"Scrapper" Pete - Co-op/Solo

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Broke-ass Pete's Spooky Adventure 1009 801 38 3.0
Inspiration for
Pete and his merry band 0 0 0 1.0
pete 0 0 0 1.0

0bs · 864

The base of this deck is a fairly standard "Ashcan" Pete deck built to generate extra resources with Lone Wolf and spend those resources on Scrapper (and Fire Axe). This deck should work well in both solo and co-op, but I would imagine that Lone Wolf's usefulness diminishes significantly with more players (my play so far has only been solo or co-op). I've been testing variations of this deck since the release of Blood on the Altar and this is the one I've found I like the best.

Scrapper fills a useful role for Pete since it allows him to easily and consistently pump Duke's Attack value beyond the base 4. Otherwise, Pete has difficulty dealing significant damage to higher attack enemies. You should have enough cash to pump Agility as needed to Evade or pass Agility based skill tests. The deck is designed to have a low resource curve and you will be swimming in cash after you get your base assets into play and your basic engine running.

2x Lone Wolf obviously gives a consistent, action free, flow of resources, provided you are not with another investigator. In solo, this is a given and is free money. In co-op, this will largely depend on your team's play-style and the layout of the particular scenario, but you should see a pretty regular benefit. You and your partner can plan your turns around it if the extra cash is needed (note that the card says, "when your turn begins", meaning if you go second and your partner moves away during his or her turn, you get the resource even if you started the Round at the same location). It might be possible to run 1x Lone Wolf, but I like the extra insurance of getting it into play and the dead copy can be used to ready Duke or to commit to an Agility test.

2x Magnifying Glass is a standard and obvious choice in Pete and I really like it over the alternatives. Bumping up your investigations with Duke to 5 is extremely helpful and makes those 4 Shroud locations look a lot less scary on Standard difficulty (with Lucky! and "Look what I found!" as insurance). The fact that it's cheap, fast and we don't have a lot of competition for our hand slots just makes it all the more appealing. Again, you could think about taking only 1x Magnifying Glass in the deck to free up another splash slot, but I like the consistency and having an extra doesn't hurt for Scavenging.

1x many, many, many, options... The last splash slot is really personal preference and you have many options based on your play-style and co-op partner. You can also take 2x of the following if you opt for 1x of either Lone Wolf or Magnifying Glass. Here are just a few thoughts:

Skill cards

  • I like the flexibilty of Unexpected Courage, but realize that many people prefer the card draw. It's all personal preference.
  • I don't like having Guts in my hand and waiting for a Willpower skill check from the encounter deck. Since Pete has a higher than average base Willpower and Peter Sylvestre gives him a boost to 5, I feel pretty comfortable with what the encounter deck might throw at me (most of the time...).
  • Since we can easily boost Agility as needed with Scrapper, I opt not to take Manual Dexterity. If I really need to Evade or pass a skill test, I'll spend the resources.
  • We'll be doing a lot of fighting and a lot of investigating, so Overpower and Perception seem pretty obvious. Even with the ability to pump Fight on Scrapper, it's nice to have the option to save some resources and draw a card.
  • I've grown to really like Survival Instinct, despite not being very impressed with it at first, and it combos well with Scrapper (allowing you to almost guarantee an Evade+Move if you really need it). I find that if I'm Evading, I really don't want to be at my current location and compressing 2 actions into 1 is really helpful. It's also really nice to commit to your partner's skill test and when they move away from your location, you are more likely to reap the benefits of Lone Wolf (synergy!).


I'd recommend your first 3 upgrades as follows:

Then any of the following depending on your personal preference:


Apr 24, 2017 smogs · 7

Deck looks good and nice write up. I might try this out, thanks!

Apr 24, 2017 0bs · 864

Thanks for the comment! Glad you like the write up. I have more to add (about my testing with Rise to the Occasion and other tidbits), but I will update once we see more cards from future Mythos packs. If you try it out, please share your experience and any changes you might suggest.

Apr 25, 2017 smogs · 7

I only have the core sets and dunwich at the moment, so I'll have to swap a few cards around to start with... Losing Lone Wolf will be the biggest hit but I'll see how it goes.