Tony Morgan - The Aggressive Shareholder

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Ric · 856

Tony-Aggressive-Shareholder.png rogue-intro.png The gunslinging bounty-hunter of Mass has found himself making more green than he knows what to do with it. He could donate the money to help society correct itself, but then he'd be out of a job and Arkham, being Arkham, would still somehow manage to corrupt whether he helps or not; may as well profit of this inevitability. Morgan figured it was high-time he started investing in specific connections. He may not have many friends, but he does know the right people: Mainly Chuck and the shady merchant simply know as The Dealer.

Welcome to my write-up for Tony Morgan. This has had a fun evolution throughout the cycles. His build-flexibility with a secondary role makes replay-value for him enticing, and after having fun sampling Finn with the market a few months back, I figured I'd give Morgan his crack at it. I chose as his secondary for this playthrough in order to add a combination of team-support and a healthy dose of front-line aggression. Look, Mr. Morgan doesn't like wasting time at business meetings.

rogue-role.png Let's get this statement out of the way: You are going to put his to work, here. While I've added a fun new breaching tactic to help his team gain easy clues, your primary function is to make the Encounter Deck's enemy-inhabitants quiver at the thought of being drawn by Morgan; this is amplified by the fact that you will be yanking enemies out for easy, profitable pickings via First Watch & Kicking the Hornet's Nest.

As a result, Morgan has one condition for being contracted away from his weekly meetings at the office: There better be at least one hard clue-seeker in this arrangement. I rarely play less than 4 players, so I can't confirm how this will fit in 2p, but you should be fine. I do feel that, with his focus on fast-kills, he will perform better when more enemies are being fished out to give him a focused purpose, and the support cards will feel more impactful, here.

rogue-highlights.png Ready to start blasting? Here's what you'll need to know as you dig into Morgan's coat pockets:

  • Morgan's most important card is the Underworld Market, as it allows him the flexibility of storing the majority of his weapons within, thus accomplishing my favorite result of taking such an effective permanent asset: The fact that we never need to feel inclined to hard-mulligan for a weapon. 4 out of 10 of his murder-tools are stationed there, and while this is admittedly a small amount, I've found that even if it took two rounds, he could reliably get himself ready for battle in a short notice. The key word for the market is Consistency, so let me break down the expectation of that consistency for you:
    1. Early Game (Rounds 1-3) gives you the time you need to get your non-market assets, your starting weapon-of-choice out, and perhaps some early kills. Please note, and this mainly is a safety-tip for players unfamiliar with Tony: Only place one bounty per enemy, as it's not the payout that we like so much, but rather, the bonus-action against said enemy; this makes s and kills via his .38's an effective means of giving him more bonus actions.
    2. Mid Game (Rounds 4-8) are when you are focused on ridding the table of enemies, but also keeping the party's morale up via your side-tools, such as wrecking high-shroud locations, controlling the mythos phase, sniping would-be trouble-makers (Especially his quarry), and using your wealth to protect yourself. You will also take the opportunity during mid-game to yank out Morgan's embezzlements in order to foster a clean end-game later.
    3. Late Game (Rounds 9+) will allow Morgan to stay rich enough to shrug off cruddy encounters while still being able to top off the embezzlements. I'm a fan of always including those in an Underworld Market deck because you will consistently hit 14-20 banked resources, so long as you stay on top of it, which will then make subsequent scenarios easy to kick-start your engine when sitting at 12-15 resources on round one.
  • While Tony has had fun exchanging contact-information with Joey, he is opting to call out Chuck Fergus for these operations, since we can net some decent gains out of good ol' Chuck: Stronger breaches, faster hornet's nest and marksman-snipes, and cheaper tricks and tactics to make his entry-fee worth it. His level 5 variant is not included in the core build, but you are encouraged to boost him late in the campaign in order to achieve maximum effect of the aforementioned options.
  • Morgan likes Friday nights, because that's when he gets paid bonuses: In other words, you're looking at roughly 4-6 resources whenever playing Pay Day (3 actions, 1 bonus if the enemy has bounty, 1 from the .41 Derringer, 1 from Garrote Wire, 1 from Quick Thinking. You are strongly encouraged to put your local Fence to work when the opportunity for a Friday night celebration comes up, so that you aren't wasting an action to get paid, unlike your strong, but disposable bargains. This, combined with all of your other money-making tools, will mean his connections will give him easy solutions and nearly perfect breaches if you're saving those for the highest-shroud spots.

rogue-mulligans.png These are my priority picks in no particular order of importance: Tony's .38 Long Colt, Garrote Wire, Stylish Coat, Chuck Fergus, and Well Connected. You won't land all five, so anything else will just become bonus-value to you. Even just having one or two of these with anything else will still perform well, in my opinion. It should be noted that Stylish Coat is very much your most important early-game find. If you do not find it until half-way through a scenario, don't bother equipping it, as its value will be lost if the game is destined to end within the next five rounds.

rogue-core.png Here is the link to my level 0 take on this.

