I wanted to add a more recent review that adds rules citations for three important pieces of information mentioned by earlier reviews/comments. Let's read the fine print on these Hospital Debts!
First: If you draw Hospital Debts naturally as part of the Upkeep phase at the end of the round, you will not be able to sneak two resources onto it before the round ends. The rules for timing make clear that there is no ~Player Window after you draw cards.
Second: In multiplayer, other investigators at the same location can activate and pay for Hospital Debts. In the rules, Activate) Actions can be taken on "all encounter cards in the threat area of any investigator at that location," and according to the rules for Weaknesses,) any weakness with an encounter cardtype (like "Treachery") "are considered to be encounter cards [...] once they have entered play."
Third: In multiplayer, the "Limit twice per round" applies to each investigator individually, meaning that three different investigators could pay down the debts in a single turn. The relevant) rule on limits specifies "Unless stated otherwise, limits are player specific." And this is likely relevant to a number of other cards.
Again, these three points have been mentioned elsewhere, but I wanted to collect them all in one place with relevant citations. I so often find that discovering the rules behind one card makes me better understand other cards, and the game as a whole!