Seeker Agatha : (Para)Psych 101 (Hard) - Guide/Report

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

aurchen · 2

Agatha experiments, reads psych books and dresses to impress. She knows just what to say to get her enemies to leave and to motivate her allies

  • I built this deck to act as a cluever to play alongside Dexter Drake and Wendy Adams in a 3 handed solo campaign.

  • This was my first run trough RtTFA (after a handful of runs through the base campaign), replacing each set with their return-to replacement in their entirety.

  • This deck was built during the spoiler season of The Drowned City, before people got their hands on the box and revealed the remainder of the cards.

  • More notably, this was my first ever campaign played on Hard, having never even played standhard before.

Table of Contents
  • Overview

  • Main Strategy

  • Other Cards

  • Upgrade Path

  • Campaign Rundown

  • Conclusion

Difficulty: ★★★☆☆
Enemy Management: ★★★☆☆
Clue-getting: ★★★★☆
Encounter protection: ★★★☆☆
Survivability: ★★★☆☆
Economy: ★★★★☆
Card Drawing: ★★★☆☆

Main Strategy
  • Before the final reveals of the drowned city Spoiler season, there didn't seem to be many options for seeker Agatha to trigger her ability, and Olive McBride seemed like the most reliable one (Imagine describing Olive McBride as reliable). However, without a +1 in the ally slot, I was worried about Agatha's ability to actually investigate, especially on Hard.

  • That's where Forbidden Tome comes in. 2 actions for a move and a clue sounds like a great deal on Hard, and if I'm going to hold many cards in my hand and play events, Farsight is just a natural fit.

  • Dream Diary is here to give a boost to her third action or her events if needed and is generally great value for 3 xp total (using Shrewd Analysis). Essence of the Dream can also help with Olive McBride's experiments.

  • The deck has a really low cost curve (only 8 resources needed for her entire setup excluding the Ocula Obscura) and 4 resource generator, the extra cash is meant to either replay high power events like Whispers of Doom and Confound or just fund Higher Education

Other Cards
  • Fine Clothes : Provides a good boost to Whispers of Doom and Confound and a helpful point of health soak.

  • Ancestral Knowledge is a staple of all my Farsight decks, allowing for more deck slots for events worth playing without giving up on great engine skill cards like Eureka! or Perception ; and helping to fill the investigator's hand in the first rounds to reach/stay at the 8 card hand size.

  • Confound : An incredibly powerful event that combines enemy management and fast clue gathering. Easily one of the best things to replay. Fine Clothes makes the test trivial against many targets like Vengeful Serpent, Brotherhood Acolyte, Scholar from Yith, Broods of Yig and unboosted Brotherhood Cultists.

  • Correlate All Its Contents : a useful card to provide additional means of triggering Agatha's ability. Agatha herself doesn't care much for the additional secrets/charges, but the Dexter deck this was played alongside runs both Brand of Cthugha and Dayana Esperence. It may have been replaced by Premonition if Agatha's deckbuilding requirements didn't limit her to 10 mystic cards.

  • Cosmic Revelation : An excellent card to provide actions or cards to the entire party. The ability to play this card twice (Agatha), at no action cost (Farsight), was just too good to pass up. I'm not sure this one is worth it with 2P, but with 3P, it felt really good every single time.

  • Cryptic Writings : Voice of Ra is the deck's main resource generator, but I can't depend too much on it in a 35 card deck. Cryptic writings provides an alternate mean of gaining extra resources, while having great icons if it isn't necessary. And, thanks to Agatha's ability, I can get the best of both worlds, like a reverse Crystallizer of Dreams.

  • Drawn to the Flame : A very strong card. The 2 free testless clues are easily worth the extra encounter card, especially on Hard, and makes this card one of the best targets of Agatha's ability.

  • Guidance : An extra action never hurt anyone, and this works well with both Farsight and Agatha's ability. It is a very fine card to hold in hand for Farsight and Forbidden Tome until the situation calls for it. I played this card 3 times after adding it before City of Archives, and it was super clutch all 3 times.

  • Stargazing : a fun Farsight target for turns without anything more urgent. A single copy can reach the "Max twice per game" limit thanks to Agatha's ability

  • String of Curses : Just a great card, and the possibility of playing this twice in a row makes it an Agatha staple.

  • Thorough Inquiry : A useful piece of card draw for Agatha in the early game and her team in the mid game, it was chosen over Deep Knowledge and Preposterous Sketches for its awesome icons that can save her or a teammate from a Snake Bite, a tomb or just help with high shroud locations.

