Gravedigger's Shovel

How does the 2 clue getting ability of this interact with ad hoc. Ad hoc stats you can ignore all cost. According to the rulebook, everything before the colon is the cost. No technically the removing from game effect ist after the colon, but it also states "instead" impying that the removing from game is actually the cost. Does this mean I can actually simply discard this with ad hoc and get 2 clues?

Xetolosch · 3
It's still part of the cost, even if appended that way after the colon, so you ignore it. See also: — AlderSign · 301
For about a year we didn’t have an answer to that question, but the latest FAQ clarified that “ignoring all costs” can never ignore effects that remove cards from the game or exile them. — Eudaimonea · 5

I usually consider Determined to be a dead draw.

The majority of the events you're going to be playing don't have tests on them.

In a build where you're fighting exclusively with events they'll see a bit more play, but it's just +1 skill value (or +2 with both copies) that takes up space in your hand and that you might lose to an autofail.

There's no good skill card synergies in her current card pool to make playing around Determined interesting, like how Vincent has Grisly Totem for his On the Mends or Bestow Resolve for Carson's "As you wish" (both of which are much more less conditional skills anyways).

My hunch is that they inserted these into Marion's deck to deliberately hamper the power of her investigator ability, forcing you to draw crappy skills instead of keeping the event value train chugging.

mordequess · 71
I already played Marion and was immensely grateful for this cards. If you build your deck a bit around it (as you have to for some cards) this offers you a near constant +2. True, most cards this applies to are for the fighting role, but then again, what else are you going to do with an investigator whos highest stat is combat? — AlderSign · 301
Marion has a completely viable non-intellect cluever build with Scene of the Crime, Lesson Learned, Evidence!, Interrogate, On the Trail, even Shed a Light, Look What I Found with Breach the Door. Only two of those cards are enhanced by Determined — mordequess · 71
Yeah, but the cards you mention also push you pretty hard toward fighting (or how else are you going to trigger Evidence! without consciously circumventing her combat skill?), so I wonder what those other deck slots are filled with. Maybe just try it out, for me it worked wonders. — AlderSign · 301
I really like the idea of this card. It seems like they wanted her to be able to use those 3s in intellect and agility, or else they'd have given her more willpower, like most Guardians. But surprisingly, there are very few investigate or evade events she can even play. How odd. — OrionAnderson · 77

So what else can you do with this card? The first two things that come to my mind:

1) Get Lola Hayes's versatile and combo-enabling card pool access without being restricted by her roles.

2) Fun times - supercharge Diana Stanley or George Barnaby via staring out as Sefina Rousseau!

( 3) Save yourself from the terrible statline of Lost Homunculus.)

