5 Decks with 2 Core + Dunwich - Roland

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
5 Decks with 2 Core + Dunwich - Roland 2 0 0 1.0

Grimson · 184

The goal

Like in a 5-deck structured deck series with the 2 cores I wanted to create 5 decks with core investigators having 2 cores and full Dunwich expansion in my hands. The goal was to have 5 decks ready at the same time, so the cards should be distributed in 5 decks, not 4. Why? To offer my friends a choice between 5 decks and to start playing with no extra time for preparation. At the same time I want all of the decks to be functional, not for true solo, but at least if I take any pair of those to play two-handed solo.

While the 5-deck structured series was really short on cards so that any card had to be taked (and in fact 2 cores lack cards for 5 complete decks at the same time), here we have more room to play with decks, quite many cards are to be left aside. However for some neutral cards one hase to choose carefully where to use them - for example there are only 8 copies of Emergency Cache and Unexpected Courage, one of the decks stays without them. Moreover there are onnly 4 copies of cards like Manual Dexterity, Guts and similar.

The deck

Roland is obviously here to fight in the first place. Thus he gets the best weapons, apart of his Roland's .38 Special he also has .45 Automatic and Machete as well as attack improvements such as Vicious Blow and Overpower. Taunt also can help when you need that bonus of machete (or simply are afraid of hurting your friend) and do not have enough actions for combat (and in the end it has good skill symbols).

At the same time he can go on with the clues, either after defeating with his own ability and Evidence!, but the Flashlight can also help. With weak enemies around he can go on investigating and killing at the sam time with the help of the Guard Dog.

Since Roland's personal weapon works better if there are clues in the location we decided to add him another card working also only with clues in the location, Inquiring Mind as well as a way to drop the clues, Dr. William T. Maleson. We beleive those cards better fit Roland, not Daisy.

Roland has a low sanity so need a way to cure it, so the Smoking Pipe is the only real solution (First Aid is too slow for him and will go to Skidds). But a way to heal wounds will also help, so we take Emergency Aid, it can also heal the Guard Dog for 2 hit points.

The remaining slot is filled with Emergency Cache.

The 5 decks:







Apr 23, 2022 Grimson · 184

A fix of this one: arkhamdb.com Wrong card was used there

Apr 24, 2022 MattyKaye · 7

Absent the .38 special or committing cards, this deck mostly caps Roland at 5 combat. Which isn't bad on easy or the first few scenarios on standards, but I usually aim to get my combat characters to at least 6 combat. With that in mind, I have two suggestions:

The first is to switch out Guard Dog for Beat Cop, which offers that +1 combat and even 1 sanity soak. The second is to add more consistency to the deck by adding 1 or 2 Prepared For the Worst by swapping out 'If it Bleeds' or 'Emergency Aid'. Guardians need weapons as soon as possible - like, by turn 1 possible - so having what amounts to 6-7 copies of a weapon is how he can achieve that objective.

Apr 24, 2022 Grimson · 184

Thank you for suggestions. I've been considering and trying those cards before I fixed the decks. The Prepared for the Worst - I tried it... and disliked it much. It can miss, and it hurts much in this case. So basically I would not include this card and suggest hard mulliganing for at least one weapon if possible. The Beat Cop might be a replacement for the Guard Dog, I tend to agree. The dog however is very nice when dealing with odd-health enemies. Also it has 3 health, so there is a possibility to get 2 damage on it and then to heal it with Emergency Aid. However I personaly will stay with the dog and try to buy Lightning Gun as soon as possible as well as Extra Ammunition