Dexter Drake - Dark Magic

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Crunckus · 71

Pretty standard Dexter Deck but with some Doom and Curse Tokens synergy.


Armageddon, Eye of Chaos, and Shroud of Shadows let us do everything (Fight, Investigate, Evade) using our instead of lackluster other stats. They use charges, but that is fine since we can discard them once they are empty to our ability, plus they have the ability to recharge themselves if we draw tokens. Speak to the Dead is also an easy way to get them back from discard. They are expensive spells to play, but the rest of our deck is cheap and our ability gives us a discount of 1, so it should be manageable.


Arcane Initiate, David Renfield, and Blood Pact put doom on themselves to let us do all sorts of things. You can either play these assets out when the agenda is about to flip anyways, or discard them when you want to get rid of their doom. Cat Mask is a cheap asset that buffs our , and refills its charges when we put doom on our cards.


Several of our cards play with tokens. Promise of Power, Accursed, and Tempt Fate put tokens into the bag, while our spells make use of them. We can also use the tokens to our advantage when we want to have a big turn by shifting them to our favor temporarily with Accursed and Tides of Fate.


With both Arcane Research and Down the Rabbit Hole, we essentially get 3 free XP each scenario. This does have to be towards spells or upgrades, but we have 3 different spells we can upgrade to level 4, so that should not be an issue. Liquid Courage can also be upgraded for free to level 1, and Living Ink can always use 1 of our Down the Rabbit Hole XP.

Beyond upgrading our spells, some cards we can grab (although they will cost 1 more XP) False Covenant, Priest of Two Faiths, Skeptic, or The Key of Solomon to up our strategy. Or we can go the other way and grab more spells like Brand of Cthugha, Divination, or Earthly Serenity that are cheap to play and let us spam charges to be very efficient. Prophetic helps us pay for and test our spells, so that is another good pick.