"As If": This was added to the FAQ (v.1.7, March 2020) and then amended (v.1.8, October 2020). You can read the October ruling on the ArkhamDB rules page here. (I'm adding a hyperlink rather than retyping the rules in case in future the ruling is changed or amended - at that point, the rules page will be updated and all ArkhamDB FAQ entries will link to the correct ruling.)
Q: Can I play an event under Dayana Esperence if the damage assigned to her as a cost to trigger parallel Agnes' ability defeats her? If that's possible, can I shuffle the event attached to Dayana back in Agnes' deck as a result of her ability since I'm discarding the event that was attached to Dayana? A: No. If Dayana leaves play while you’re paying the cost of the attached event, the ability that allowed you to play the event in that manner also leaves play, so the event could not resolve.
다야나 에스페렌스
“악마”와 거래한 자
자산. 조력자
조력자. 마녀.
비용: 4. XP: 3.
사용(비밀 3개).
: 당신의 손에서 약점이 아닌 마법 이벤트 하나를 ‘다야나 에스페렌스’에 부착합니다. 그녀에게 부착할 수 있는 이벤트는 1장으로 한정.
부착된 이벤트를 당신의 손에 있는 것처럼 플레이해도 됩니다. 그 카드는 플레이한 후, 버린 카드 더미에 놓지 않습니다(부착된 상태로 남습니다). 부착된 이벤트를 플레이하기 위한 추가 비용으로, ‘다야나 에스페렌스’를 소진하고 비밀을 1개 소비합니다.

(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)Reviews
Edit 3/4/2020: Rewritten to represent a much changed selection of spell events.
Dayana Esperence is a crazy powerful card, but she is expensive to run. The trick is to have a strong money engine or cheap enough cards to keep her up and running.
- First off, Dayana is beefy, 3 health will keep her alive through some ally-killing mythos cards and help you outlast the mythos deck in general.
More importantly than her health however is the tripled spell event ability. Many events are strong enough to warrant playing by themselves, Ward of Protection, Deny Existence and their upgrades are among the most useful cards in the game and getting triple the amount of cancelling from them is outrageously good, especially Ward of Protection which can blanket protect the team and Deny Existence which is, for obvious reasons, incredible. Be mindful about using a tripled Ward of Protection though, that's 3 horror on top of whatever the scenario throws at you.
Because Dayana and the repeat casting of a spell will often be very expensive, absolutely make sure to bring methods to fund the combos, cards/combos like Forbidden Knowledge+Peter or Alchemical Transmutation might be needed to keep this build rolling. Absolutely make sure to pick up whatever out of faction resource cards are available to you, including Crack the Case, Easy Mark or Take Heart as appropriate.
Aside from the cancels, many other spells are good enough to want to play them repeatedly and there's a few spells that start off weak but being able to play them 3 times makes the mechanics much more interesting. Here is a list of every spell Dayana can triple:
Astral Travel is simply too expensive to use in this manner, there is a small handful of scenarios where being a master of movement can be very useful but usually the benefit of multiple Astral Travels is marginal and unnecessary.
Evade spells like Banish, Ethereal Form, Blinding Light and the upgrade are weird options because cards like Mists of R'lyeh and Ineffable Truth exist. Using Dayana for this is a way to have a routine spell for all three major actions but frankly, you probably dont need to play these spells more then once or twice per scenario, especially given their cost.
Counterspell gets expensive fast but undeniably powerful. Good combo if you've got money generation.
Eldritch Inspiration is great with an asset in play that you want the token trigger on repeatedly. A workhorse combo if your deck is using the upgraded Sixth Sense and/or Wither cards to clue and/or fight.
Read the Signs and Spectral Razor are very powerful cards because of their often huge skill bonuses. You do need to be able to fund them, but the end result is most likely worthwhile.
Hypnotic Gaze, just too expensive, the mechanic is nice but the card is already so expensive that people arent playing it -once-, much less three times!
Mind Wipe, this one actually takes flight on Dayana. Playing the spell just once to negathe the threat of one enemy for a round is useful but, MEH. Playing it 3 times to completely ignore something for a good while, THAT is a very cool mechanic. Campaign conditional but absolutely useful most of the time, especially for a clue-focused .
Moonlight Ritual is very specific but having it around for repeated use can unlock a lot of extra actions via doom on Blood Pact for Marie or enable the use of De Vermis Mysteriis or David Renfield.
