Frozen in Fear

Cross-listing a ruling here from the Duke page:

If you have Frozen in Fear in your threat area, using Duke’s first ability [Fight] would require spending an additional action, as it is a bold action matching Frozen in Fear's restriction. Using Duke's second ability is an action that does not match Frozen in Fear's restriction, so it does not require spending an additional action.

This squares with the rulings above, that the bold action designator is the critical part, and not the fact that you end up in a different location. So Duke is as much an emotional support dog as a bloodhound.

Frozen in fur. — MrGoldbee · 1462
Hallowed Chalice

A nice little hack to fullfil the limitation of the Chalice's second option is targeting a low sanity investigator and equipping St. Hubert's Key; it helps keep the Key in play while also being able to get rid of the doom easily. An investigator that can take those cards and benefit from the synergy is... "Ashcan" Pete! What's more, with his ability it's also possible to use the first option of Hallowed Chalice twice in rounds the agenda would advance anyway.

Not an insane combo, but you might get more out of this card than you think.

AlderSign · 298

This card is bonkers for Monterey Jack. Correct me if I'm wrong, but with his Trusty Bullwhip from Relics of the Past, would it not put 2 evidence on Microscope if it kills an enemy? Essentially evading AND killing the enemy at the same time?

If so, with the help of Leo De Luca, it isn't unreasonable to think that Jack could get up to 8 clues a turn.

Sengy · 2
Sadly no, because Microscope's text says "successfully evaded" which implies the evade must come from an evasion attempt, not an automatic evade. Second, I honestly am not sure if you could even separate the effects (defeat and evade) from the Bullwhip. — AlderSign · 298
You can separate the effects, or at least you can respond to both the defeat and to the evade. But AlderSign is correct that the bullwhip evasion is not a successful evasion because you didn't test for it. If you want to run this nonsense, consider Kymani. They can take microscope 4 because it's a tool, and even with base int 2, testing at 8 is OK in normal difficult. And if you remove an enemy using 2 evasion tests in kymani that's 2 evidence on the microscope — NarkasisBroon · 10
Thanks for the clarification guys. Yeah Kymani would love this card, throw Stealth (3) in there and let the nonsense commence. — Sengy · 2
Kymani is very good at turning what should be singular plural. — Eudaimonea · 5
Running Red

Translations of german texts:

Running Red
Hab acht! Du näherst dich
deinem eigenen Verderben. Seine
scharlachroten Gewänder sind
die Haut von längst bezwungenen
Feinden. Seine Stickereien sind
gewebt aus den Adern längst
verschlungener Könige. Seine Krone
wurde aus den Obelisken einst großer Zivilisationen geschmiedet. Du bist
nur eine weitere Mahlzeit. Auch du
wirst vergessen werden. Und am Ende
werden nur wir herrschen.

Einstürzender roter Himmel
Dies ist das vergessene Ende–das–kein–Ende–ist;
keine Auslöschung, sondern das Drehen von Monden;
Die große ironische Wendung des
kosmischen Witzes,
der die
Existenz ist; Bewusstsein und Erinnerung
und zusammensein, sofort und endlich; und
wenn das große Werk des Jenseits vollendet ist,
werden deine Gedanken und Träume nur ein
im endlosen Ozean der Empfindungen sein; meine
und deine und unsere zusammen; und dieser Ort
wird unser Zuhause sein, von jetzt bis in alle

Ewigkeit, und du wirst nie wieder Hoffen und
Zweifeln müssen, da wir ein und
dasselbe sind.

trazoM · 9
This seems to still be in German! — MrGoldbee · 1462
Yeah, it's translated from gibberish to German ;) — trazoM · 9
The World Unbidden

Translated text of the german version:

Du wagst es also, unser Monument
zu erklimmen? Unser Andenken an die
vielen Welten, die wir verschlungen
haben? Oh ja deine ist nicht die
erste. Nur zu. Steige zur Spitze
empor, falls du es schaffst, und
blick in dein Verderben.

trazoM · 9