From Zero to Hero, a level 0 Calvin for everybody

Card draw simulator

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aneo9988 · 978

A Level 0 Calvin to upgrade into anything

Mulligan everything except your core assets:

Once you have these out, just fail some treacheries until your stats are at a nice place, or move damage and horror with Solemn Vow, or get hit and kill something with Toe to Toe. For me, that's when he is at 3/3 or 5/4, if I have a Talisman of Protection in play or Devil's Luck in hand.

Glory is to tutor for any assets not played already or Devil's Luck if your anxiety is creeping, Trial by Fire or Fight or Flight if you want any big-stat turns.

Usually, Rise to the Occasion and Trial by Fire will be used when your team needs you to get clues, likewise you can commit Glory for its double or Solemn Vow for double in a pinch.

Solemn Vow is great fodder for new upgrades. As Calvin Wright takes in more trauma, these become largely irrelevant, though occasionally useful to help your team (use with Peter Sylvestre or Jessica Hyde).


In the Thick of It is unique in a draw-heavy Calvin Wright. In a campaign without additional trauma, it's doable, but still risky. Plan to draw Voice of the Messenger every scenario, to start at 4 trauma in one stat (or 5 if you're daring) by the last scenario of the campaign. If the additional 2 trauma is too risky for you, swap Devil's Luck for Perseverance and Jessica Hyde for a Leather Coat and work on upgrading these in after the first scenario.

Remember, if Calvin Wright has 6 trauma in one stat, he is killed, even with Five of Pentacles in play.


After that, he's basically set. There's a lot of fun upgrade combos with Calvin!

Salt & Burn: Déjà Vu (5) + Burn After Reading (1) - Get Devil's Luck (1) back while also exiling extra Peter Sylvestre (2) or other upgraded cards to remove doom from the agenda and pick up 2 clues.

Laughing in the face of death: Five of Pentacles (1) with Anna Kaslow (4) or Moon Pendant (2) - get to a 7 statline (as seen here). Add in "I've had worse…" (2) for the cancels and resource boost.

Blurses for all: Spirit of Humanity (2), Ríastrad (1), Token of Faith (swap out two Solemn Vow in the base deck), Signum Crucis (2), Ancient Covenant (2) - you'll be adding more blesses than curses, especially with Signum Crucis (2). You may prefer Radiant Smite (1) over Ríastrad (1) if you want to lean into blesses. Spirit of Humanity (2) is just fun with both Jessica Hyde (1) and Peter Sylvestre (2).

Fighting Fire with Fire: Fire Extinguisher (3), Brute Force (1), Trial by Fire (3), and Rise to the Occasion (3) to make the chaos bag irrelevant (minus the ), keep Fight or Flight for this. Could also throw in the Sledgehammer (4) if your friends can push all the enemies to you.

That old Ice Pick (3) + Scavenging (2) combo - may want to throw in a Resourceful here, or a Fortuitous Discovery in the base deck. Since you'll be leaning into , consider swapping Jessica Hyde for Granny Orne (3), and Glory for Perception.

Be the sniper you were meant to be: Enchanted Bow (2) + Winds of Power (1). Yeah, this combo is pretty fun. Works well in investigate-leaning Calvin Wright, otherwise your evasion should be at a 6 or 7 with Peter Sylvestre and Track Shoes.


Apr 19, 2022 unremb · 251

There isn't much point in Devil's Luck (1) vs Perseverance early campaign - you might want to use the XP from In the Thick of It on Prophetic (3) instead.
Or maybe "I've had worse…" (2) for economy or 2x Sharp Vision (1) for clues.
There's a lot of options available.

Apr 19, 2022 aneo9988 · 978

Those are all great choices! I include Devil's Luck (1) from the get-go because I'm paranoid, and never want to be in a spot where he only has 1 resource from upkeep instead of 2 to play Perseverance. Of course, having Prophetic (3) out would help that immensely.

Apr 19, 2022 Valentin1331 · 64362

Hey! I also reworked Calvin quite a lot since EotE, and I think there are other routes you could explore! Even in Expert, the last thing that I truly despise as Calvin are the .

Luckily are packed with mitigation for the nasty tentacles, namely Nightmare Bauble and Eucatastrophe. With Five of Pentacles, and Talisman of Protection, you can now safely navigate with 1 health/1 horror.

An amazing thing with the Talisman of Protection too is that it is an Item and Calvin is one of the best Survivor to use Scavenging.

I would also add Backpack (2) when I get a lot of trauma to find the Talisman of Protection faster.

Eventually, my favourite version is the Dark Horse one with Scavenging, Schoffner's Catalogue to pay for the Talisman of Protection, also because Calvin doesn't really need to boost the Fire Axe and Mariner's Compass to succeed and get the bonus.

Apr 19, 2022 Valentin1331 · 64362

I like your approach of giving multiple routes for the people to choose!

It's super nice to make the deck versatile for the people looking for a fun investigator to pair with a cluever, fighter or flex.