Fooled You Twice

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Neifarious · 42

Tricked you, didn't I?!

Well, probably not, because I posted this deck after the first 4xp and the essential Underworld Market which probably gives you a decent idea on what's going on here.



FOOLED YOU AGAIN! (For the first time)

Chuck Fergus (2) is a game changer for Finn, really The Scarlet Keys changed the game for him in the way Innsmouth did for Mateo. Tons of illicit cards, most of which we put in the Market deck, and of course a lower level Chuck.

He's not in the deck yet, but the next 4xp is Chuck and after that, we're pretty much just upgrading all of our Trick and Tactic cards. Believe it or not I've only played the first Scenario of The Scarlet Keys with this, so I'm mostly just figuring it out as I go along but here's some general stuff/thoughts.

First Cuts and Upgrades: Gregory Gry 1x -> Chuck Fergus(2)

.41 Derringer -> Chuck Fergus(2)

Chuck is essential, and I frankly was running the derringer as a filler card.

Burglary -> Dirty Fighting x2

Works wonders with all of this evade stuff we have and gives us even better action economy with Finns ability!

And that's the main chassis of the deck, huzzah! All for a measely 12xp, if my math is correct which it often isn't.

Q: Why are you mentioning all these cards not in the deck but not linking them?

A: I forgot how to link cards.

Q: Why all the evade tech from your survivor splash?

A: I'm going into this campaign blind and I am possessed of great fear, and I typically 'over-pack' enemy management in new campaigns just in case, may upgrade out of those as we go.

Q: Ew, Pickpocketing, ew, gross, ew, what are you doing?

A: Upgrading it to level two and hiding it in the Underworld Market deck.

Q: But Burglary(2) is arguably a bad card, too, why that?

A: I'm sorry, I'm not answering this question at this time.

Q: What are we using Chuck for?

A: Primarily for the discount to events like Quick Getaway, Fast Sneak By, +2 on Winging it (It's a tactic WoW!), eventually Backstabs, and getting us +2 on Breaking and Entering for a repeatable source of extra clues.

Q: Crystallizer of Dreams???

A: I am literally just trying this card out, I have so many events I thought why the heck not, next question.

Q: What's on Friends in Low Places?

A: We're selecting 'Trick' as the keyword, and going for 'Prompt' and 'Clever' first.

Q: Damning Testimony?

A: What a card, honestly, even more of a card when we get Fabricated Evidence and Blackmail.

Q: Gregory Gry? Why not two? How are you paying for this?

A: He's getting kicked out for Chuck Fergus, Gregs days are numbered, and when he's gone this 1x of is going right into Jims Spirit deck because I want to see if that's any good.

Q:Why should I trust you? Is this deck good?

A: I have no idea if any deck I have ever built is good, but I can tell you I've had a hoot building this deck and it felt fairly solid in "Riddles and Rain"! I'm going to update this (or delete this) as I play more of TSK in the coming week.

Q: You have a lot of cards taking up hand sl--