Embracing Chaos

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Embracing Chaos 3XP 1 0 0 1.0
Kōhaku Narukami - Au milieu du Ying et du Yang - Deck Final 0 0 0 1.0
Kōhaku Narukami - Au milieu du Ying et du Yang - Final (42) 0 0 0 2.0
Kōhaku au Festin de Hamlock 0 0 0 1.0

Zlatan · 163

Embracing the Eye of Chaos

This is an asset deck that aims to get two resources, a card, and two clues with a single investigate action each round.

Spoilers ahead for the new seeker ally coming out with the investigator expansion.


Making sense of the world

Kōhaku's partner is someone he can confide in to make sense of things.
Like yin and yang, these two add a and to the chaos bag each turn.
Note: This is not currently available on ArkhamDB, so I'm using Priest of Two Faiths in the decklist.


Image courtesy of 5argon

What is the value of a single token?

All of these things will happen even if you draw the

The circle of life

Here's what your board will look like once fully set up ( Fey is in hand):


Let's break it down step by step.

Gabriel adds a and draws you a card, then Kōhaku either adds a token, or gives you an extra action.

At some point during your turn you're going to investigate a location with 2 or more clues using the Eye of Chaos and commit Fey to it.

You exhaust the Book of Living Myths and Blasphemous Covenant to draw a with a +1 modifier that will return to the bag after the test ends.
You're now testing at a minimum of 8 vs the shroud.

After the test ends, Fey returns to your hand.
Finally, the token completes its journey for this round by turning into 2 resources when you exhaust The Key of Solomon.


Hard mulligan for Gabriel Carillo and The Key of Solomon.
Maybe keep a Backpack and throw back everything else.

Those two will draw you a card and gain you 2 resources every turn for the rest of the game.

Always add a or get an extra action with Kōhaku by ordering your start of turn triggers.

Eventually, you won't need to draw any more cards or get more resources. At that point you'll stop using Gabriel and start healing with The Key of Solomon.

The Book of Living Myths can alternatively be used with Blasphemous Covenant to turn Fey into a +3 to any test that then returns to your hand. It can give you a chance at passing an test if you don't have Promise of Power.

Click Here for the Standalone version (19 XP)

Click Here for the Campaign version (3 XP)

Card Choices

Scroll of Secrets draws you 3 cards over the next couple of turns for 1 action and 1 resource. The deck really wants to find its Book of Living Myths and The Key of Solomon, and it can't run Research Librarian or Preposterous Sketches. This is the next best thing has for card draw. Obviously, if you already have both key tomes in play, you'll instead commit the scroll to an test. Occult Reliquary might be a consideration down the line.

Backpack should also help you find those key tomes.

Cat Mask is here to save deck slots, instead of running Guts.

Other considerations

The deck is a bit slow to set up, and one of the things to cut could be St. Hubert's Key. With more XP, you could swap to Prismatic Spectacles and maybe use Armageddon instead of the Eye of Chaos.

The reason why there's no generation is to consistently trigger The Key of Solomon for 2 resources and keep the chaos bag relatively clear of blurse tokens, so your goon doesn't get hit by Weeping Yurei if he shows up at the wrong moment.

That's why you want to use Tempt Fate at the start of the investigation phase, before your turn, so you immediately get an extra action out of it.

You can also deal with Weeping Yurei if you draw your Spectral Razor. You just engage him as part of the ability.

Arcane Research is in the side deck because it's not needed for this build. You can include it in a campaign if you're planning to upgrade your Eye of Chaos and spell events.


Feb 01, 2024 Trinity_ · 199

I think this deck really highlights the strength of Book of Living Myths to enable Blurse synergy. It seemed like for other Curse-based mystics, Favor of the Moon was mandatory for this. I do like that you can also help your teammates out by revealing a guaranteed Bless for +2. Would you consider Favor of the Moon here as well to extend your Curse synergy throughout your turn and double down on the resource generation? And how about Armageddon? It seems like you might get away with investigating without Eye of Chaos sometimes due to Kohaku's high intellect.