Please note: If you are uncomfortable with utilizing Charon's Obol, this is optional. I like it, as I feel that Morgan should not have problems holding his own. That said, it is highly advised that IF you are taking it, check to see if anyone has a back-up heal, just in case. My group usually has one person dragging a contingency plan of sorts. If there is absolutely no planned healing, go without it, and bank your extra 3 xp for your market purchase.

 Cost  Total
   In the Thick of It  →  Charon's Obol 2 XP 2 XP
After Scenario One: 2 XP
    →  Underworld Market •• 4 XP 6 XP
10 cards added after U. Market is purchased: 6 XP
   Vicious Blow  →  0 XP 6 XP
   Vicious Blow  →  0 XP 6 XP
   Mauser C96  →  0 XP 6 XP
   Mauser C96  →  0 XP 6 XP
   Overpower  →  0 XP 6 XP
   Overpower  →  0 XP 6 XP
   .25 Automatic  →  0 XP 6 XP
   .25 Automatic  →  0 XP 6 XP
   Scout Ahead  →  0 XP 6 XP
   Scout Ahead  →  0 XP 6 XP
After U. Market Purchase 6 XP
   Switchblade    Switchblade •• 3 XP 9 XP
   Overpower  →  Stylish Coat 1 XP 10 XP
   Overpower  →  Stylish Coat 1 XP 11 XP
   Gregory Gry  →  Chuck Fergus •• 2 XP 13 XP
   Gregory Gry  →  Chuck Fergus •• 2 XP 15 XP
   .41 Derringer    .41 Derringer •• 2 XP 17 XP
   .41 Derringer    .41 Derringer •• 2 XP 19 XP
   .25 Automatic  →  Fence 1 XP 20 XP
   .25 Automatic  →  Fence 1 XP 21 XP
   Switchblade  →  Lupara ••• 3 XP 24 XP
   Vicious Blow  →  Garrote Wire •• 2 XP 26 XP
   Vicious Blow  →  Garrote Wire •• 2 XP 28 XP
   Mauser C96  →  Pay Day 1 XP 29 XP
   Mauser C96  →  Pay Day 1 XP 30 XP
   Faustian Bargain  →  Well-Maintained 1 XP 31 XP
   Faustian Bargain  →  Well-Maintained 1 XP 32 XP
   "Get over here!"  →  Marksmanship 1 XP 33 XP
   "Get over here!"  →  Marksmanship 1 XP 34 XP

(View at

Initial Underworld Market Arrangement

Complete Underworld Market Arrangement

rogue-late.png Once the core is complete, I have three solid recommendations in the side-deck.

  1. Well Connected will seem overkill, but let me tell you something: That's the name of the game, here. Smaller resource thresholds and the option to ready-up if we really need to milk its value has proven to be strong in the final scenarios; arguably too strong, since you can reliably end up with 16-20 resources (and that's AFTER you've dumped 20 into your embezzlements).
  2. Chuck Fergus, as mentioned earlier, will give you strong mileage across your tactics and tricks. What's better than a stronger Breach? A free, stronger breach. Or a stronger, free marksmanship-snipe, or a free, fast three movements.
  3. Another Day, Another Dollar. At this point? You're at the end. You think starting with 15 resources is excessive? Try starting with 19. Actually, what you can do at this point, and your team will feel less irked by this, is something one can often forget about Embezzled Treasure, which is to spread the love around. Keep 10-15 for yourself, donate the rest to the team. They might just reward you with a committed card when you've been caught without your money to rescue you.

rogue-conclusion.png I hope you have enjoyed my guide through this profitable business Morgan has been contracted to manage. I found I was able to enjoy his tendency to make enemies disappear while still pulling the occasional unexpected maneuver to surprise the table. Have fun shooting things, and please don't when you say "Watch this!", or your table will be required to point and laugh.

