Skids the cowardly investigator

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

geoffest · 1

This fit-out of "Skids" O'Toole is my first deck build alongside a friend playing with Agnes Baker for the core set scenarios.

The general idea is to utilise Skids's strong agility (4) to be able to evade enemies as a primary tactic and either deal damage using linked abilities such as Backstab and Sneak Attack or have enough allies (Beat Cop and 2xGuard Dog to absorb damage from "attacks of opportunity".

I haven't forgotten Skids's decent strength (3) and have him equipped with 4 weapons (2x.41 Derringer, Knife and Machete) which should pop out at some point to give him the option of falling back on brute strength to take out enemies. This is intended to deal with a situation where despite his high agility Skids comes up against an enemy who matches him in that department!

The focus is on avoiding stuffing the deck with damage dealing cards and therefore I have the deck space to provide Skids with quite a number of cards to boost his general ability to pass skill tests as well as his investigative ability, e.g. 2x Unexpected Courage and Perception. I also added 2xEvidence! for those (hopefully) rarer cases where Skids is up against a weak enemy that he can defeat just using his attack rather than a more complicated "evade/exhaust, then attack" combo.

Skids's partner will be Agnes Baker who will be focused on dealing damage using her more offensive spells and relying upon an interesting ability to take a fair amount of horror but deal out significant amounts of damage respectively. Neither character is ideal for gathering clues but Skids will be assuming this role given his higher core intellect (3) and the possibility of 4 actions per turn. He is therefore equipped with 2xFlashlight, Evidence! as explained above and overall a number of cards that can add to intellect skill tests.

Finally, Skids has a number of cards dedicated to hoovering up resources to try and use that special "4th action" ability as much as possible! With Agnes watching his back what could go wrong?

Whaddya think?