Alchemical Transmutation

Seems like most view this as a trap, but I feel that, with the correct setup, this card can be much more powerful.

Leveled up sign magick and dexter make this card and it's upgrade much more powerful by mitigating it's main downsides: Action consumption to keep using, resource cost to play (though the upgrade does away with that anyway), spell slot and Action economy to play. While you could say sign magic makes every spell card good, this card gets massively buffed compared to other spells as it is one that can always prove useful. You may not be at a location to fight, evade, or investigate, but getting a free resource cache on a test most mystics can pass anyway seems worth it to me. I shall be putting this in a Dexter deck to test how effective it is long term as compared to uncage the soul and supply cache (as all 3 are resource fixers).

Crematian · 2
It's not for every Mystic, but indeed Dexter Drake can make good use of it, even without Sign Magick. His ability to swap assets into play alone makes this card far more efficient, and once you've used up the charges, you can just swap it back out without using an action anyway. It's definitely solid for him, and even better with Sign Magick. — Soul_Turtle · 454
A Glimmer of Hope

I'm trying to build a rich parallel "Skids" O'Toole deck and at the beginning of the campaign this card is interesting: if I have no copy of A Glimmer of Hope I test 3 against 1 for a benefit (if the test succeeds) of 1, with a single copy I test 4 against 2 for a benefit of 2, with 2 or 3 copies I test 5-6 against 3 for a benefit of 3.

And once I have all 3 copies in my discard pile, each round I spend an action and 1 resource to get the 3 copies back to my hand and then test 6 against 3 for 3 resources. A benefit of 2 so not as great as an Emergency Cache.

But if the whole deck revolves around getting resources to have bonuses, The Black Fan gives a passive +1 and I have to pay to retrieve A Glimmer of Hope less often.

AlexP · 251
I have a note that The Black Fan's passive +1 don't affect O'Toole's fast triggering test, since it don't boost your skill value but boost each of your skills. — elkeinkrad · 492
and that skill test is not neither willpower, combat, agility nor intellect. — elkeinkrad · 492
Are you sure elkeinkrad ? The Black Fan boost "each of your skills" and the fast trigerred ability says "test a base skill value" so ... it's a skill and the Fan boost your skills. I agree that Geas doesn't work as it specify that it boosts willpower, intellect, combat and agility but the Fan doesn't. — AlexP · 251
Dr. Francis Morgan

Question : when I take control Francis Morgan (with the ability of the act "all in"), we don't discard clues on him. Can I use these clues to play Forewarned ? Can I take them into account when I play "I've got a plan" ?? Thx

Thesshad · 20
I think these clues are just for the tracking of your progress and no clue you can use or spend. — Tharzax · 1
Tharzax already answered correctly. A better place to ask questions would be the subreddit of Arkham Horror (, or the Mythos Busters Discord server. — PowLee · 20
Signum Crucis

Wondering how this interacts with cards that test at a different base skill value.

E.g. Amanda Sharpe attacking a strength 4 or 5 enemy with a Strange Solution.

The wording on strange solution says to attack “with a base skill value of 6”; and signum crucis wording says “your base skill value”

So is “your base skill value” the value of the attack (6) or does “your” refer to your investigator (so in this case the base value would be 2)

I’m reckoning “your” and “a” are one and the same thing here: namely the unmodified skill value of the test you are taking which in this case is 6… so strange solution wouldn’t enable Amanda to commit this card to a test.

But I’m just checking to see what people think cos it would be quite a sweet turn to spend 3 actions doing 9 damage to a nasty enemy while also loading 6 or so bless tokens into the bag.

Phoenixbadger · 197
You are sadly correct, while using strange solution your base skill value becomes 6 making it very hard to find an enemy capable of committing signum Crucis to — NarkasisBroon · 10
This goes both ways right? If Your base is 6 and the enemy has only 2 you get 4 blesses? — Django · 5078
Commit only to a skill test you are performing, and only if the difficulty of that test is higher than your base skill value. — MrGoldbee · 1459
Oh yes django! Didn’t see that! — Phoenixbadger · 197
The Red Clock

This card can help a lot a parallel "Skids" O'Toole "rich" deck to start a scenario . The The Red Clock first gives a bonus resource, then Skids spends 3 resources for his capacity and tests at 7 against 3 to get 3 additional resources. In case of success he now has 4 more resources so an increase of +1 to the bonus given by Well Connected.

Of course the +4 from the Clock would be more interesting for a test that gives you something that advances the scenario but if you use it on your resource generation for a couple of turns you get faster a great Well Connected boost (and so a total of 3 great boosts per tun.

AlexP · 251
I played P-Skids with this, The Black Fan and Well Connected (3) in a 19xp standalone a year or so back and it was great. — Krysmopompas · 358
Could you use haste after two movements? — IntoxIcatIon · 1
@Intoxication no as they are not Move actions. — screamingabdab · 93