Tony Morgan - Swift Vigilante Justice

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Crunckus · 71


I have been having a lot of fun playing Tony in my Path to Carcosa campaign, so I decided I would write up my build that I am using. This is a fighter build, making use of Tony's amazing 5, and his special ability and access to rogue cards to hunt down bounties.

Extra Actions

Tony can get an extra action for free whenever he goes after a bounty enemy. There are several cards in this deck that give you even more actions: Every rogue's favorite ally Leo De Luca, Swift Reflexes, and Quick Thinking, and .41 Derringer, Ace in the Hole, Borrowed Time, Haste when you get the XP. Eon Chart lets you take an extra action for cheap, but competes with the Accessory slot for Lucky Cigarette Case, and I think the card draw is better. Galvanize also gives you another fight action, but costs one more than Hand-Eye Coordination, so it is worse unless you also have Quickdraw Holster. Pay Day lets you capitalize on all of these extra actions, which helps us spam out our weapons (With Fence, it becomes fast which means you just add it on to the end of your turn without wasting an action for it).


We immediately want to take 2 Fence upgrades because all of our weapons except our signatures are illicit, plus Tennessee Sour Mash, Pay Day, and Quickdraw Holster are illicit, so those become fast. This lets us save on actions obviously, which means more time for killing bad guys. But even better than that, is it means we don't have to play out our weapons until we need them. With our wide array of weapons, that means we can choose the best weapon for the situation we're in, but also lets us keep weapons in hand for Sleight of Hand, which makes us very versatile and reactive. And killing our bounties, plus Pay Day means we have plenty of resources.

Everything Else

So now that we covered how to use our fists, what about the rest of our stats? Tony has decent of 3, so he can grab some clues if needed, especially with a Flashlight, which also works well with Sleight of Hand. Evidence! and Scene of the Crime give him check free clues. On the Hunt (or Kicking the Hornet's Nest if you prefer) can help find an enemy to help activate these cards. As for treacheries, Tony's low of 2 combined with a sanity of 6 means that we need some help in that department. Tennessee Sour Mash can give us a +2 when we need it, and Take the Initiative helps us out in those must-pass checks. In particularly horror intensive campaigns, swapping in "If it bleeds..." or Smoking Pipe might be worthwhile.


This Tony build wants to Hunt down Bounties to get rich so he can afford to continuously pull weapons out of his trench coat, while maybe getting rewarded for it too. You'll be amazed at just how many actions he can take in a turn while unloading huge damage on his enemies before they can even blink, then turn around and pick up a few clues.


Jan 17, 2024 arkhampupper · 1

This Tony deck is not the goon. He's the whole army.