  • Transmogrify : An awesome tech card for TFA's signature snakes, it becomes even better in the Return to due to how useful it is against both Vengeful Serpent and the Tindalos Alpha, the latter even discarding the event for Agatha to replay it later.

  • Voice of Ra : The deck's main resource generation. Olive McBride + Voice of Ra + Agatha Crane's ability to replay it in the same turn got me up to 10 resources for a single action.

  • Whispers of Doom : A great, if expensive, event to help with the monster fighting effort and even does a decent number on Elite enemies. It also allows Agatha to wander off on her own away from the rest of the team without needing a bodyguard with her at all times.

  • Analysis : Another alternate way of activating Agatha's ability, making it more consistent in the early game especially with the high odds of getting at least one under Ancestral Knowledge. Agatha's ability is rarely worth the clue dropped, but it can be in a handful of cases (most notably String of Curses and Drawn to the Flame)

  • Perception, Eureka!, Guts, Promise of Power : Just some staple skill cards to round out the deck and reach the 10 skill cards necessary for Ancestral Knowledge.

Upgrade Path

Link to the 0xp deck

  • The lvl 0 deck is a bit of a mess. A lot of the deck's key assets cost experience and don't have easy Lvl 0 equivalents, which is on top of the extra work needed to unlock the Dream Diary and Forbidden Tome upgrades.

  • Grim Memoir and Mouse Mask are here to help investigate at lvl 0, and Eldritch Sophist is here in the hopes of playing it alongside Grim Memoir and Forbidden Tome to keep the former loaded up and translate the latter without spending ages drawing cards. It is also another ally that can eat a Snake Bite.

 Cost  Total
   Dream Diary    Dream Diary ••• 3 XP 3 XP
   Dream Diary    Dream Diary ••• 0 XP 3 XP
    +  Higher Education ••• 3 XP 6 XP
   Written in the Stars  →  Cosmic Revelation 1 XP 7 XP
   Drawn to the Flame  →  Cosmic Revelation 1 XP 8 XP
   Forbidden Tome    Forbidden Tome ••• 3 XP 11 XP
   Forbidden Tome    Forbidden Tome ••• 3 XP 14 XP
    +  Ancestral Knowledge ••• 6 XP 20 XP
    +  Fine Clothes
    +  Fine Clothes
    +  Whispers of Doom
    +  Drawn to the Flame
    +  Written in the Stars
   Eldritch Sophist  →  Farsight •••• 4 XP 24 XP
   Eldritch Sophist  →  Farsight •••• 4 XP 28 XP
   Mouse Mask  →  Stargazing 1 XP 29 XP

From here, Confound is a highly recommended upgrade, as are Perception and Studious. Any high power event like Cryptic Research or No Stone Unturned will also be a great fit.

Link to the deck at the end of the campaign

Campaign Rundown


  • Wendy : Medicine x 2 , Provisions x 1

  • Dexter : Provisions x 2, Rope

  • Agatha : Compass, Binoculars, Pendant

Return to The Untamed Wilds

Return to The Doom of Eztli

Resupply Point

  • Wendy : 1 trauma healed, Medicine x 1 , Gasoline x 1, Canteen, Pickaxe

  • Agatha : 1 trauma healed, Provision x 3, Medicine x 1, Chalk

  • Dexter : 1 trauma healed, Provision x 2, Medicine x 1 , Gasoline x 1, Pocketknife

Return to The Boundary Beyond

Return to Heart of the Elders-B

  • The deck was very successful, utilising the Forbidden Tome that I never found a use for before while really showcasing Agatha's strength and being the best experience I've had with Farsight that didn't involve the completely busted Ravenous Myconid. It was a fun and unique deck that felt quite different from the unfortunately common "just test vs shroud" seeker gameplay loop.

  • I'm very happy with how Higher Education ended up. In Threads of Fate and Boundary Beyond, it had completely warped my gameplay around it, but by the end of the campaign, Forbidden Tome, Farsight and Dream Diary all helped turn it into more of a useful sidearm as opposed to my main asset. It still came in handy when boosting Whispers of Doom or Transmogrify, making Olive McBride's experiments succeed or as mythos protection, but it was not the center of my gameplay like it used to be.

  • However, the deck's ability to gather clues is not the one you would expect from a main cluever like Daisy Walker or Darrell Simmons, often playing a lot more like a Support / Flex character than a typical cluever. The deck's lower clue gathering ability is compensated by the extra cards, actions or mythos protection provided to it's partners, or by the extremely efficient enemy management tools (Whispers of Doom, Confound, String of Curses, Transmogrify), the first of which even allowed her to significantly contribute to Boss Fights.