And Tony Morgan is not the type who takes pointing-and-laughing very well. thankyou.png


Mar 27, 2023 neescher · 304

Great deck! Even without having played this excact deck, I can say with 100% certainty, that it'll perform extremely well as the dedicated fighter. One-handed gunslinging Tony is my favorite type of Tony deck as well, and my decks look very similar to this. The main differences to my Tony decks:

  • I haven't played it with the whole Chuck package yet. That includes Chuck, Breach (in 4p there's enough enemies around to not use actions on this kind of effect), Marksmanship (haven't thought about using it, and I'll definitely include this in the future), Scout Ahead.

  • Instead, my allies of Choice are LDL, Lonnie and Delilah.

  • I'm including ammo cards like One in the Chamber, Extra Ammo amd Swift Reload, instead of re-using the weapons with Well-Maintained.

  • Vicious Blow.

  • LCC(3) over Garrote Wire any day of the week. If something survives with 1 hp, I just fucking shoot it again and again, until it's dead.

  • Mauser C96. I just love this weapon, both the level 0 and level 2 versions. If you have a secondary weapon equipped, the downside is negligible.

I'm definitely trying this version of Tony the next time I play him.

Mar 27, 2023 Ric · 856

@neescher Cheers, glad you liked the loadout! I struggled with the idea of dropping Vicious Blow, but what sealed the deal for me during the campaign I ran it through was that I found that, thanks to Morgan's ability to shred through enemies with ease via his arsenal, I never felt like I needed the extra damage from it. There were many times where, even if I was dealing with a 4-5 hit point enemy, all it usually took was a 1 tricked-in Lupara + a wire/knife follow-up, leaving me still with a handful of actions to do whatever else is needed.

Well-Maintained was another one I debated on, but I found that the entry-fee of 2xp was worth the ability to not need 2 Luparas, since I could reliably use its maximum efficiency up to 5 times if needed (2 from WM, 2 from Sleight of Hand, 1 from the final time). WM also gives you the freedom to swap it out with your .41 Derringer when a 2-hp target shows up and your Lupara is empty and would rather nestled in your hand.

And while I do love Lucky Cigarette Case, I never struggled with card draw thanks to the Market giving me the important goods, since Morgan has a tendency to have extra actions laying around for those non-combat situations, you can reliably get some extra card draws if you've done your due-diligence in cleaning up the board and your team is already in the process of sweeping clues.

Hope you enjoy it :)

Mar 28, 2023 Jose CM · 8

Hola, veo que no llevas nada de curación, llevando en la brecha te quedas con 7 de vida que no esta mal, pero yo que suelo jugar a dos manos, es necesario poder curar horror y algo de salud. Que carta crees que podía encajar en el mazo?

Mar 28, 2023 Ric · 856

@Jose CM Perdonad mi pésimo español, ya que estoy usando Google Translate para ayudarme. En mi guía, se menciona que, con el uso del Obol de Caronte, recomendaría que alguien más en su grupo tenga alguna forma de curación para ayudarlo. Si no puede, entonces se recomienda no tomarlo.

En cuanto a lo que podría intercambiarse, las únicas dos consideraciones que sugeriría serían 1 Thermos reemplazando 1 Scout Ahead, ya que alcanzarás el umbral de salud adicional de tus 2 traumas físicos y 1 Liquid Courage reemplazando 1 Fence en tu Underworld Market, ya que se considera Ilícito.

Una vez más, te aconsejo que evalúes tu composición, ya que siento que Tony lo hace mejor si tiene una curación de apoyo. En mi grupo, un guardián dirigía Hallowed Mirror, y esto resultó útil cuando ocasionalmente necesitaba curar a varias personas, incluyéndome a mí.

¡Buena suerte!

Apr 20, 2023 sp00ks · 1

Maybe I'm missing something, but with both In The Thick of it and Charon's Obel, isn't this deck like, EXTREMELY weak to the encounter deck? You have a base willpower of 2, no real way to boost your will until pretty late in the game, and the only encounter mitigation you're playing is First Watch. Wouldn't you want to try and squeeze in a card like "You Handle this One!" or something? Just seems super reckless, there are a ton of Will tests in the encounter deck that deal horror damage, you're gonna burn through that effective 4 sanity extremely quickly. How can you survive?

Oct 15, 2023 Julioriquelme · 206

Nice deck @Ric. I was thinking on using something quite similar for our next run to Scarlet Keys Have you thought about including Haste? The extra action (I guess a combat one) may fit very well in this deck.

Oct 15, 2023 Ric · 856

I'm pretty sure I ended up sneaking Haste during our Circle Undone playthrough near the end months ago, and it made for a pretty amusing devastation when I needed to rescue someone. So absolutely, slip it in at your leisure. I imagine for SK, it would definitely come in handy early-on as a means for you to expose multiple concealed enemies.
