William and the Pet Cemetary

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Darynu · 40

William Yorick is out for blood, and so are his pets; 6 cats, 2 dogs, 2 birds, 2 (stuffed) bears, and 2 prize winning goats. William's ability can recur Stray Cat, Mysterious Raven, and Devil to get use out of them over and over, and can even bring back Miss Doyle or her lieutenants, or bring back a Guard Dog who used up his health/sanity.

Billy's weapon of choice is the Meat Cleaver. The Hatchet is nice for some damage, but either discards or gets stuck in something (needing another weapon to kill an enemy to retrieve it either way) and The Hungering Blade needs some setup first. The Meat Cleaver though, is amazing. It might seem risky, with his measly 6 sanity, but with Mr. Pawterson to keep you safe, its easy to sit at 3 remaining sanity to guarantee that +2 fist, and just keep taking sanity on the bear to get in extra damage, then bring back Mr. Pawterson with the kills he helped achieve. Mr. Pawterson also helps deal with the horror from your bird's annoying squawking.

Rod of Animalism helps reduce the resource tax of recurring your pets constantly, and gives you the ally slots to really feel comfortable hoarding pets. Charisma is here so you don't feel constrained before getting the rod though, and Relic Hunter is because the Rod and Cherished Keepsake are both WAY too important to the build to not have one of each.

Lastly, Cornered is just amazing tech for Billy Yo', since he really doesn't mind pitching assets right into the bin if he's gonna get to play them anyways. You'll often find yourself dropping a pet into the discard for +2 first to guarantee you kill something, then just playing that same pet off his ability anyways. It also helps make use out of any excess copies of assets you draw (i.e. Wolf Mask, a second Hatchet, etc)