Friends in Low Places

A question that’s come up is “does the Helpful upgrade allow both you and a teammate resolve the card, or just one or the other?” I lean toward one or the other, based on how cheap one check mark is, but it’s ambiguous enough that I could see it going either way. Thoughts?

PanicMoon · 2
You don't split the effect you just change the investigator who profit from the effect. — Tharzax · 1
Map the Area

This seems very weak in solo or to lower shroud for investigating.

However in multiplayer this could shine.

The obvious use case is a boss fight where several players are testing fight and evade repeatedly against high target numbers.

Also, most scenarios have some nasty location or a treachery that attaches to a location. Things like Arcane Barrier, Stone Barrier, Through the Ice, etc that potentially endanger all the investigators can be mitigated with this. Probably worth a copy in a party of 3-4 investigators.

This card is probably good tech for something like Dark Side of the Moon -- there's a location in that scenario which is high shroud and needs clues discovered by the bucketful — fiatluxia · 66
Or on a traincar in central MA... — MrGoldbee · 1470

How come no one is wondering about that rose? A person in a suit getting shrivelled to nothingness with a rose in their hands? Is it a Mafia threat thing getting an emphatic answer? Some weird burial? WHAT IS GOING ON? Well, at least the flower is not affected.

RFreitas · 57
the rose could be the cause of the spell, all this time we have been handing out roses ...of DEATH. — Zerogrim · 294
But the flower isaffected, isn't it? It's dropping petals. — Susumu · 371
The Raven Quill

This is my favourite card for this expansion.

About the card itself, it has a lot of text but doesn't seem to do much: decrease the amount of XP to upgrade the card or check one of its own boxes. Sure, m'kay...

So what is there to unpack in level 0?

  1. I love the idea of using a powerful feather to write tomes and spell parchments and give them magical traits.
  2. The art is sick, and they know it: it was selected to be on some of the playmats of Arkham Nights 2022.
  3. It is the 2nd event typed item in the game (the first being the Telescopic Sight) and so opens the door for all types of recursion
  4. On top of being a Scavengeable item, it is the first level 0 item that commits for 2 . The only options after are level 2 and more. To emphasize how sick this is, there is no other level 0 item that offers 2 of the same icons (including ) in the game as of the Scarlet Keys release, except for Signatures and Campaign specific cards.
    • Note: since it is not an asset, Schoffner's Catalogue cannot pay for it, despite the ravens on the art...

Alright, that is already something for the base card, but I'm not 100% sold yet.

So what are the hidden secrets in the customizable options of The Raven Quill?

Let's review each option and see all the doors it opens.

□ Living Quill. Using attached asset's abilities does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

  • Since the Prophesiae Profana and its immediate taboo, we all understand now the power of not having AoO. It is not always super important, but in some cases, it can really make a difference. Think about Trish Scarborough attaching this to Grim Memoir or Divination, for instance, and you can now use it with an enemy at your location and evade that enemy while getting a clue.
  • Another good use is on Encyclopedia to boost your or and have a better chance to evade.
  • Finally, the Forbidden Tome, Gray's Anatomy, and De Vermis Mysteriis (used on combat spells) are all tomes that you would like to use with an enemy at your location and therefore could appreciate it.

□ Spectral Binding. Attached asset does not take up any slots.

  • Some tomes and spells happen to use more than an arcane slot, and this can then become very interesting. The first to come to mind is Enchanted Bow, which uses both hands and an arcane slot. With 1xp, you then save 3 slots. True Magick doesn't take both hands but is also hard to manage because of the heavy slot usage. No more for Luke Robinson. Finally, Mind's Eye though I wouldn't see which investigator would benefit from it yet.
  • I personally use it as a replacement for Arcane Enlightenment simply to have a 3rd Hand Slot when holding a tome, which is great for 1xp.

□□ Mystic Vane. You get +2 skill value while performing skill tests on attached asset.

□□ Endless Inkwell. Name two more Tome or Spell assets

This gives more flexibility. I personally never use it because I know exactly what I want the Quill to do in my deck, so I build around it.

Note: the The Raven Quill is unique so you cannot name multiple assets and have 2 on the board at the same time.

□□ Energy Sap. The Raven Quill gains: " Exhaust The Raven Quill: Move 1 secret or charge from an asset you control to attached asset."

The best users of this upgrade seem to be Daisy Walker, Luke Robinson, Minh Thi Phan and Darrell Simmons because of their interesting synergies. Here's an example of a Minh deck that abuses this secret refill on [Arcane Insight](/card/03266) to bring the shroud to 0 every turn.

□□□ Interwoven Ink. After you resolve an ability on attached asset, you may exhaust The Raven Quill to ready another asset you control.

My favourite part of the Quill. This brings so many options. There are about 300 player cards that exhaust, so I couldn't possibly list them all. Here are just a few of my favourites, sorted by class:

I am sure that while reading this list, there are at least a couple of cards that made you think, "wow, this would be sick in a [insert_investigator_name]!"

