mind over Matter to have a higher base (thanks to your boosts or if you have the 2xp version you'll just have a good base. That's a bit of a defensive card that I did not always use in this Deck.

  4. I think you've been playing it wrong, Unrelenting draws 2 cards even if you fail. That's why the best way to use it is just to commit cards, seal the good tokens and draw new cards to commit to the next test. Some interpretations even indicate that you could commit the cards that you draw with Unrelenting to that same skill test!

  5. Bring 2 Mind over Matter (0) and (2) to TFA for the evasion ahah

Happy you liked it so much that you want to try it again though :)

May 13, 2022 Pugtato · 1

You can't commit cards you draw from Unrelenting to the same skill test because all cards are committed simultaneously. The draw occurs after all cards are committed.

May 13, 2022 Valentin1331 · 56877

@Pugtato you are right, it is what the rules say.

Yet the wording in Amanda opens the question by "At the start of a skill test you are performing", so after Step 1 where you decide what test you are performing to know if the card under her is eligible, but before Step 2, which is the Step where cards are committed, and not really the start of the test anymore?

Again, this is probably a case for an FAQ and Amanda doesn't need this to be busted especially with such builds.

Yet it's still a possible reading of the rules :)

May 13, 2022 Pugtato · 1

Wow, that's a pretty cool point. Thanks for bringing it up.

Aug 25, 2022 Julioriquelme · 99

Amazing deck, I will try it in next Blob event as the main cluever. What are the main targets for the mulligan? How long does it take to have the set-up and running at full power?

I think I will use Take the Initiative insteed of Occult Theory or Inquiring Mind, since it seems more versatil and can be targeted by Practice Makes Perfect

Aug 25, 2022 Valentin1331 · 56877

Hey @Julioriquelme, thanks for the comment and happy you like the Deck!!

I think Take the Initiative makes perfect sense here if it is just to protect yourself against tests. I haven't thought about it.

Please come back here to post a comment when you are done, I am always happy to get feedback on the Deck and hear how it went (that's my little pleasure as a Deck Guide creator).

Aug 25, 2022 Valentin1331 · 56877

Oh and for Mulligan, I would say in this order:

  1. Perception (2) (helps with investigating at turn 1 and get a lot of draw)
  2. Unrelenting
  3. Cryptic Research

Ideally, you want to play 3 Assets at once so that you can do it when you have Whispers from the Deep/another meh Skill under Amanda and not waste an action with one of your best Skills.

May 02, 2023 Masterface7 · 1

Hey, thanks for the deck as always. I was planning to bring a more traditional amanda deck into scarlet keys until the campagin intro dashed my dreams of relying on the red gloved man. So now I am scambling for a deck and yours, as always, looks so fun I am going to give it a go. I am wondering if you have revisited this recently. I looked through the scarlet keys cards but none of them leapt out at me since clue dropping doesn't seem like her thing.

I am definitely thinking about only getting eon chart (1) since I am not a huge fan of eon 4. With no other high XP payoffs though I guess who knows what ill do come the final few scenarios.

Have you though about any big payoffs you might add if the campaign gives a ton more exp?

May 03, 2023 Codayus · 1

My take is that clue dropping is probably a strong enough mechanic right now that it would work, but as you say, there's not much synergy there. Other than that, I think the various customizable cards added by Skarlet Keys are options:

  • Empirical Hypothesis should be a strong card for Amanda even with 0xp spent, and more XP will just make it better. It also works well with the latest taboo on Eon Chart, since it will trigger from a basic investigate. I think this should be worth adding to, probably, any Amanda deck.
  • Alchemical Distillation is generally strong. If following the latest taboo you can't trigger it from Eon Chart, but it gives you some support options and you should be able to cycle it easily enough. Probably worth it if your team needs some support; otherwise no.
  • The Raven Quill is extremely strong in general, and opens up a bunch of fun options, eg, Grim Memoir or Scroll of Secrets, but it's probably not worth the deck slot and the XP without a more specific plan than that. If you find a spell or (more likely) a tome asset you want to focus on, this could be good though.
  • Hyperphysical Shotcaster is great for anyone with a spare hand slot and the ability to routinely pass tests on at least one stat, especially if you cycle your deck frequently, which very much includes Amanda. The Realitycollapser upgrade is amazing but (probably?) not worth it. But you could go for Railshooter and lean into being a primary damage dealer instead of a cluever.

Nothing else from TSK really leaps out at me. Fighting Lessons almost looks interesting, but you can't commit it from underneath Amanda, so it's got anti-synergy unfortunately.

May 03, 2023 Valentin1331 · 56877

Thanks @Codayus for the quick recap about the few interesting cards!

@Masterface7 I definitely would add Empirical Hypothesis tot he deck if I would post it today, so feel free to find a spot for it!
Another one that could be helpful, thinking about @Malacante's message from a little while ago, Orphic Theory could also be helpful in some campaigns.

Out of the Practiced skill cards from TSK, there is only 3, one being Carson's sig, that's only Fighting Lessons and Analysis, and indeed none of them seem to fit the deck.

May 01, 2024 xilconic · 1

I'm not so sure about your interpretation of combinating Pocket Telescope with Shortcut. While I do think your interpretation for Pocket Telescope and Hiking Boots is correct.

Referencing the 'As If' rulings (, imagine Amanda is at location A, using the Telescope to investigate connected location B. Also imagine that location B is also connected to an undiscovered location C.

Amanda starts the skills test and uses the 'lightning bolt' window to play Shortcut. This means that Shortcut checks for an investigator at location B, due to the 'as if' ruling you are now considered to be (temporarily) in location B. But location B has no investigators, so the card cannot change the boardstate and therefore is not allowed to be played. So I think the claim that it could be used to move 2 locations away is incorrect? Or am I missing something in my reasoning here?

Now imagine that we succeed at the skilltest and we discovered the last clue at location B. This triggers Hiking Boots, which (referencing "If an entity is "moved to..." a specific location, the entity is moved directly to that location, and does not pass through other locations en route.") evaluates still from location B due to 'as if' of Pocket Telescope and makes location C a valid target to move to. The player card of Amanda physically moves from location A to location C, never entering/leaving location B while doing so. Pretty cool tech from a 'rules as written' point of view :)