Runic Axe

So I'm sorry if I missed this in the discussion but I felt like an aspect of this card was sort of overlooked. In the scarlet keys there are attacks that can be made against things that are not enemies (trying to stay very away from specific mechanics discussion where possible as I don't know what would be considered a spoiler here). So I wouldn't categorize inscription of the elders as a lesser/Roland as I've seen discussed. Roland has to defeat an enemy to trigger his ability. I'd look at it more as having the possibility of replacing what I'd call "off spec helper" cards for guardians in conjunction with Bandolier.

As an example instead of having sixth sense as a method to get clues you could use inscription of elders and hunt to efficiently move and reveal cards at low shroud locations since one use could potentially net you a move a fight and another card flip (or clue) for one action and would serve as a good guardian backup weapon either with low xp investment or late campaign if you felt like upgrading that trusty backup Cyclopean Hammer or something. Hopefully that's a new perspective to look at it from? (This occurred to me in my now 3rd playthrough of scarlet keys)

uyukio · 1
Makeshift Trap

Crazy good in Innsmouth, especially in Horror in High Gear with Net. Enemies get stuck at a location for so long you have time to get to Falcon Point. One of the main ways the Encounter deck makes the scenario hard is by triggering Hunter abilities during the Mythos. When they're trapped in a net, they still don't move. Thus, even the Encounter deck is mitigated by this card.

acotgreave · 862
Luke/Barricade also breaks the scenario. — MrGoldbee · 1462
Sparrow Mask

As of writing we have only seen one other mask with its boost and replenish condition (Cat mask, mystic, boosts Willpower/Combat, and replenishes both offerings on doom being placed on a card that doesn't have any).

I think Sparrow Mask will likely be the best, or most universally useful. Willpower and Agility are not the 'do something' stats, when you need to pass a test for these it's often critical for an encounter/scenario card. +2 can push a coin toss to very likely to succeed, and I think this will have wide play for investigators who need it. Bob (especially), Darrell, Rita and Daniella can probably all use this to shore up some of their weaker side (HP for Darrell, Sanity for Rita and Daniella) by shoring up their defenses, while Bob can hand out masks to others.

With respect to the masks in general, they are all (likely) level 0 so they can be used by the Dunwich investigators which also seems strong for Pete (boosting Duke's tests if there is a combat/intellect one).

Edit: How wrong I was, these masks are all insane. Getting primary stat boosts multiple times per scenario is incredibly good, and at only 1 resource even getting the effect twice is fine. Guardians get combat, seekers get Intellect, rogues get agility AND intellect. These are possibly what the talent cards in the base set should have been.

Therebrae · 29
Preach! The Sparrow Mask is doing serious work in Innsmouth! Since they are not unique our 4p party has two characters running this little powerhouse. — Staticalchemist · 1

This is the Return to the Night of the Zealot's replacement for Ghoul Minion, and it's just as squishy as the original yet it has a new relevant ability. It still dies in one hit from a weapon or spell but has an uncomplicated, straightforward ability that makes you want to watch out for it just a little bit more. Plus it plays into the rest of the "forcing you to discard cards"/"having no cards in hand" theme that the rest of this Return To campaign has, the entire purpose of which seems to be to foreshadow Umôrdhoth's Wrath and to make it even scarier when it comes out. Overall I like it.

Weeping Yurei

Looks like it will become "Bugging Yurei" in the future. Its unique mechanism that attacks investigator during chaos token revealing can cause plenty of issues.

Let me first: what if someone plays Hypnotic Gaze to cancel its attack during a skill test? Let's say the investigator is testing (3) and reveals a , then they plays Hypnotic Gaze to cancel that attack and then to reveal a chaos token following Hypnotic Gaze's ability. Before this revealing, should they put the token drawn before back to the chaos bag first? Though the rule specified that skill tests cannot be embedded, this chaos token revealing is actually not a skill test.

RyanMuQ · 1007
The curse token is still outside of the bag when you play Hypnotic Gaze in response to Yurei's attack. After you resolve Hypnotic Gaze's event, put that token back in, then continue with the skill test (with the curse token still outside). I don't believe this scenario is ambiguous. — toastsushi · 74
I meant this is an example of scenario that I need to think more to figure out what will happen. So every Kōhaku player needs to spend much more time on deck building and explaining rules during game play, which is painful for me since I cannot focus on the role-playing. For example, you have to explain why they must do their fighting skill test on [Counterpunch](card/60112) AFTER the current skill test due to the no-embedding-skill-test rule, or you have to double check if your [Spectral Razor](card/06201) can defeat this enemy if you revealed a curse token. Though you will finally get the answer (sometimes not), it is painful. — RyanMuQ · 1007
limit once per test, reveal bless or curse token during test. Hypnotic gaze is not a skill test; even if it were not specific to skill tests, limit once per test takes care of it. You'd need to nest skill tests, which is not impossible but is also not trivial. — Lailah · 1