Another Shot of Whisky

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

deafvalley · 8

Starting deck for Dunwich Legacy Campaign, trying to play around with the skull and star icon from the chaos bag, it is still very luck based deck and I think I will make the deck a bit more focused and adding dupe.


Feb 28, 2025 cilk25519 · 1

I don't know for which game mode you assembled this deck, but looking at it, I only see it being played in solo mode. From this perspective, I would make a few changes to this deck:

  1. Add + 1 Scrying and + 1 Parallel Fates because they are extremely useful in solo mode. You can know what awaits you in the mythos phase for the next 3 turns by using Scrying and for the next 6 turns by using Parallel Fates for 2 experience for each of copy after upgrade.
  2. Remove all copies of Stand Together and Voice of Ra and add 2 Take Heart and 2 Uncage the Soul. Why? Stand Together is realy good card but Jim Jim doesn't have access to Stand Together, which is very powerful. Take Heart is one of the best cards in the game, and Jin has access to her. Uncage the Soul is not only an economy card, but after upgrading to its advanced version Uncage the Soul, it also serves as an excellent way to recharge asset cards (Azure Flame, Clairvoyance, Ineffable Truth and Shrivelling).
  3. Add + 1 Drawn to the Flame. It is realy powerful card. You have Scrying and Parallel Fates and these cards help to cast Drawn to the Flame more save.
  4. Replcace Hypnotic Gaze (at least one copy) on Drain Essence. Why? Cancel damage is good, but move 1-2 damage to enemy is more helpful, it is heal and fight.
  5. I think +1 Ritual Candles is more importent than Scrying Mirror.
  6. I gues you add Familiar Spirit to replcae him on Nkosi Mabati in future, but I gues +1 Rabbit's Foot is more important.

Feb 28, 2025 deafvalley · 8

Hey there cilk25519, thanks for your input, I actually don't know how to reply your comment directly so you can read my response hahah

I also dabble several times, but I think the most recent version is still on my end not yet published, not sure if I re-publish it will update this one or create a new entry.

I intend the deck for 4 players game with friends, we only limit the card pool from Core Set + Dunwich Legacy + 5 2019 Starter Decks (Nataniel Cho and the gangs), so unfortunately I can't use some like Uncage the Soul and Drain Essence.. I will keep in mind about your input, I think I really need to add one more Drawn to Flame.