Pendant of the Queen

Tabooed or not this card is ridiculous. For the love of God, please change that evade to "non-Elite" enemy. Even then it should be at least 3 XP (Sorry Luke). It's easy to find; it's easy to get in play; it's 3 bonus testless actions.

ErrantChuck · 793
It's funny that this is fine but then we have cards like Infighting and Tennesse Sour Mash (survivor) which they slapped non-Elite on because "oh no! imagine canceling Elite attacks (*cough* Dodge) or evading an Elite using a Combat skill test instead of an Agility! (*cough* Stunning Blow) That would just be too powerful, even for an xp card!!" — Nenananas · 258
Agreed. I suspect they need a second tier of enemy to get the finesse they want with encounters. This card, as is and well-played, is essentially a "pause-the-final-boss-of-any-scenario-for-three-turns" card. — ErrantChuck · 793
By that standard, an evade check pauses the final boss of any scenario for an infinite number of turns. And it's not like evade checks are particularly hard to make. — suika · 9483
Perhaps you are missing the fine print: you don't have to be at the location of the enemy to evade with with the Pendant. — ErrantChuck · 793
While I do agree with suika that evasion is surprisingly good at defanging bosses, that wouldn't make your point about Pendant's absurdity any less true (just because A is strong doesn't mean B isn't), especially because this isn't a comparison of equals; evasion requires an action (generally) and a test, Pendant requires neither. Evasion is a very strong boss-stopper, Pendant is literal point-and-click removal. — NightgauntTaxiService · 430
So Finn is the most ridiculous investigator in the game. He gets a free evade AND he gets a ton of cards and resources and from evading. Broken much? Why don't the devs tabooing Finn's evade to not work on non-Elite enemies? Remote evasion is cool and all but it's also mostly unnecessary vs final bosses. — yinwhite · 17
Fr though, Finn is up there on the investigator tier list; not many stronger than him. His only downsides are low will and a pretty annoying weakness — Nenananas · 258
You're right, Finn does get a free evade action like Pendant. However, the Pendant's evasion is testless, unlike Finn's. — NightgauntTaxiService · 430
I don't get this fixation on testlessness. Is everyone playing on expert where making evade tests is such a big deal? — suika · 9483
Even easy mode has the autofail. While it is a low chance that you'll draw it, being able to completely avoid the chance of doing so, especially on a test that might very well mean the difference between living and dying, is extremely valuable. — NightgauntTaxiService · 430
The consequence for failing an evade is most commonly just losing an action to evade again. If you have a 10% chance of failing the test, making the evade testless is worth 0.1 actions. — suika · 9483
Not sure about your thinking re: actions as divisible units suika, but can you name a better action (currently in the game) than a "fast testless evade of -any- visible enemy in play"? — ErrantChuck · 793
Sure I can: 3 free actions fast. Skip mythos phase. Skip all encounter cards for a mythos phase. Remove a doom from the agenda. Fight at +4 dealing 4 damage. 3 testless damage fast. X testless damge fast. 4 testless damage. I can go on but I'll leave it here. But a more straightforward answer would be that I pendant's ability only a little stronger than +1 action per round on any difficulty below Expert, apart from a very few scenarios where remote evade or teleport can cheese the scenario. — suika · 9483
And how many of those actions only cost 1 XP and have 3 uses? — ErrantChuck · 793
None of them because they're all so much stronger than a testless evade that it's bad faith to make the comparison in the first place. 3 testless evades is good don't get me wrong but it's just a nice insurance policy that you don't need most of the time. — suika · 9483
"Bad faith." Lol. Testless evade vs an Elite enemy and you don't have to be at their location. It's a crazy card. I standby my initial statement: taboo the Elite part, bump it to 3 XP cost (and get rid of the current taboo restriction). — ErrantChuck · 793
It is nice to see people defending this card while it is completely busted or they have never seen it played to the full power. Most Seekers draw like crazy and can stunlock an elite enemy with this WHILE ALSO making sure they spend the last charge when they are down to something like 5 cards in their deck, so they make sure to get it out ASAP in the next 2-3 turns and get another 3 amazing effects. Most Seekers that actually play this don't assamble it just once and have 3 free clues or evades or teleports, they assamble it 3-4 times in a single scenario, so we just stopped playing this shit until we decided to just nerf it and do what the original comment said; we made it not work with Elite enemies. This card is broken on so many levels but the fact that it is not a Finn-level of power is pretty obvious. Imagine if Finn had an ability that once per turn he can choose to discover a clue, free evade without a test on any enemy, or free teleport anywhere?!?! The mere flexibility makes it insane, not just the effect — Blood&gore · 433
It feels like we're just arguing in circles here. Suika's right, a free evade action isn't as broken as some of the shenanigans other cards can get up to (Ace in the Hole, A Watchful Peace, Hallow), but it's still very, very strong, especially since, as Blood&gore pointed out, Pendant doesn't just evade enemies. Rogue got evasion handled? You can still use Pendant to save move actions or vacuum up clues. I personally think you're underestimating the value of a free, testless evade, suika, but even if you're right (and your ratings indicate you probably are), Pendant's still a teleporter and clue-sniper. It's Seeker in a nutshell: able to do 95% of the game, and 50% of it well. — NightgauntTaxiService · 430
@Blood&gore It's literally taboo'd to not work like that anymore. Still a very powerful card, but it's not quite as easy to break as it used to be. — Soul_Turtle · 468
Chill from Below

