Synergy Akachi has unlimited power ! (Deck Guide + 2022)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Akachi's anti-blob synergy 5 2 0 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

captainfire · 225

Synergy Akachi has unlimited power ! (Deck Guide + Taboo 2022)

Concept :

Boost your , play up to 5 colors and enjoy Close the Circle with 6 charges.

Then use Prophetic and Antiquary to pay for all your spells and boost them. Those 2 cards are enough to get you to 5 colors controlled and maximize your synergy cards ! Use your Divination (or Brand of Cthugha if that's your style) in combination with Close the circle to do everything !

And finally, when you're out of charges just do it again for free thanks to Spirit-Speaker, your multiclass Talents and the free actions of your Close the circle :)

I took inspiration from this deck but changed things to improve efficiency in my opinion and for less xp :

See below for an update after the 2022 Taboo of David Renfield.

What it does :

Encounter deck management : 4/5 (you're a Mystic !)
Enemy management : 4/5 (5/5 if Brand of Cthugha)
Clues : 5/5 (4/5 if Brand of Cthugha)
Economy : 4/5
Tanking : 3/5 (you're a Mystic !)

Close the Circle :

It's a action !
You can use it to evade or fight with your if need to. If not, you can still use it to play an event or asset like it's Fast (and for free when you're fully setup if it's a Ritual or a Spell with Antiquary/Prophetic). If you don't have anything to do, it can give you a card or a resource once per turn !

If you struggle to find your good spell (Divination), then draw. If your weakness is in play, you can easily (re)play Close the Circle with 6 charges on it just to get rid of it the last 2 turns.

Also do not hesitate to use your action (thus exhausting Close the Circle), take it back in your hand with Spirit-Speaker, play it again and use the action again. It's 3 actions for really 1 play action and can be worthwhile even if you still have charges on Close the Circle.

Mulligan priorities :

1- Spirit-Speaker and David Renfield
2- Antiquary and/or Prophetic
3- Divination and/or Close the Circle
4- Anything that makes you draw (Scroll of Secrets, Crystal Pendulum, Guts...)

2022 Taboo list :

Take out both David Renfield and add 2 Familiar Spirit. They will soak 1/1 each if needed and give you more flexibility to use your spells.

Then add 1 Meditative Trance instead of either Storm of Spirits or Ethereal Slip (two situational cards) according to the campaign you're playing... Later, replace Meditative Trance by 1 Earthly Serenity to heal infinite amount of damage/horror with your extra arcane slot and Spirit-Speaker.

Finally, as an option, to stay at 19xp, you could take out 1 Call for Backup to add 1 more Sacrifice and 1 Earthly Serenity. Sacrifice your scrolls, or a cat if needed ;)

Overall you lose some resources early-game and boost for more tanking. You won't miss the resources when your fully set but it can hurt your first turns a little bit. The deck is still very strong though.

What it could do (variants) :


Simply replace Divination (1) and (4) by Brand of Cthugha (1) and (4). Tadaaaa, you're now a great fighter ! But you can still get some clues with your events and Close the Circle.


It's already a flexible deck but you can try to mix Divination and the Brand as you prefer.

Downgrades :

This deck has 19xp to be used in standalone mode but you can easily make a level 0. You can easily get rid of Call for Backup (not very efficient but it's ok enough in this synergy deck), Sacrifice, Antiquary and Prophetic, you should still have enough resources and cards but cycling your spells will be much harder. Antiquary and Prophetic are top priorities.

For your spells, use the "regular" ones : Rite of Seeking, Clairvoyance, Mists of R'lyeh, Shrivelling and others... They are all good and you can upgrade them instead if you like, but I prefer the flexibility of the spells from EotE like Divination.

Upgrades :

Well, it's kinda good like that but, I guess :

You should cut the Guts and Unexpected Courage first, but you can cut into Read the Signs, Spectral Razor or Storm of spirit if you want to specialize more into one aspect of the game ;)

Hope you enjoy this deck :)


May 22, 2022 kimykun · 1

I played this deck on the outer god stand-alone (3 players) and it was one of the best cluever deck I've ever played. I took 9 clues in one turn ! So satisfying =)

Sep 26, 2022 captainfire · 225

I added an update for the new 2022 taboo list ! ;) It stays a very good deck, just...without David Renfield :p