The kind of adition that I LOVE seeing added to a cardpool.
it's not a new card per-se but the issue with many XP cards is that they enable a playstyle all by themselves, a playstyle that may not fully exist without them. Chuck Fergus the 4xp version does wonders for an event based deck, but being 4 XP ensures that you cannot truly lean into the archetype until after a lot of upgrading. The 2xp version ensures that you can build the deck in a much more final form for the first scenario, bolstered by the fact that 2 copies of Chuck are no more then 1 scenario away, or even with In the Thick of It you can include the first copy and hope to draw/mulligan from the get-go.
So, a quick look at what Chuck actually does:
4 out of 5 classes have Tactic cards, all but mystic. Many of them are attacks or evades or else do some sort of damage. Multiclass characters can really have a field day with Chuck.
The vast majority of tricks belong to , even if onlyfor these, Chuck can be absolutely worth it.
- Backstab and Sweeping Kick, Sneak Attack and Cunning Distraction, for many of these cards, cards that do damage or evade things, adding to squeeze in more actions or a bonus on the skill test is useful, expanding your window for usefully leveraging the card or increasing the hit chance. For example when youre in heavy combat, squeezing in a fast Sneak Attack at the end might be just what you needed to finish things off efficiently, or else a One-Two Punch to burn down a boss.
- It only takes 2 uses of the cost reduction to fully pay for Chuck's own cost, playing a 3-cost card every turn is sure to bankrupt you immediately, and it makes the big cards like Dynamite Blast and Cunning Distraction much more palateable.
- All the cards in the Breaking and Entering, Cheap Shot and Slip Away suite can really benefit from any one Chuck buff, and as a deck design they scale well with more xp down the line.
- Cycle the deck and draw cards with Easy Mark, if you find just the one and got nothing better to do with Chuck, you get to cycle it like a freebie.
Altogether a great card.