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당신의 차례 도중, 자원을 2개 소비합니다: 당신은 이번 차례에 추가로 행동 하나를 더 해도 됩니다(차례당 1번 한정).

효과: +2. 성공하면, 자원을 2개 획득합니다.

“이봐. 난 세상의 종말을 보려고 철창 밖으로 나온 게 아니라고.”
Magali Villeneuve
개정 기본판 #3.

“스키즈” 오'툴 - Back


덱 크기: 30장.

덱 구성 선택지: 레벨 0-5 무법자 카드(), 레벨 0-2 수호자 카드(), 레벨 0-5 중립 카드.

덱 구성 요구조건(덱 크기에 포함되지 않습니다): 줄행랑, 병원 빚, 무작위 기본 약점 카드 1장.

스키즈는 범죄자로 살아갈 생각은 없었다. 하지만 때론 옳은 일을 해야할 때 자신의 손이 더러워지는 것을 감수할 필요가 있었다. 경찰은 스키즈가 모친의 수술비로 인해 돈이 필요한 것을 고려해주지 않았다. 결국 스키즈의 어머니는 스키즈가 감옥에 들어간 후 2년 만에 돌아가셨다. 그의 감방 동료인 브래드 홀린스는 스키즈에게 세상엔 죽음보다 더 나쁜 운명도 존재한다고 말해주었다. 그는 매일 저녁 조용한 목소리로 “고대의 존재”에 대해 중얼거렸고, 자신의 꿈에 나오는 괴상한 모험담을 들려주었다. 스키즈는 어느 날 밤 브래드가 화염 속에서 불타 죽는 광경을 본 뒤에야 그의 말을 믿게 되었다. 시간이 흘러 스키즈는 마침내 석방되었고, 해답을 찾기 위해 아컴으로 돌아왔다.
“스키즈” 오'툴
“스키즈” 오'툴
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I see Skids getting so much flak from AH content creators and it makes me sad. They underestimate the man, and I've always had a soft spot for the underdogs. And I think this is because they're playing Skids sub-optimally.

I'm of the opinion that you should try to maximize an investigator's special ability. Along with their statline and deckbuilding options, an investigator's special is what defines them. Virtually all special abilities are action compression/advantage and Skids' is online from the start without any extra stipulations. You start with 5 resources, so you have 2.5 actions banked. And thinking along these lines, I want to be taking my 4th action as often as I can. This means I don't want to be spending actions and resources playing assets. What I want to be doing with Skids is committing to tests and over-succeeding. Skids loves his Lucky Cigarette Case and the new Thieves' Kit is functionally Dr. Milan Christopher for him.

Between the and cardpool, Skids has some of the best access in the game with Take the Initiative, Quick Thinking, Daring, Calculated Risk, "Watch this!" (basically a icon, honorable mention), Daredevil which you can reasonably guess what you'll hit when you play it and it'll give you info as to when you're more likely to draw your weaknesses, and even Cunning and Steadfast have served me well. Interestingly, despite his 2 , I've found that he's pretty resilient to tests as long as you're willing to commit, and I think you should. Skids should absolutely run Guts and not be afraid of throwing cards at the test, because as Skids you're going to use the tests the game throws at you on it's turn to gain tempo and prepare for your turn.

I actually play Skids a lot like you'd play Winifred Habbamock, overcommit to tests and get rewarded. I'm not opposed to paying 2 resources to draw a card if nothing else presents itself. If I said there was a Permanent card that cost 0 XP, 0 resources, and only read: " Spend 2 resources: Draw 1 card." would you play it? This is often functionally what Skids ability is for me, with the flexibility and possibility of being anything else I need it to be. (Of course, I'm aware of provoking AoO.)

He also has some of the best encounter deck control in the game with First Watch, "Let me handle this!", "You handle this one!", and On the Hunt. I also think Skids is the closest thing in the game we have to a "dodge tank" -- he doesn't really want to fight enemies (guns are expensive, and his is 3) but with 4 he can evade most things, and with 's many, many icons he should have no problem locking enemies down. His signature On the Lam is said to be weak, but on the contrary I think it's very strong. Consider that the designers thought Infighting was worth 3 XP. Whether that's a mis-evaluation on their part or not, Skids' signature is way more powerful than that. And the ability to Taunt enemies off your teammates and then ignore them completely is not to be underestimated. Get enemies off your friends, and laugh as you play "I'll see you in hell!" or "I'm outta here!" after dragging them away.

Which is not to say that Skids can't be a killer. He absolutely can with access to both Vicious Blow and Hatchet Man and the skills his cardpool offers. When I go that route Overpower and Vicious Blow are some of my 1st upgrades. I've had a fun time lately with Sledgehammer one-shotting 4 and 5 health enemies. The new Toe to Toe is also great for him.

My main point here is that Skids likes skills and he likes 0 cost events, and as reviewer AndyB pointed out on his original card page, Skids likes speed. So maximize his special ability. Run low to the ground, setup quickly, and get to investigating. Stay flush with cards (the neutral skills like Guts, Perception, Manual Dexterity help, as does fun stuff like Three Aces and Easy Mark) and use the game's treachery tests as a spring board to powering your turn. That's just my 2 cents.

Finn is Dodge Tank. — MrGoldbee · 1442
Skids has certainly become substantially stronger as the rogue card pool has fleshed out with more and more big money stuff. When skids came out with the core set maintaining 30 resources would have been laughable. But I regularly see big money rogues get to 40 or 50 now. That's a lot of extra actions for skids ;-) — NarkasisBroon · 10
Skids is awesome. His ability to gamble for resources is very powerful and if you bet 0 resources you can do some cheese with succeed by X and skill cards. It's also great that he starts with a thin (25+3 cards) deck. I don't know what you mean with this 2 resources for an action ability and guardian cards however. — PowLee · 20
@MrGoldbee Finn does a good job at dodging for himself, but less effective at controlling enemies on other players, imo. Skids has the tools to rescue friends. — ArkhamArkhanist · 9



奥图尔的专属卡牌「在逃中」On the Lam 可以躲避一次非精英敌人的攻击,但是主要用途是可以提供1点知识、1点敏捷和2点任意能力的检定加成,可以应付一些难过的检定,或者从高隐藏值地点获取线索。


奥图尔的专属弱点为「医院债务」Hospital Debts, 类似于罗兰的「掩盖罪证」Cover Up,玩家不希望将资源花费在解决弱点上。

ybh2333 · 3
Hard disagree! — MrGoldbee · 1442
Hardly says anything useful — Horo · 36
What does 奥 mean? Also, what does 图 mean? Also, I have several more questions. — snacc · 979
睿智 — johns5 · 1
You done being such jokers? It's nice seeing a review from somewhere else beyond the anglosphere. I put this through google translate and I will say that I disagree on the fact you don't wanna spend effort to remove Hospital Debts: losing 2 exp, while not debilitating, slows your deck growth, so you definetly want to put effort removing the weakness if you can afford to, gets easier to do so in multiplayer, as it can be cleared safely in one round. Skids also has less of an issue with will in lower difficulties thanks to his guardian card pool: Brother Xavier, Holy Rosary and Well Prepared are all extremely excellent card to counter treacheries targetting his low will — HeroesOfTomorrow · 49