Decorated Skull

After many years have passed, sadly, this card still does not see much play. Same with the Lvl 3 version, it requires a bit too much to draw and gain resources. When compared to Lucky Cigarette Case which i think is one of the most played cards out there (it is in almost every Rogue deck), i think we could use some good old tabboo for this one. Lvl 3 version seems to be made for Leo Anderson, but he cannot even take it, which is a huge missed opportunity flavor-wise if you ask me.

So, like always, my group got bored with having a card sit in our binder for ages and not even being played, so we changed it in a way like Scroll of Secrets is changed, meaning that we made it be ability. It did not change a lot, since my friend who ran it still wished he just had Lucky Cigarette Case to trigger more ofter, as this card needs enemies or allies to enter play and then to die to gain 1 resource and 1 card, which is just so damn slow. But after many years we can say that we have played it, and who knows, maybe one day in the far future FFG decides to tabboo it in the same way that we did. We even went all-in and changed Decorated Skull to be 2xp and LVL 2 card so Leo could take it, and it was so cool seeing him sacrificing his allies like Treasure Hunter and Hired Muscle and gain charges on this when we went to Egypt to test it in that standalone scenario.

To conclude, this ain't really a normal review like you might be looking for, but rather a change for all of you who are bored to have this card sit and collect dust, while it can be changed in such a simple way, and provide you with more options. Also, i bet many of you are just so bored of seeing that damn cigarette case in every game, and God knows we could use some more options when deck building!

Blood&gore · 430
Level 3 version is an Akachi staple. Sure, she needs "Relic Hunter" for it, because the accessory slot is contested, but not by LCC, so it is uncompeted for econony. She gets extra value from it by defeating doom allies like the AI or Renfield, and it is easy enough for her to kill enemies, too. The level 0 version is a bit too slow, but now with DtRH, I see incentive to put it in a level 0 deck for her, too. — Susumu · 366
Would it also be another way to pay off Angered Spirits? I mean I’d rather keep the charges on Shrivelling if I could. I know there’s other ways but anything that adds a different flavor to my deck pleases me. — Staticalchemist · 1
Sorry about that, not a spell, so that doesn’t work out. — Staticalchemist · 1
Flute of the Outer Gods

Power Word is the final nail in the coffin for this card. Maybe if you wanted a fourth copy that was way more expensive to play, cost way more experience, was less versatile, took up a hand slot and required you to dedicate a solid portion of your deck to curse tokens. Perhaps you are simply Ursula Downs.

bug_man · 4
Hypnotic Gaze

17 Jan 2023. Used Hypnotic Gaze x2 on The Devourer Below. With sheer luck, the boss dealt 3x2 damage to itself. Very useful for the Elites and the boss. Instant save for 1 person and damage to the boss.

yeokaiwei · 2
Charlie Kane

Obviously no one is going to top Valentin1331's review of Charlie Kane. Having played a flex-Kane in the Scarlet Keys campaign I want to highlight a couple of character dynamics. I approached Charlie in a pure ally fashion--no hand slots were used in the [redacted]. Obviously if you want to play Charlie differently some of these thoughts will be less useful.

First, ally economy. Kane is pretty inept until he gets allies out and even then it can be hard to safely get him through more than two tests a turn because he's exhausting his allies. You can get out of this by having a lot of allies on the field (i highly recommend rod of animism and charisma, especially once your primary cards are in the deck), exhausting allies (Bonnie Walsh is a perfect signature card and drawing the elder sign with Charlie is pure joy), or changing your base stats. To this end, I believe Miss Doyle and Summoned Hound are perfect additions to a Charlie Kane deck.

Miss Doyle provides two ally slots in a single ally slot, plus her kitties allow you to take a test with a base skill of 5 rather than 1. Even if you play the wrong kitten, the fact that Doyle has ? icons and that each kitten has two icons rather than one means they are almost always high benefit exhausts. Summoned Hound on the other hand is almost never exhausted for benefit. Rather it lets you do one of the main activities in the game with a base score of 5 as a fast action. If you get Bonnie and the Hound out at the same time this can lead to investigating or fighting with a base of 5 twice (and once with a minimum score of 4) three times for the price of a single action (fast action Hound, action do a test where you commit Bonnie, fast action hound). Have a few more allies out and/or cards to commit and suddenly Charlie Kane can be a secondary guardian or seeker.

Second, Rogue/Survivor Charlie. What is a politician, if not a roguish survivor? Their job is to shake hands, smile, grease wheels, and weather scandals. Kane is no different, and I actually think in multiplayer play this is a better pair for a flex Charlie than Seeker/Guardian as it helps you play, search for, and sometimes abuse your allies. On the Rogue side, Hit and Run is a wonderful card. Every time you add an ally into a Kane deck I recommend considering how it would interact with Hit and Run--by the end of my campaign Hit and Run was the only rogue card in my deck and I had no regrets about my class choice. Though I only did it one time, playing Hit and Run and Calling in Favors on the same card is exceedingly satisfying, and can save a few precious resources if you're really lucky. More impressive are the Survivor cards. Flare alone makes me think Survivor should be considered for every Kane deck. Adding A Chance Encounter (with or without experience) and Resourceful (to get back Encounter, and some of your high value allies like Miss Doyle and Peter back) to the card pool and...well, I promise it is fun. Remember, Chance Encounter(2) and Flare both put Summoned Hound into play so you don't need to drop the bonded card in the deck.

Overall I think Charlie is a super fun and satisfying investigator. His card pool opens up all sorts of wonky interactions (ESPECIALLY if you have oodles of experience or are playing off taboo). If you like allies, animals, and confusing turns, give the old man a shot.

turtlegods · 11
Faustian is real good for high cost allies too. — MrGoldbee · 1460
Runic Axe

A little bit of interaction gotchas of □□□ Ancient Power and □□□□ Scriptweaver to note. Scriptweaver says different and Ancient Power says same. They are not against each other and can take effect at the same time. For example if you have both customs :

  • You cannot spend 1 charge and choose the damage twice to get +2 damage since Scriptweaver prevents it, even though Ancient Power allows it.
  • You can spend 2 charges to get (+1 damage and +2 ) + (+1 damage and +2 ) since Ancient Power allows it.

Also you may think □ Inscription of the Hunt can "walk in and fight" similar to Duke's move-and-Investigate but it is different. You need to perform Fight to something at your location, only then you get to decide between moving or engaging using the charge. (EDIT: See comments)

5argon · 10200
you spend the charge before the attack, hunt triggers before the fight does. — Zerogrim · 293
But can you declare an illegal fight that, after spending a charge and moving, becomes legal? — jaunt · 20
If you compare it with weapons and events who allow you to target enemies at connecting locations like the tabooed Springfield, the enchanted bow and marksmanship, it seems to be legal to initiate the action if the effect create a legal scenario. — Tharzax · 1
It's also comparable to abilities like fin — NarkasisBroon · 10
Abilities like fence. Fence makes a card you are playing fast, but that means you declare an illegal intent to play a non fast card during a player window, and then react to that illegal declaration to trigger fence, and make it legal. — NarkasisBroon · 10
It's similar as Spectral Razor. I think it is legal target if we can attack after we resolve the effect of the Hunt. — elkeinkrad · 492
Alright, I had asked the community Discord and it seems like you actually would be able to walk-and-Fight by initiating Fight to nothing. (Also otherwise it doesn't really feel like "hunting") I thought it was only meant to be combined with Fury to drag to more targets. Striking out that part of the review now. — 5argon · 10200