AlderSign · 301
What is the combo with Lola? Everyone is all excited to play her with this card but I have yet to hear anyone suggest anything useful to do with Lola + Transfiguration. — Pseudo Nymh · 60
Lola has text on her front that prevents her from using abilities from more than one class at a time. If you use this to change to any other investigator she no longer has that text, so you can activate all your abilities freely. Lola is one of very few investigators whose investigator front card text is an active detriment, so getting rid of that detriment **and** adding another ability of your choose is pure goodness — NarkasisBroon · 10
So perhaps the reason you haven't heard any specific proposals is because there are so many. Turning into literally any investigator gets rid of her restriction, **and** gives her a new ability of your choice. For my part I'm most interested in transforming into Norman or Winifred. Norman because you get his look at the deck ability, and have a crazy deck to use it with. Winifred because you get her commit draw ability, but your deck can have astronomical atlas and almost any skill in the game. Any skill of level 3 or below, because of lolas deckbuilding — NarkasisBroon · 10
What I'm asking is WHY Lola's card pool makes this investigators better? What does Lola add to the equation? The way Transfiguration breaks the game is letting you get high level cards into decks that can't normally take them. What can Lola offer thats better than level 4-5 cards? — Pseudo Nymh · 60
@Pseudo Nymh: It's the fact that you get level 0-3 cards of 3 different classes. No other investigator offers that potential, at least not without additional restrictions (e.g. Charlie Kane, who can take level 0-5 Ally assets). They probably printed the disadvantage on Lola's investigator card to disallow strong synergies between those, and like NarkasisBroon suggested, there are many. If you're looking for examples I think that's better discussed on Lola's page itself. — AlderSign · 301
Since the review's first point is that Lola is great with Transfiguration I really don't think I'm out of line to discuss Lola's use of the card. I observe that I still haven't heard an example of a combo that Lola can set up better than another investigator, but I'll leave it at that. — Pseudo Nymh · 60
My mistake, the situation is even better, now that I remember Lola doesn't choose classes at all, she simply has access to all of them (corrected it in the review). Apart from that, here is more for you to observe, Pseudo "Tough Crowd" Nymh: Translolaration is the answer every time you ask yourself why you can't include this particular card in your deck, although it would synergize sooooo well with your investigator (e.g. having Guard Dog (2) in Daniela Reyes). So, if being Amanda Sharpe with access to an s-load amount of skills besides her Practiced ones and all kind of additional actions (e.g. Ace in the Hole) isn't enough to convince you I don't know what is. — AlderSign · 301
@Aldersign thanks for providing some examples. Thanks also for the sweet nickname, I may go by Tough Crowd Nymh from now on. :) Re-reading my comments this morning I feel that I've not done a very good job establishing where I'm coming from and why I’m having such a hard time seeing what everyone else is seeing in this combo. Perhaps I will clarify my position (and spin off this conversation) into its own review. Thanks everyone for your replies. — Pseudo Nymh · 60
@Tough Crowd Nymh: Happy to help! I too am a friend of skepticism, though, so I think I got your point (indeed, my review is quite minimalistic and thin). I bow my head to the maturity of your comment and am looking forward to a follow-up review :) — AlderSign · 301
A way to improve any deck without big combos would be permanent cards like 2x studious, 2x another dolar, stick to the plan and bewitching,.. — Django · 5094

Look at City of Archives...

"Body of a Yithian: During the setup for this scenario, each investigator is instructed to replace their investigator card with one of the Body of a Yithian investigator cards."

and then:

"Each investigator’s deck remains the same, but for the duration of this scenario, they must use a Body of a Yithian investigator card, and therefore cannot use any of their investigator’s abilities."

Does this card potentially break the scenario? Can you choose an investigator, with a normal stat line, that comes close to your original investigator or better suits your deck?

thakaris · 198
On the one hand the rules text "for the duration of this scenario they MUST use a Body Of A Yithian investigator card" prevents the playing of Transfiguration. On the other hand the card is explicitly intended to break the game, so who knows? — Pseudo Nymh · 60
Cannot should be absolute, so y — Tharzax · 1
Cannot is absolute, so I think you aren't allowed to use the investigator ability anyway. But you get the statline? — Tharzax · 1
But funnily enough Body of a Yithian is part of your collection, so you can be one in any scenario now (: — AlderSign · 301
Same goes for Shattered Self, of course. — AlderSign · 301
Enchanted Bow

I always want to take this card, but what kills it for me is that third slot. That's a big ask for something that tends to be situational. I think this card was designed with higher player counts in mind. It's meant for a support investigator to back up your combat investigator. In that role it's pretty versatile and you can probably justify filling almost half your slots with it.

Not in one or two player. In two player you need to be able to fight or investigate reliably and with this thing hogging your best slots you're not doing either. It's worse in solo where you need to be able to do both. Those three slots make it useless as a backup or utility weapon. Maybe you could pull off using a combat spell along side this, but that's all you'll be doing. You better hope you already have a high book stat.

Thinking of ways I might improve this card; remove the exhaust requirement, have all shots spend a charge, and boost the number of charges. Alternatively, have it give you a passive boost to face and foot instead of giving it to you during the attack.

Lemunde · 7
You might want to check out The Raven Quill if slots are your main concern. — AlderSign · 301
Is also a Blessed card, so you can use Occult reliquary with great flexibility as well. — Typhen · 32
Works great with True Magick — Spamamdorf · 5
@Spamamdorf, Are you sure? It seems to me that for an instant the tome would transform into a two handed weapon, booting out anything you might be holding in your other hand. It doesn't say this happens in the parenthetical, but it doesn't say it doesn't happen either. " if it were the revealed asset..." suggests it gains it's slot requirements as well. — Lemunde · 7
Take a look at the FAQs of Sign Magick, your question is answered there. — AlderSign · 301