This is the Return to the Night of the Zealot's replacement for Grasping Hands, and while it won't outright kill you like Grasping Hands will, it will certainly stun you from being able to get set up early. Plus it plays into the rest of the "forcing you to discard cards"/"having no cards in hand" theme that the rest of this Return To campaign has, the entire purpose of which seems to be taking the theme started by Umôrdhoth's Wrath and making it even scarier.

One thing about this card that I find odd is that Grasping Hands makes you perform a test but this makes you perform a test. That means that there aren't any -testing cards in the entire encounter deck for Return to The Gathering, and none in Return to The Devourer Below either if memory serves! (Not counting enemies that you can evade of course.) Return to The Gathering is the scenario I usually play to test my decks out, so I think I will house rule it that this card tests instead of , to help keep as a relevant encounter deck defensive stat when testing my decks. This card only shows up in two scenarios out of the whole game anyway, so it's not like this little change will break a whole campaign.

PS: I know this is a treachery card from a Return To set and therefore not a lot of people will see this review, but I still want to get it out there, lol.

Pete's Guitar

... Anyway, here's Wonderwall.


To-day, is gonna be the day, that we're gonna push around a mook.

By now, you shoulda somehow realized that ya don't need Duke.

I don't believe that any body gave a second look

At traps til now.


So Pete, if they are non-elite, we can shove them in, around, and out.

I'm sure you've blasted guys next door, I can herd'em when there's more about.

I don't believe that anybody ('cept for maybe Luke),

Builds for that now.


Now all the roads that lead to you are winding.

You won't need tech like Word or Flame or Blinding.

There are many hunters who would like to move to you,

But they don't know how.


Cuz maybe...!

You're gonna be the one that plays me...!

I'm free, as well...!

(If you're parallel).

HanoverFist · 739
.25 Automatic

So this is an interesting weapon. depending on the reading of it if you use pocket telescope alongside Good ol trish. you can use pocket telescope activate trish's ability to evade them and then shoot them with the automatic. go true james bond on the situation. From a nice safe distance.

ns482 · 3
I dont think you can do that. The fight action isnt against that particular enemy. Dirty fighting might work — Jota · 7
Yeah and even Dirty Fighting's FAQ says you can't use it against an enemy not at your location, so unfortunately this doesn't work. Would be cool though — Nenananas · 258
Unlike other interaction, Trish's ability with *Pocket Telescope* works. Pocket Telescope allows to investigate **as if** they were in that location. According to the rule notes related *as if* (in offical FAQ document), the investigator is considered in that location during investigation. Thus, during investigation (including any triggering the ability related to the discovery of clues), the investigator is in that location. It means that the enemy is considered as the same location for the purpose of triggering .25 Automatic. — elkeinkrad · 497
It's noted that the followed opinion does not hold for common remote clue discover cards, such as Damning Testimony. That's the speical case for Pocket Telescope and In the know. — elkeinkrad · 497
High Roller

The synergy here with Stylish Coat is great. Both it and High Roller are already good candidates for decks with high resource gain + overkill on skill tests, and the two combined can be impressive. I'm running a Leo deck with Underworld Support in a 4 player game on standard and I regularly proc high roller multiple times a scenario - throw Stylish Coat into the mix and High Roller is fantastic.

breich · 6