Disclaimer: Pre-Scarlet Keys release review.
- 18/12/22: Added the Old Shotgun that enters play with 2 ammo while Salvaged!
- 13/02/22: Added the cash engine with .45 Thompson and other expensive assets.
A lot of Recursion tech is 0xp: Resourceful, Scrounge for Supplies, Scavenging. The exceptions are Shrine of the Moirai (3), Scavenging (2) and True Survivor (3).
So what justifies the 2xp?
- The action compression: instead of adding a card to your hand the way Scrounge for Supplies or Scavenging operate, you get to play it immediately. This is 1 immediate action for 2xp.
- You can target literally any Item, when Resourceful limits you to and Scrounge for Supplies to lvl 0 cards.
- You get the flexibility to trash an Item that you will not want to play anymore in case you are not planning on reusing it, and get some resources for it.
It would be impossible to name all of the items that would work with this, but interesting examples are for instance:
- Items that do something when played: the Lupara (though you do not avoid the AoO) or the Backpack that discards itself when empty or if it doesn't hit anything.
- Expensive Items that you can remove from the game to pay for another copy, like the .45 Thompson or a Lightning Gun.
- The Old Shotgun enters play with 2 ammo while played through an event.
An interesting combo is with Act of Desperation; you throw away an item and either replay it with the money that you got back or get the resource cost another time!
Bothered about the only 3 uses of the Chainsaw? Well, you are now served. Throw it with Act of Desperation and play it again right after. Add a Emergency Cache (3), and you have enough supplies to cut a whole forest (of Ancient One's tentacles, which is much more climate-friendly).
Another interesting combo is, especially with .45 Thompson, to hope that Short Supply will throw it away for you (or you can also commit it easily), and you can use Salvage on it for a massive income.
There are, unfortunately, very few cards that are items and that expensive, especially in , the Timeworn Brand being the other possibility. Still, there are much better ways to spend 5xp.
Now the real question, though: will it see play? I would say yes, especially in Short Supply Decks. Unless you can use Scavenging (2) reliably, like our new friend Darrell Simmons...