My experience so far is: 90% of the decks that could use The Raven Quill have an asset that exhausts and would benefit from Interwoven Ink.

I am currently working on a deck that uses this Interwoven Ink and the Eldritch Sophist for double use of one asset each turn. Stay tuned ;)

□□□□ Supernatural Record. When you play The Raven Quill, instead of attaching it to a named asset you control, you may search your deck, discard pile, and hand for a copy of a named asset and play it (paying its cost). Then, attach The Raven Quill to it.

This last upgrade is more straightforward than the 2 previous ones.

A few things to point out:

  • you have a full tutor for 2xp per copy (Research Librarian feels betrayed)
  • you gain 1 play action since the librarian just adds it to your hand (upgraded librarian, when?)
  • very importantly, you can also search your discard pile. Use all the charges of a tome or spell, discard it and then get it back with the Quill attached for even more uses!

If you are main , this is a no brainer. The downside is that it costs a lot of resources: the price of your asset + 3.

Conclusion: while the first 3 upgrades are gravy, Endless Sap and Interwoven Ink are jank factories making this card one of the most complex but also the most fun of the game IMO. Every new release will come with a new set of jank made available by the Quill, and I love that idea.

The best of this all is that if you do not plan on upgrading your Asset, the The Raven Quill checks its mark by itself, so it doesn't even cost you experience!! So let's all thank the ravens and start creating the craziest decks!

Valentin1331 · 73534
Supernatural Record can search your discard, but searching your deck will trigger astounding revelation and mitigate the cost of the quill ! — aurchen · 2
If you have the following upgrades — GrueneLupenAufheben · 138
If you have the following upgrades (Supernatural Record. When you play The Raven Quill, instead of attaching it to a named asset you control, you may search your deck, discard pile, and hand for a copy of a named asset and play it (paying its cost). Then, attach The Raven Quill to it. // Spectral Binding. Attached asset does not take up any slots. // Endless Inkwell. Name two more Tome or Spell assets) you can with Mandy Thompson play two slotless assets. — GrueneLupenAufheben · 138
From FAQ 1.25: "If an attachment ... attaches to a game element while already attached to a game element, it detaches from its original game element and attaches to the new one."; so while Mandy would be able to use The Raven Quill to find two assets and put them into play, the Quill itself will only remain attached to one of them (whichever one Mandy attaches it to last). — Thatwasademo · 58
Question: Please remind me, for the quill's reaction to activate the card needs to be active at the end of the game, correct? — jobib · 1
The quill needs to be in play for you to trigger its reaction -- either when the scenario ends with a (->R#) ability or when you resign. If you're defeated or the quill leaves play before either of those two things happen it doesn't work. — Thatwasademo · 58
The observation that the quill has double icons is interesting. I'd not noticed. One minor issue, by the way (sorry) - Mind's Eye is only a Ritual, so can't be a target for the Quill. (Please correct me if I'm mistaken.) — Prinny_wizzard · 251
Damn, sapping The Red Clock so it stays at 3 can keep Blur 4 at arbitrary charge levels. And save you 4 experience on the upgrade to the clock, since you won't need to. — Lailah · 1
Pendant of the Queen is neither a tome or a spell, so Raven Quill can't add charges to it. — Rob Watkins · 1
I don't get it where does it say that The Raven Quill is unique. Literally it seems like I can have two separate copies of them in the deck, naming the same or different assets. — sztrzask · 1
@sztrzask It's unique because it has the star indicating uniqueness next to its name. You can't name different things with each copy because the named card is recorded on the upgrade sheet, and one upgrade sheet is shared between all copies of a customizable card in your deck. — Spinach · 1
Ad Spectral Binding: Cyclopean Hammer is a Relic... — AlderSign · 309
Explosive Ward

This isn't a tool you'd want to use on high- mystics - they have more efficient ways of getting solid hits in. However, this can shine in the hands of characters who want to occasionally help do some damage without committing a bunch of resources, and don't otherwise have the stats to back up a more normal attack.

The fact that it's a level 0 card means it can slot in a lot of characters with little effort, and it can quickly be dropped once you have a better tool for the job. I don't think this works well as a build-around, but it slots well for character who want access to a testless nudge of damage. Spectral Razor is a more flexible tool, but there are definitely characters with low-level mystic access who can make more reliable use of this.

For reference, as of writing, the list of characters who have access to Mystic 0 cards and have total Combat+Willpower of 5 or less (to compare with Spectral Razor include Carolyn Fern, Mystic Carson Sinclair, Mystic Charlie Kane, Daisy Walker, Mystic Mandy Thompson, and Rex Murphy. I don't think this would go in all of their decks, but I think the card is efficient enough to be worth considering in such a place.

Ruduen · 1004
It's also suitable as a stand in for spectral razor in a level 0 Lily Chen deck. I'm in the boat of only buying the investigator expansions so Razor isn't available to me yet, but explosive ward suitably fills the gap! — Frozenecho · 1