자산. 손 x2

물품. 무기. 총.

비용: 4.


조 다이아몬드 덱 전용. 사용(탄약 4발).

당신이 조종하는 최대 2개의 도구 자산은 손 슬롯을 차지하지 않습니다.

탄약을 1발 소비합니다: 전투. 당신은 이번 공격에서 +1 을 얻고 +1 피해를 줍니다. 이번 공격으로 적을 쓰러뜨리면, 당신의 버린 카드 더미에서 통찰 이벤트 하나를 가져와 당신의 직감 덱 맨 밑에 놓아도 됩니다.

John Pacer
끝맺지 못한 의식 #9.
탐정의 콜트 1911 쌍권총


(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)
  • The new FAQ (v.1.3, May 2018) entry changes the slot rule to the following: "If playing or gaining control of an asset would put an investigator above his or her slot limit for that type of asset, the investigator must choose and discard other assets under his or her control simultaneously with the new asset entering the slot." This is different from the previous rule, which said "If an investigator is at his or her slot limit for a type of asset and wishes to play or gain control of a different asset that would use that slot..." The difference here is that with the way the rule is now worded, you only have to discard other assets if playing a card puts you above your slot limit. Previously, if I had an ally in play and wanted to play an ally, I would first have to discard that ally because I was “at my slot limit” for allies. With the new rule, I only have to discard the ally that is in play if playing a new ally would put me above my slot limit. This means that you are now able to play an asset while you are at your slot limit without discarding an asset, provided that asset gives you the slots you need to keep them both in play.
Last updated


This is a .45 Automatic that doesn't use any hand slots if you use them all on Tools. Its offensive capabilities are not exactly impressive for a signature weapon but beyond being lucky it is your only way to replenish your Hunch Deck.

The big issue with the Colt 1911s is that it wants you to be exclusive by restricting your hand slots, and simultaneously being nowhere good enough to be your one true love. You might see this as nothing more than a commit card for this reason.

The problems to be solved are two: How can I conserve the ammo on my Colt 1911s so that I reserve it for finishing off foes, and how can I keep my competitive with a +1 weapon?

  1. Being a cowardly little kill stealer: If you are not the main monster hunter in the party then you can let someone else deal with the big elites while you take pot shots at low-fight and low-health enemies, or finish off the big boys after someone else did all the work.

  2. Getting another weapon out: The Sledgehammer is a weapon and a tool. It likely won't hold up in later parts of the campaign but in a lv 0 deck it will pull its weight. Bandolier and its upgrade is an obvious solution if you have the card draw for it, allowing you to equip a Machete or Timeworn Brand.

  3. Using events and non-weapons: Strange Solution packs a punch and with your guardian access you can replenish Strange Solution, your gun, and a Fingerprint Kit with Venturer and Cleaning Kit. There's also "I've got a plan!" which fits inside your Hunch Deck.

Two cards that will aid you no matter what route you choose are Scientific Theory and Michael Leigh. Stat boosts exactly where you want them, and +1 dmg helps line up the Colt 1911s kill potential.

Droll · 22