Tommy takes his Reservoir Dogs for a ridealong

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

yogibbear · 96


We want: Becky, Rod of Animalism

Before getting Stick to the Plan you are looking for: Tetsuo Mori & Prepared for the Worst to help find the Rod of Animalism, Becky or Survival Knife. Keep in mind if somehow we amazingly mulligan those items, Tetsuo Mori could also grab Bandolier or Hunter's Armor.

So the mulligan is also about can I afford to play all the cards in my mulligan and sometimes Stand Together or even Emergency Cache may be held, but these are only if you got lucky and have Becky and Hunter's Armor in your first mulligan. Otherwise we want to risk it for the chance of grabbing Becky or Rod of Animalism. But you will have to think about the mulligan as starting without a weapon would suck, but Guard Dog and Sled Dog's with Rod of Animalism can change what we need right now.


