Theatre Lounge

Brutally punishing location for Return to Carcosa. It pulls two copies of Visions in Your Mind straight into your hand. It’s likely that you won’t be able to meet the condition on one or both of these, leading to 2 direct damage and 2 direct horror.

Being direct means that soak isn’t possible, so packing along some sort of healing is appealing for this Return To!

De Vermis Mysteriis

Interesting interaction with this card if you are playing a lean Parallel Agnes deck and are likely to cycle your deck more than once in a scenario.

Agnes Bakers weakness, Dark Memory, is a spell event. This card does not specify that the spell event must not be a weakness, and there is nothing in the rules which says a weakness cannot be removed from the game. So, you can play Dark Memory from discard to remove it from the game.

Seems possible but might be a hard sale considering that you have to add another doom at the first end of your deck. — Tharzax · 1
This is an interesting rules interaction but I'm not sure it would be helpful in practice. Generally //Agnes reaches peak power if you use her ability to manage a small deck of spell events that never runs out. It's less effort (and XP) to avoid reshuffling altogether and just deal with Dark Memory once. — Pseudo Nymh · 61
Deciphered Reality

My first impression of this card is it was super expensive both in xp and resources, and it would rarely ever be practical. Sure, it could get you an impressive amount of clues, but generally I prefer to focus on clearing out "Victory" locations, so what's the point in getting a ton of clues if this card is gone and I have to spend the rest of the scenario clearing out Victory locations anyways?

That said, this card can be pretty nuts.

It's a greedy card for greedy players that needs to have a deck built around it and should heavily shift how you're playing, otherwise you're much better spent spending your experience on more consistent, lame, and generally useful cards.

The deck I ran this in focused on mobility and deck cycling, so I'd just scout every location before sitting down and spamming this card over and over. Even in four player this beauty would consistently clean out every clue in the scenario with plenty of time to spare. Just keep in mind there some scenarios where this card falls really flat, having to spend clues to reveal locations is a great way to make this card feel pretty useless.

Probably one of the biggest wastes of xp if you just throw it in and expect it to do something, but if you go all in this can be one beast of a card.

Vultureneck · 74
I found this to be true, Ursula's natural synergy with pulling up a clue or two and moving on has some great natural synergy, and now the archetype got a shot in the arm in the form of Testing Sprint. — azuresparrow · 1
I saw people disparaging this card BECAUSE of testing sprint, but in my mind, they're hand in hand rewarding the same thing, and offering some added consistent benefit for 'revealing absolutely everything asap' — azuresparrow · 1
"Ashcan" Pete

Pete can take Barricade.

Good game, everybody go home, better luck next time Azathoth.

Now, letting monsters build up isn't always a good thing, especially in scenarios with Acolytes or ones that require backtracking. But the ability to just not have to deal with monsters at all for a single action and zero resources is incredibly powerful.

Other fun shenanigans: infinitely recursive Grievous Wounds mean you can whack an enemy once, play a tune to make them disengage and move away, and assuming they don't have hunter, just leave them to die. Or, bring a katana and some good shoes. Move into a location with an enemy, before they engage you test your shoes. Testing the shoes gives you a fast action window before drawing tokens where you can trigger the fast action attack from katana, which then gives an opening for grievous wound. The shoe test then resumes and you move out of the location before enemies can engage you. The anime potential is overwhelming.

Pete can go on the hunt to draw a harmless enemy, kill it for three bucks, and instantly bounce it to his hand for next round. Combine with the usual guardian clue suite for free clues.

And of course Makeshift Trap is basically made for him, except that the explosive upgrade doesn't work with his ability. Bah humbug. Still, poison + net + remote means your guitar can herd any number of enemies into an infinite deathtrap from which they can't escape. It's a very slow death, and his 0-4 limitation prevents you from also making it fast, but it does the job,

CombStranger · 269
The guitar is a weird one for sure. But Luke/Barricade(0) seems nearly as effective. It can insta-beat Horror in High Gear, for example. — MrGoldbee · 1472
you cannot do nested tests. — Adny · 1
Please, can you elaborate your comment "you cannot do nested tests". From the rules it says "If the first skill test was part of an action, the second skill test does not initiate until that action has finished resolving." — Dash83 · 1
Captivating Discovery

200 character typo 200 character typo 200 character typo 200 character typo 200 character typo 200 character typo 200 character typo 200 character typo 200 character typo 200 character typo 200 character typo 200 character typo

Where's the typo? Was it in the review? — NightgauntTaxiService · 430