Recharge and Recharge on Dayana basically gives you endless use of a good spell asset (if your token pulls are lucky). Rather good actually, especially with the upgrade.
Using Storm of Spirits in this manner is just too expensive, by all means go ahead though if you want to pretend you're this anime character www.youtube.com
Repeat rewinding via Time Warp can be very, very useful. It's not overly strong but being able to play it three times makes you a lot less stingy with it.
Word of Command is a spell you really only need to play the one time, tripling it is overkill.
As of the yet only characters capable of this are Marie and Lola but Blood Eclipse is cheap enough to repeat-play, it's a surefire way to get yourself killed though.
Alter Fate is probably one of the best spells to repeat-play, especially in the right campaigns where persistent treacheries are common. A top-notch use of Dayanas abilities.
I think the new Dream-Eaters cycle gives Dayana Esperence so much more variety to experiment with. She can help investigating (Read the Signs), become an awesome battlemage (Spectral Razor), help fragile mystics move around (Ethereal Form) or even become sort of an arcane initiate replacement (Lucid Dreaming or Word of Command). Some of these options may be a little expensive, but should be no problem for Diana Stanley, Agnes Baker or even a resourceful Jim Culver. What a fantastic expansion to an already fabulous ally.
Looks like the best spell to attach is Blood-Rite! This combo can be used with Akachi Onyele, Jim Culver and Marie Lambeau. Of these, I like it with Marie Lambeau best because she can also attach her special event, Mystifying Song, to give the investigator(s) up to 3 extra turns!
Can't wait to try this card out . There are so many powerful options that you can attach to her. One underrated option that I want to attempt is Moonlight Ritual. Let's say you're Marie with both David Renfield and De Vermis Mysteriis running. This would allow you to run really high on doom effects knowing that doom cancellation is right there on tap multiple times. Marie can also take Truth from Fiction as a splash card, along with a number of really good insight cards to recur. You could potentially use Moonlight Ritual up to 5 times (or more with recursion), allowing you to run with big resources, semi-permanent will boost from Renfield and the ability to keep replaying key spells. I'm not quite there yet with the deck, but it could be a lot of fun.
The other one I like of course is Deny Existence. Multiple cancels on tap is great, esp if you're playing a more fighty mystic like Akachi. Ward of Protection for certain scenarios would be insanely useful, Blood-Rite would be great of course. For certain big money mystic builds the forthcoming Storm of Spirits(3) could be in play.
Oh, and I should add that the 3 health on this ally is great.
This card has a really cool effect, and other reviews describe ways to use this cool effect, but I would like to very clearly point out that this card also has a major disadvantage, which is that it is really expensive. What this card really does is to take one card in your hand, and convert it to three identical cards. Which means that, ultimately, you are spending 4 resources, 3 XP, a card, and an action, merely to draw two extra cards, which is an outrageously expensive way to draw extra cards. In return, you get the advantage of drawing a specific card (albeit one you must already have in your hand) rather than a random card.
What this means is that in order for this ally to be worthwhile, the card you place on it can't just be a nice card, it has to be a really, really super great card, so great that it is still a great card to play even if you increase the cost by a huge amount.
Now, to be fair, this isn’t the only thing you get for playing Dayana, as an ally she does have the advantage of soaking up damage for you. But then, she also has the disadvantage of eating up a very valuable ally slot, so this doesn't change the net calculation all that much, she still is mega-expensive for each "virtual card draw" she gives you.
There are so many great spell events to choose from. Deny Existence Drawn to the Flame, Uncage the Soul, etc. Since she works on secrets you can use Truth from Fiction to increase her uses. I think she would be fun to build around.
How does this card interact with Mystifying Song or The Painted World? Are they removed from the game after one use because Dayana only prevents events attached to her from being discarded? I'm aware Sefina Rousseau can't take Dayana Esperence herself, but in some unlikely setup, she might get her if someone uses Teamwork.
Other question, what about Time Warp, does it cancel the costs of Dayana Esperence as well? I think not because it only cancels the effects of the canceled action?
With how much the newer scenarios like swarming investigators, there can be only one card for her. Storm of Spirits. Getting three casts of that per encounter is a massive tempo boost especially in campaigns where the enemies are just piled on. Just make sure you run token manipulation or you'll kill yourself.