Feb 01, 2024 Zlatan · 163

I deleted my last post before I saw this comment from Trinity_ :

"I think this deck really highlights the strength of Book of Living Myths to enable Blurse synergy. It seemed like for other Curse-based mystics, Favor of the Moon was mandatory for this. I do like that you can also help your teammates out by revealing a guaranteed Bless for +2. Would you consider Favor of the Moon here as well to extend your Curse synergy throughout your turn and double down on the resource generation? And how about Armageddon? It seems like you might get away with investigating without Eye of Chaos sometimes due to Kohaku's high intellect."
If you want to flex a bit, you can add [Armageddon](/card/07117) or a 2nd copy of [Spectral Razor](/card/06201). I'd probably take out the mask for it. I tend to play 2 player where we each laser focus on doing 1 thing and only have 1 or 2 flex cards. [Favor of the Moon](/card/07271) is an excellent include if you're having trouble finding your [Book of Living Myths](/card/10013). Having both in play is a bit of a nonbo because both the covenant and key exhaust.

Feb 02, 2024 Crayth · 1

I think this deck is really interesting - however, I do think you're doing yourself a disservice by not building around Eye of the Djinn. Kohaku's Book of Living Myths would really synergize with Eye, because you can ensure a Curse token is drawn to give yourself another action, but also, if you're stuffing your bag with Bless tokens as well (easily done imo) you can frequently chain yourself into a ton of extra actions in a turn.

Feb 02, 2024 Zlatan · 163

I didn't consider the Eye of the Djinn because Kōhaku's active stats are already good and his hand slots are filled with both tomes. Perhaps you could upgrade into Occult Reliquary and the Eye, which would mean you're paying 7 XP to add a single Leo to your deck. I think it might be better in an alternative build.

Feb 03, 2024 Valentin1331 · 61190

There is also something to consider when looking at the Eye of the Djinn: Kohaku can only guarantee a once a turn with the Book of Living Myths, sometimes a bit more with some favour, and so he does not necessarily benefit from additional actions, or at least not more often than his built-in ability already allows him to.

On the other hand, he prefers to get more value for his actions.

Feb 03, 2024 Crayth · 1

I wasn't trying to say just fit Djinn in to this deck - I believe Kohaku is best used when you jam both bless and curse in the deck and use both Favor of the Moon and Favor of the Sun. I believe the power of Kohaku will ultimately be in the repeated use of level 2 Spectral Razor and level 2 Read The Signs (as a jack of all trades deck) and finding cards that add both bless and curse to assist that. When your engine is online I'm not even sure you need Eye of Chaos or Armageddon anymore, maybe using Speak to the Dead to recur events that whiffed a symbol might be in play (cheesable with Moon). When you're doing all of this, you want as many actions as you can get, and Djinn is a great card for that.

Feb 03, 2024 knoxb · 1

It would be so nice if Kohaku had a way to get research librarian...

Feb 04, 2024 Zlatan · 163

You can run a similar engine with Research Librarian out of Carolyn, Luke, or Parallel Daisy. Except with 2x Favor of the Moon instead of the BoLM.

Feb 06, 2024 sleeptime · 1

Not sure why you're running 2 scroll of secrets, as they don't synergize with anything he has and both hand slots are already preoccupied as soon as you get The Key of Solomon (or I missed the reason completely, but there's no explanation for them).

I'd imagine you would instead use Ritual Candles to turn blesses into +3's and diminish curses to -1's (or in case you use both candles, +4 and +0 respectively).

Feb 06, 2024 Zlatan · 163

@sleeptime I've added a Card Choices section to explain why I'm running the tabooed Scroll of Secrets. We're trying to keep the bag light and already have Blasphemous Covenant to deal with the one curse token in there.

Feb 29, 2024 RFreitas · 5

Great wrok! I really loved all of the ideas on this deck.

Apr 23, 2024 MrGoldbee · 1420

Why ecache instead of Ra?

Apr 23, 2024 Zlatan · 163

For consistency, since we're not looking to flood the bag with blurse tokens.

It's worth noting that Book of Living Myths works with Voice of Ra, so go for it if you like.