Spending It All For Izzie (High Roller/Dark Horse Combo)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Jenny Gets a Magic Compass 60 37 9 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

ElseWhere · 4352

Inspired by: https://arkhamdb.com/decklist/view/44017/jenny-gets-a-magic-compass-1.0


Hey folks, and welcome to my first-ever fan deck! No article this time, I was just really excited about Fitzz's deck above. If you haven't already, go take a look, and give it a like and a favorite (and a comment if you can think of one)!

Anyway I absolutely loved the High Roller/Mariner's Compass combo they came up with, and immediately started wondering if I could expand it into a full Dark Horse flex. I've been playing this game for years, and pretty much that whole time I've wanted to do a Dark Horse deck–it's one of the single most classic builds in all of Arkham, dating right back to Dunwich and having been a dominant strategy for quite a while.

But I could never figure out a strategy that really satisfied me or felt unique enough, until bam, I saw Fitzz's deck. I almost never netdeck, preferring to develop until I find something I haven't seen done before, but in this case I couldn't help myself! I finally had my Dark Horse deck.


So the main strategy is the same as in the original deck; use High Roller to reduce your resource pool to 0 and pretend to be poor long enough for your Compass (or Fire Axe) to give you pity compression.

Tool Belt holds one of your Compasses while the other is in your hand, and switches between them when your current one is exhausted, so despite still only having two hand slots, you can always trigger Compass twice in a turn if axing isn't needed.

I dropped Dr. Milan Christopher, because as good as he is I needed my off-class slots. In his place, keeping Cheat the System at the magic number 3, is the stupidly expensive Gené Beauregard. But the payoff for that investment is an ability to skate elegantly past enemies (or snatch them off your friends to do some axe murder), and pull clues off high-shroud locations onto ones that your not-always-amazing stats can still handle.

I'm also a sucker for skills, so I dropped the forced-reshuffle package and instead added "Watch this!" (a backup High Roller), the appropriate cantrips, and a Savant that will, once we're set up, typically commit 5 icons.

Last but certainly not least, despite my playgroup's extremely convincing argument against it, I included Scavenging so I can pretend Jenny's Twin .45s are worth anything at all and use them as a repeatable agility commit.


First of all, you should probably cut the Scavenging for either a second copy of Axe or Dark Horse (or a Bandolier over the Tool Belts). Unless you're a dreamer like me :)

I could also see a case for dropping the standard signatures in favor of Green Man Medallion/Sacrificial Beast...but having done a campaign with that set, I feel Sacrificial Beast is one of the most crippling weaknesses ever, so just be prepared to kill it RIGHT QUICK (or rather, have your party prepared to kill it, since without resource gain you're nearly useless).

The biggest variant build I could think of was leaning into Chuck Fergus to make the dual-stat Tricks free to play every turn, letting Dark Horse buff them to a base value of 8 (!!). I've already done a whole campaign with Chuck Jenny, so I left it out this time, but that seems like a super sweet direction to take the deck in.


Hope you all enjoyed! I've never really done a deck inspired by someone else's before, and I don't want to take away from Fitzz's well-deserved time on the Popular page, so once again if you liked this make sure you also go over and put your engagement numbers on that one.

This Jenny deck makes me really happy–it gives me classic Arkham vibes, with Rogue gambling fused with Survivor poverty, but a few small details also remind me of Jenny's Eldritch Horror days, like using your Helpful Friends in Low Places to buy items for the rest of your party. So it's a nostalgic and fun modernization of classic Arkham, and for that, once final time, thank you Fitzz!


Jul 27, 2023 ElseWhere · 4352

In discussion with the lovely folks on the MB Discord, a replacement for Tool Belt was proposed: "I'll take that!" to make one of the hand slot cards Illicit, then Hidden Pocket played onto either Stylish Coat or Track Shoes to give the extra hand slot necessary.

I wanted to pop that in here mostly because of MouldofMlem's amazing description of storing Mariner's Compass in your Hidden Pocketed Track Shoes as "shoes with a built-in navigation system". So if that goofy inventor-style thematics are your cup of tea (and they're certainly mine), enjoy.

Jul 27, 2023 arkham-becons · 57

Love the idea. Bookmarked the deck to try a variant of this in a future stand-alone.

Jul 27, 2023 mattastrophic · 3178

Hi there!

In the past, when I've done a statball Jenny, I've found it easiest to use 1x Bandolier, because it doesn't require much setup and it only takes one deckslot.

Jul 27, 2023 mattastrophic · 3178

In fact, in this decklist, if it were I'd drop Scavenging and the Tool Belts for 1x Bandolier and 2x Guts.

Jul 27, 2023 der_zeba · 1

Thanks for the update on this deck, and thanks to Fitzz for the original one! Looking forward to trying it! What about Crafty to pump the Mariner's Compass, keeping the Dark Horse bonus and granting the third class for Cheat the System?

Jul 28, 2023 ElseWhere · 4352

@arkham-becons I'm glad you like it! If you're so inclined, please let me know how it actually plays for you–one of my favorite things is when folks come back to my lists and report on how their games with the deck felt, what they changed, etc.

@mattastrophic Hey! I spent a lot of time thinking about the Bandolier, but ultimately decided I'd rather go for Tool Belt here because it let me run a two-of. I normally go singleton for redundant cards but it was so crucial to get one of these early, so I could play both Compasses, that I caved to my group's recommendations and went for two (which also therefore eliminated Bandolier from the running). But that can definitely go to personal preference!

@der_zeba Crafty was on the table for a while and I definitely think it could still work, especially if you've cut Gené and are looking for a replacement Seeker card. Extra boosts, some easier plays (if you get it out early)–that's solid value. I'd argue it's even better of a selection in the Chuck Fergus version of this deck, where it helps pay for the Tricks you'll be playing every single turn.

Jul 29, 2023 Fitzz · 1432

Great build! I like many of the pieces, particularly Tool Belt and Savant (a part from the idea of inclusing Dark Horse). My only suggestion would be Backpack (maybe one for Haste, two if there is space), it adds so much consistency and "draw" that I find it difficult to not include it in almost every deck I make. All my support for the Scavenging + Jenny's Twin .45s combo.

Jul 30, 2023 ElseWhere · 4352

@Fitzz Thanks! I'm very glad you liked it! Savant was a fun inclusion and, as you guessed, a direct result of realizing where Dark Horse set my stats. I usually avoid skills that only provide icons, but when they provide that many icons, they start making a convincing case for themselves.

Haste is absolutely a weak point and Backpack would probably be a great replacement. I tend to be unnecessarily cautious about slot conflicts, even though efficiency early on is more than worth a few dead draws later. And I'm with you; HUGE Backpack fan, run it in literally any deck that leans on item assets. It's one of the most efficient setup cards I think we have in the game.

Last and admittedly probably least, Scavenging .45 squad! I'm quietly hoping her Parallel comes with Advanced versions that really bring the guns to life...but until then, I'll keep throwing them at enemies to help me dodge.

Thank you again for bringing High Roller Compass into the world! You've brought me back to Jenny after a long absence, and inspired a very enjoyable afternoon of deck building, and for that I am deeply appreciative.