Geared Up

Now that we know the Aug 22 erratum updated the text to "One at a time, play..." And this enabled Backpack to work (you can play the found items). Does this allow fast events, specifically Well-Maintained, to be used between each played event.

Logic train:

  • Geared Up uses the word Play (treated as a play action, but you'er not getting an play "action").

Rules for Effects

  • Suggests 'play" would be treated as an action using the Framework event detail. Specifically 2.2.1

Rules for 2.2.1 timing

  • indicate there is a player window before (and after) each action ( in our case, a played item).

Rules for fast

Am I missing anything? Any exception overlooked?

If i'm correct, you can attach Well-Maintained to Backpack before it's discarded, discard it, triggering it to return to your hand instead, and play it again.

This would also be true with Ever Vigilant as wording is similar.

Calprinicus · 6013
Playing a card due to a card ability isn't the same thing as taking a play action. I don't think Geared Up brings you through the player window before 2.2.1 at all. — Thatwasademo · 58
Agree with Thatwasademo: you have a player window before and after the play ability of "Geared Up", but not in between, because you take no action. Similar with "Ever Vigilant": you take one Play action (playing the event), but don't have any Player Window after playing the first or second asset. — Susumu · 371
I have seen that many users were confused between "play" and "play action". When you resolve an "play action", you can "play" an (non-fast) asset or event. Some effects allow we to play a card without an play action, and this is NOT a play action. Geared Up is this case. There is no player window among playing assets by Geared Up (or Ever Vigilant). — elkeinkrad · 499
But you do have a player window at the end of the geared up turn where you could play well maintained and similar fast events and assets (it’s still your turn). — Django · 5108
Rules Question: This is rules question for Arkham horror the card game. There are a few cards that give you sequential non-actions: - Geared Up - Ever Vigilant - Nimble My question is can you play fast event cards between the play/move non-actions? Example: Play Well-Maintained on a backpack in the middle or resolving Geared up. Or Play Elusive, mysteries remain, or open gate between the moves of nimble. To answer your question(s): Yes--you would be able to play Well-Maintained on a Backpack while resolving Geared Up, and you would be able to play Elusive/Mysteries Remain while resolving the moves from Nimble. Sincerely, Alex Werner, FFG Game Rules Specialist Rules questions and their answers are reviewed by both the Arkham Horror: The Card Game design team and the Game Rules Specialist. — Calprinicus · 6013
Rules Question: This is rules question for Arkham horror the card game. There are a few cards that give you sequential non-actions: - Geared Up - Ever Vigilant - Nimble My question is can you play fast event cards between the play/move non-actions? Example: Play Well-Maintained on a backpack in the middle or resolving Geared up. Or Play Elusive, mysteries remain, or open gate between the moves of nimble. To answer your question(s): Yes--you would be able to play Well-Maintained on a Backpack while resolving Geared Up, and you would be able to play Elusive/Mysteries Remain while resolving the moves from Nimble. Sincerely, Alex Werner, FFG Game Rules Specialist Rules questions and their answers are reviewed by both the Arkham Horror: The Card Game design team and the Game Rules Specialist. — Calprinicus · 6013
Update from Alex (a.k.a Official Arkham Ruling): I’m sending this email to inform you that we are retracting the ruling made in the email below. The results of the ruling led to consequences that weren’t in line with what we wanted for the game, nor did it follow the actual written rules for playing Fast cards. We unfortunately missed this earlier and we apologize for misleading you. The current ruling to your question is as follows: “’If the instructions [on a fast event card] specify a duration or period of time, the card may be played during any player window within that period.’ Well-Maintained must be played during a player window on your turn, so you could not play it while resolving Geared Up. Similarly, you cannot play Elusive/Mysteries Remain/Open Gate while resolving the movements on Nimble.” Sincerely, Alex Werner & the Arkham Horror team — Calprinicus · 6013
Bestow Resolve

So now, I can commit a Vicious blow (2) to a Shrivelling (5) test ? And a Perception (2) to a Pilfer (3) test ? Excellent card to combine great capacities (to attack, investigate, ...) that normally use different skills !

AlexP · 252
I thought of that as well. Also seems quite wild in a desperate deck. Or combinded with the Heureca suite of skills. I think, this card will get played very often. — Susumu · 371
Treasure Hunter

Thematically, I'm extremely entertained by an ally that exists solely so that your investigator, exploring a spooky arcane temple, can hiss "Asps. Very dangerous. You go first!" and give the greedy tomb raider a good shove forward.

Economically, however, I agree with the previous reviewer that it's pretty hard to imagine any deck that wouldn't benefit more from another use of XP and deck slots.

The Raven Quill

If I get Interwoven Ink on The Raven Quill, and attach The Raven Quill to Old Tome of Lore, and that Old Tome of Lore is on Abigail Foreman, can I use Old Tome of Lore myself, then use Abigail's reaction ability to use Old Tome of Lore again, and then use Interwoven Ink (reacting to the second Old Tome of Lore activation) to ready Abigail and then use's Abigail's reaction ability to react to the 2nd usage of Old Tome of Lore to use it again, in order to use Old Tome of Lore 3 times per turn for only 1 action?

belphagor · 8
@belphagor I don’t see why you could not. The rules state clearly: « Using a ability in response to a triggering condition does not prevent other abilities from being used in response to that same triggering condition. » So you can use Abigail reaction first, and then use the Raven Quill’s reaction in the same opportunity window. — Portinou · 1823
Can you attach 2 raven quill to the same tome to do this 4 times instead? — Django · 5108
Combine this with forbidden tome secrets revealed to get 4 testless clues and move each time — Django · 5108
I'm afraid the quill is unique. — olahren · 3470
I don't think that should work, because (quoting the 'Reaction'-rules): — Sers · 628
"Each [reaction] ability may be triggered only once each time the specified condition on the ability is met." — Sers · 628
So as far as I understand it, Abigail can't trigger a secod time because the triggering condition would have to be met again for that — Sers · 628
In a similar notion, could I use two old books and ready the first book with a quill, that is attached to the second book? — Pianeko · 1
Obsidian Bracelet

Might work well in Leo Anderson with Lonnie Ritter. His poor agility means he’s often having to tank treachery cards,so the extra (infinite?) soak might come in handy . Yes, the hand slot might prove awkward, but bandolier or toolbelt could be handy here.

AndyN · 42
Leo usually tanks damage and/or horror with allies, that also works with his ability. Hand slots for him are heavily contested. The bracelet isn't a particularly inspiring card, it is there for Carson to not die for treacheries. — SergSel · 370