Dunwich (complete) with Agnes Baker (duo Finn)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

simongeorges · 241

Chronophobia was selected as my basic weakness.

The House Always Wins

Everything was really smooth. 2 turns of Fight or Flight with 4 or 5 horrors on Agnes were quick to dispose of the few monsters that managed to catch us. As always, Lucky! and Ward of Protection are great at any moment. Forbidden Knowledge is perfect to kill the small monsters avoiding a tempo loss by saving actions, while at the same time helping to fuel the economy. I don't think I ever attacked with Fire Axe for more than 1 damage, but anyway, everything was really smooth.

=> R2

3 XP:

Extracurricular Activity

This one was a little bit harder, since Finn has been blocked early by bad draw from the encounter deck, and Rite of Seeking (which I didn't expect to play at first, because Finn was the seeker of our duo, and decided to play after a thought that as a Rogue, he would often be independant and I should too) was invaluable in this scenario.

=> R3

3 XP (+1 from the 1st scenario):

The Miskatonic Museum

It took me a lot of time to have a Rite of Seeking on the table, so Finn did almost everything by himself. But Painkillers + Peter Sylvestre allowed me to manage the monster, and Agnès willpower made the encounter deck willpower tests a breaze (thanks to Holy Rosary and Peter Sylvestre, again).

But in the end (and thanks to a late Rite of Seeking, we cleared all the rooms, so yay, victory points!

=> R1

5 XP:

The Essex County Express

This scenario really makes you feel the time pressure, and I really enjoyed it. It was at the last minute / turn, but we manage to survive it.

=> R1

2 XP:

Blood on the altar

One of the worst starting hand I could have, but having both Forbidden Knowledge and Painkillers brought consistency, and allowed me to still contribute something to the fight.

In the end of the scenario, Finn completely healed my horror, allowing me to use both assets which, added to Shrivelling, allowed me to kill the beast.

=> R1

4 XP:

End of the scenario: + 1x Overzealous

Undimensionned and Unseen

Nothing peculiar about this. It took us a long time, but between Finn investigating / evading capabilities and Agnès willpower, killing the monsters was fairly straightforward.

=> R2

4 XP:

Where Doom Awaits

Finn Edwards investigating capabilities and Agnes Baker fighting power were enough to defeat this scenario quite easily, maybe due to a fairly clement encounter deck.

=> R1


Note : I don't think this upgrade was not the best choice I could have made. We didn't really need the additional boost (thanks to Peter Sylvestre and Holy Rosary) and the additional damage was not really needed as well (although the chaos bag was not really on our side). At the time, I didn't really think of another option.

Lost in Time and Space

Compared to precedent scenarios where our duo was seemingly in complete control all the game, this scenario was pretty brutal, and we manage to resign with only 1 health and 1 sanity remaining for Agnès.

=> R1

All in all, we won the campaign with no traumas for either of our investigators, and I really think Agnès & Finn are a really good duo.

Opinion about Agnès

Agnès is really powerful, and her power almost seems too good sometimes, but the horror prevents from wanting to use it too often. I really enjoyed our campaign with Finn Edwards and I encourage you to try this duo!

Opinion about the deck

  • It's really useful to have a way to consistently use her power, and I don't regret having both Forbidden Knowledge and Painkillers.
  • Ward of Protection, Lucky! are cards you always want to have in hand, and saved us more than we can count.
  • Fight or Flight can give surprisingly good turns at the end of a scenario, and have a real survivor feel ;-)
  • The backup weapon Fire Axe was useful several times.
  • The deck has no real drawing power, but does not really need it. Every card is really powerful, and you often have a hand that can manage what Arkham throws at you, especially at the end, if you play cautiously, with often several ways to manage encounter cards.
  • Last Chance could have been an Unexpected Courage, but sometimes gave us possibility of a bigger boost, I'm not totally convinced, but not disappointed either.
  • A lot of cards in the deck have an upgraded version, so it's fairly straightforward to upgrade it, but keep in mind your play experience won't really change during the campaign, you're still reliant on the same cards, they just are better.
  • Blinding Light is the only useless card in the deck, and is the only thing I would change, maybe to Guts or Unexpected Courage, to give more flexibility or to be able to pass more tests (either for me or Finn).

Mar 03, 2019 zedr0n · 1

Great deck, I've played solo through Gathering twice and Return of Gathering on standard winning all three. To compensate for solo play and the fact that some of the expansions I still don't have I've used

2x Uncage The Soul -> 2x Resource Cache 2x Fight and Flight -> 2x Look What I've Found 2x Last Chance -> 2x Unexpected Courage

I've also tried using Flashlight but at least in first scenarios these were a bit useless given Rite Of Seeking and Look What I've Found

I am planning to do duo with Finn solo doublehanded so I was wondering if you are going to post the Finn deck you used?

Mar 04, 2019 simongeorges · 241

I don't have it on hand since my friend was playing it. I remember our conclusion was that the deck was not optimised, but raw Finn power was enough for a lot of cases. I think it abused drawing cards using Lucky Cigarette Case, Pickpocketing. It had 1x Liquid Courage, 2x Dr. Milan Christopher, 2x Magnifying Glass, 2x "You handle this one!" (for willpower tests, almost exclusively).

The testless damage of Agnès power is really good to not be slowed by Whippoorwill, Swarm of Rats… so we were able to perform pretty good even with a non-optimized Finn deck.

Something like that a the start of the campaign:


  • 2x Magnifying Glass (Core Set)
  • 2x Dr. Milan Christopher:Professor of Entomology (Core Set)
  • 1x Burglary (Core Set)
  • 2x Pickpocketing (Core Set)
  • 1x Hard Knocks (Core Set)
  • 2x Flashlight (Core Set)
  • 2x Lone Wolf (Blood on the Altar)
  • 1x Finn's Trusty .38:Never Leave Home Without It (The Forgotten Age)


  • 2x Elusive (Core Set)
  • 2x Backstab (Core Set)
  • 2x Sneak Attack (Core Set)
  • 2x Emergency Cache (Core Set)
  • 1x Shortcut (The Dunwich Legacy)
  • 1x Smuggled Goods (The Forgotten Age)
  • 2x Eavesdrop (The Forgotten Age)
  • 2x "You handle this one!" (The Forgotten Age)


  • 1x Perception (Core Set)
  • 2x Double or Nothing (The Dunwich Legacy)
  • 2x "Watch this!" (The Pallid Mask)


  • 1x Random Basic Weakness (Core Set)
  • 1x Caught Red-Handed (The Forgotten Age)