Less a review, and more of a note/question.
Similar to Deciphered Reality, It's worth noting that this card doesn't have the world "instead" or "but" on it. This means that the latter half of the effect is not a replacement effect, but an additional effect. Is that accurate? I believe that means that this allows you to Engage and Fight something that's already at your location. After resolving that, you could then choose an enemy up to 2 locations away, move it to your location, engage it, and attack it.
Is that accurate? If so, this becomes even better than it appears at a glance, giving you an opportunity for two separate engages and attacks, or two attacks at the same target. This adds a lot of flexibility as a fast action in exchange for the cost - especially since it means Nathaniel Cho will potentially deal up to 3 damage with it.
If that changes on release or a ruling clarifies things, it's likely still a reasonable card. However, there might be even more power in it than one expects at a glance.
Edit: The recent 2021-06-28 FAQ to Seeking Answers and the comment which said, "some players (rightfully) interpreted it to discover 3 clues in total", leads me to suspect this even further. The same applies for Righteous Hunt - none of the wording explicitly indicate you engage the specified enemy "instead" of the standard enemy you'd engage, or indicate that you can select the distant enemy as a valid target for the standard Engage action. This definitely seems like a case where the intent is clear, but a strict reading of the rules leaves some very odd gaps, and it only hasn't become an issue because only the three cards and Riot Whistle would really interact with it.