Stella Clark - Neither Rain nor Snow

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

jaguar · 274

Stella Clark for 4P Return to Forgotten Age.

Basic build is to be able to get some clues, evade, and mitigate failure for the team.


Using Old Keyring and Flashlight, eventually comboed with Quick Learner to get easy clues (this combo automatically suceeds on 3 shroud locations). Granny Orne, Belly of the Beast and "Look what I found!" also help this, as does Mysterious Raven.


Stella's natural 4 , boosted by Track Shoes should make her capable for evasion. Dumb Luck will help mitigate failure in evasion, but passively getting an extra action from failing evade often means you can just go for it again (barring Alert).


Given that Stella gets a free failed action per turn, Drawing Thin and Take Heart become even stronger, especially comboed with Rabbit's Foot. Additionally, Stella can combo Drawing Thin and Track Shoes to net herself a big bonus and also a free action.

The Focus: Neither Rain nor Snow

This card is insanely powerful. Being able to give to a test 3 times per game is strong, but being able to CANCEL THE EFFECTS OF FAILURE 3 times per game is even stronger. Especially in The Forgotten Age, where that may mean the difference between coming out of a scenario with Poisoned or not. Add in the fact that it is a level 0 survivor card with the innate trait, and now we also have ways to recur it. We can use Resourceful, Try and Try Again, True Survivor and Grisly Totem to keep the train rolling. I think I'll go for Try and Try Again over Grisly Totem personally, just because I don't want to take Relic Hunter and would like to keep Rabbit's Foot in my accessory slot. You can optionally add Lucid Dreaming to get yourself multiple copies of it as well.

Upgrade Path


Quick Learner (4XP)

Mysterious Raven Try and Try Again (2XP)

Nice to Have

Granny Orne Granny Orne (6XP)

Rabbit's Foot Rabbit's Foot (6XP)

"Look what I found!" "Look what I found!" (4XP)

Dumb Luck Dumb Luck (4XP)

Try and Try Again Try and Try Again (4XP)

Unexpected Courage Sharp Vision (4XP) or Unexpected Courage (4XP)

Live and Learn True Survivor (6XP)