one handed, rabbit hole Zoey

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

jorae · 34


I have updated this deck based on feedback, which can be found here.

I built a Zoey deck, based on one handed weapons, a bit of support and Down the Rabbit Hole. Any comments and feedback would be appreciated. The main fighting tactics after spending some good experience is to have a Blessed Blade in one hand, and a Survival Knife in the other. With a Enchanted Blade as a backup weapon.

With cards like Stand Together, First Watch and "Let me handle this!", in addition to the bless token generation from Blessed Blade, i provide some good support. And Sixth Sense and Evidence! let's me get some clues when enemy presence is low. First Watch and "Let me handle this!" go well together with Holy Rosary ••

Permanents that i want to add (despite the extra cost from Down the Rabbit Hole) are Stick to the Plan and Relic Hunter. If the campaign provides a good story ally asset, Charisma could be a good consideration. And if at the end, i still have more exp than i know how to work with, Keen Eye is there to waste it on :)

Stick to the Plan will hold Emergency Cache, until i replace it with Ever Vigilant, Prepared for the Worst and On the hunt. All three of these will also be upgraded, with On the hunt being a priority.

Aside from these permanents, there are a few new cards i'd like to purchase, again despite the extra cost from Down the Rabbit Hole. As mentioned above, Ever Vigilant will be purchased quickly after Stick to the Plan. And then later upgraded to Ever Vigilant to keep up with my supporting role. Both Machete will turn into Survival Knife, (tough please give your opinion on starting with 2 Survival Knife instead? Is it enough offence for the starting scenario? And finally, with the tokens from Blessed Blade, Nephthys can do some serious damage, plus her boost helps great with handling some team treacheries, and Sixth Sense usage, so i can replace Guts with this ally. At which point, Charisma also becomes a must.

Then there are plenty of cards that just need to be upgraded, making Down the Rabbit Hole a worthy inclusion in my opinion. All upgradeable cards are:

2x Blessed Blade ••••

2x Enchanted Blade •••

1x On the hunt •••

2x Beat Cop ••

2x Guard Dog ••

1x Prepared for the Worst ••

2x Overpower ••

2x Vicious Blow ••

2x Holy Rosary ••

2x Evidence!

1x Stand Together •••

and technically Ever Vigilant

So, some questions i'd like feedback on. Is 2 Enchanted Blade neccesary later on? Especially after i have Prepared for the Worst attached to Stick to the Plan? Maybe i can go with something more fancy like a Fang of Tyr'thrha? Also, like i asked before, Do i need Machete in this starter deck, or should i start with Survival Knife. Any other suggestions, please, i'm listening. Thank you!


Jul 30, 2024 bernieschlotfeldt · 1

Personally, I would forego Enchanted Blade in favor of focusing on Blessed Blade. You might consider the newish Ancestral Token rather than Rosary, which really helps boost the consistency of Blessed Blade (0). As an alternative to Holy Rosary (0), you could perhaps slip in a damage booster like Long Shot.

I played a Blessed Blade build alongside a Daisy build with The Key of Solomon, and oh man was it powerful!

Machete is really solid in a starter deck, but if you're aiming for Survival Knife (2) with Down the Rabbit Hole, you might want to stick with Survival Knife (0).

Jul 31, 2024 RyanMuQ · 763

Personally I prefer starting with Survival Knife, because Machete provides minor extra value. 2 of Survival Knife does the same thing, and Machete requires you to engage with that enemy to get +1 damage. You may rely on Enchanted Blade as the primary weapon at the start scenario, and maybe the second copy of Prepared for the Worst to prepare for the worst.

For clues, I would recommend some event cards like Drawn to the Flame to save actions, as it is testless, and you are ready to handle encounter cards, and I would not expect Sixth Sense to discover more than 2 clues.

And how about Wolf Mask or even Cat Mask? I think this deck may be thirsty at stats boosts at the beginning.