Ursula Downs Misunderstands Cultists (Solo, Achievements)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Voltgloss · 358

At this point, I'm fairly confident Ursula Downs is going to lose this final scenario. Scenario II was remarkably stingy with Victory points (coughing up no Victory locations other than the always-present Graveyard, and presenting 3 unique cultists she essentially could not interrogate). I have "sort of" a plan for the end involving Archaic Glyphs, True Understanding, and Shortcut, but it requires a lot of things to go right... more than this scenario typically permits. Well, let's get into it, and maybe learn what lessons we can from defeat!



R1 (1D, 0H, 5$, 0C): 2/4 doom

R2 (1D, 0H, 5$, 0C): 3/4 doom

R3 (1D, 1H, 1$, 1C): 4/4 doom

R4 (2D, 1H, 1$, 1C): 1/5 doom

R4 (2D, 1H, 2$, 1C): 2/5 doom [+1 on Goat Spawn]

R5 (2D, 2H, 2$, 2C): 3/5 doom [+1 on Goat Spawn]

R6 (3D, 2H, 1$, 2C): 4/5 doom [+1 on Goat Spawn]

Ursula's rapidly-approaching end now takes a turn for the outright comical.

R7 (3D, 2H, 3$, 2C): 1/5 doom [+1 on Disciple of the Devourer]

R8 (3D, 2H, 5$, 3C): 3/5 doom (+1 on Disciple of the Devourer)

There you go, Mr. Stubborn Detective. Arrest all of those freaks. Oh, don't mind the Elder God about to come barreling down on us.

No Resolution

  • Arkham succumbed to Umôrdhoth's terrible vengeance
  • Ursula is killed
  • Ursula loses

Well, it was an interesting and informative run. Some takeaways:

  • Even a "no killing ghouls" or "no killing unique cultists" run needs to have some kind of enemy-defeating power. Pure evasion just isn't viable, especially in the cramped Scenario III map and with all the hunters and doom-sprouting enemies around.
  • Better likely to not try mixing the pacifist routes. The "no killing ghouls" run should focus on nailing the unique cultists to pave the way in Scenario III. The "no killing unique cultists" run should aim to take out the Ghoul Priest, since they'll be saddled with at least one unkillable elite hunter in Scenario III (either The Masked Hunter or Narôgath).
  • Lita Chantler is probably too good to pass up (for a winning run, at least).

At least Ursula Downs got to tour Arkham before her inevitable defeat!

Next time... perhaps some Jenny Barnes shenanigans?


Apr 08, 2020 bee123 · 31

These write-ups have been a really fun read so far! Better luck on your next try :)