Faustian Bargain

I really like this card. I've tried it in Wini through TCU this week -- it's been great.

2 -2 tokens are not really very much to someone who plans to overcommit anyway, and sating her thirst for resources is really nice. It's an extra Cache (but better!) and given her signature weakness you could even try and sag a test tactically if the opportunity comes along on a WP treachery etc.

The fact it comes with WP and Int icons is even better, though at 0 cost I can't imagine not playing this except in a pinch.

fiatluxia · 67
I think I like this a lot for poor Preston builds that try and spend all their resources every turn. A big issue with those decks is mitigating Lodge Debts, but this essentially kills Lodge Debts for you, as you use the 1 resource you gain at the end of a round +4 onto Inheritance, and this gets you the last 5. — StyxTBeuford · 13029
Shadow Agents

I'm thinking this has to be one of the easiest investigator weaknesses to deal with in the entire game, short of the ones you can afford to outright ignore sometimes. Most of the cards that help Trish deal with this weakness are cards she would have strongly considered running anyway.

Narrow Escape is already fantastic for Trish, this weakness practically makes it a cornerstone.

Obfuscation also helps with this and slides right into a completely uncontested slot (arcane). Since it's Fast, she can hold onto it until she needs it.

Cryptographic Cipher helps as well. Despite making the resulting investigate slightly tougher, at any 1 or 2 shroud location it's hardly noticeable and it lets her grab a clue AND discard her weakness without spending a single action. If it's sitting in her hand she could always Sleight of Hand it out as well...

Shortcut helps her position herself on top of a clue if she draws into this weakness at a location with 0 clues.

...and if there are no clues around you could always stoop to the level of more mortal investigators and simply spend an action to evade it and poof, it's gone.

Pretty cool. Trish seems extremely hard to slow down.

gionazzo · 64
I couldn't agree more. This weakness is almost laughable at how easy it is to deal with. I expected the card to reshuffle into your deck after an evasion, thereby forcing Trish to step out of her comfort zone and do some fighting. Maybe they didn't want that because they don't want you using Shadow Agents to trigger her response repeatedly (and therefore being a help than a hindrance). But I feel like the high evade value would tempt Trish into trying to use them to her advantage only to be sabotages from a bad draw. — LaRoix · 1645
It is still 5 to evade, which is a lot even for Trish, so without a way to investigate skipping AoO you might have to suck it up and take two damage. If that investigate fails too, then you might be in trouble. I think this ironically hurts a bit more in multiplayer where you're not as concerned otherwise with AoOs, but I think even there you'll at least have Narrow Escape. So overall, not a nothing weakness, but definitely tame relative to Trish's power level. — StyxTBeuford · 13029
At worst, two damage. Oh well. — MrGoldbee · 1473
Play Decoy and they're outta here. — toastsushi · 74
Well no, at worst you fail the investigate and you have to take 4 at least. That can happen, don't discount it. That said, in multi you probably are taking good tech cards like Decoy, so you have that as an answer (and your friends can help kill it also). — StyxTBeuford · 13029
I've had someone else engage it at her location (Nate with Get Over Here), and he fought his entire turn. Then Trish just investigates to get rid of it. Additionally, you have Slip Away which puts you at 8 to try to rid of it. There's many options. — toastsushi · 74
Absolutely, there are several ways. Just be aware it's the kind of thing you do have to make sure you're ready for. If there's no clue on your location, or if the shroud is high, or if you don't have that evasion tech, you could be in big trouble. Even evading at 8 with Slip Away isn't guaranteed. Don't make the mistake that you can Hunch or Lola your way out of it, since you can't get clues except through investigating. — StyxTBeuford · 13029
In my brief TTS trial of Trish, I ended up getting kind of screwed over by this because I drew it late after all the clues were gone, 5 being a pretty tough number to evade with 0xp. Later I got Obol'd, so it was probably not a great deck, anyway, but point being if your counters aren't in hand, and you've already discovered all the clues it's pretty rough! One nice thing about Quick Study or Maleson. — Zinjanthropus · 229
Yeah it's kind of hilarious that you might take Maleson just to drop a clue to deal with this. I'm not so sure that's worth the ally slot compared to Milan, but his 2/2 soak is worth looking at for more violent campaigns. — StyxTBeuford · 13029
Stunning blow — MrGoldbee · 1473
Book of Psalms

In Arkham, we know that faith can keep us sane. The Holy rosary is one of the few zero xp sanity adding assets. But you can throw that on for one action before leaving the house. The book of Psalms is going to take us more effort. This is a support card. Generally, it’s not useful to take two actions to heal one damage or horror. (Every healing asset requires us to put it in play after all.) Every three actions you take, generally, the encounter deck is going to drop more problems, which means we need other reasons to play this.

First, we could be a therapist. Carolyn, being at the top of medical science in the 1920s, is willing to use Hypnotic Therapy and prayer. She gets a buck and can heal one or two san while adding bless tokens to the bag. Super effective: 8 bless tokens and a net profit for the team.

Second and more obviously, this is useful for a support Mary or Mateo. Most of the Conspiracy investigators have good sanity, but Silas has five. Keeping him alive while you feed the bag plays into the support archetype.

Least obviously but most thematically interesting is taking this card with Joe or Roland. As blue/yellow investigators, they find Astounding Revelations...and discover secrets in the writings of King David! The idea of secrets in the Psalms may make money indirectly, because people are still publishing books to that effect more than 100 years later.

Which is enough to cause you sanity damage.

MrGoldbee · 1473
I'd add that it's an interesting card for Parrallel back Daisy, or Daisy with Versatile. — mogwen · 254
Finally a cross-class tome parallel Daisy might consider. — OrionJA · 1
Yup, for Daisy it's WILD. — MrGoldbee · 1473
Good thing it uses a hand slot. Because Guardians don't use their hands..........GRRRRRRRRR — TheDoc37 · 468
I like this in Skids or Leo since Rogues get some extra actions. Otherwise it is too action intensive and competes for a critical hand slot for most. Carolyn is obviously a good target and possibly the others mentioned. — The Lynx · 980
Skids and Leo A. can Sleight of Hand this into play and spend a whole turn healing up while getting 6 blessed tokens. Perhaps not great, but compliments guns and Flashlights as SoH targets. — ArkhamArkhanist · 10
A blessed-token parallel Daisy Walker could consider this tome too... — Lilan · 82
Token of Faith

(1) I'm very surprised this isn't blessed-traited item like every other card that adds blessed tokens to the chaos bag.

(2) This is much better with a lower player count (1 or 2). After it exhausts, It can no longer convert tokens and becomes dead weight. "Ashcan" Pete can use his ability to ready it, and there may be a build here if he takes cards like Deep Knowledge, Faustian Bargain, and Tempt Fate.

(3) This works for any skill test. Not just your skill tests, or ones at your location.

(4) It takes an accessory slot and has to.compete against the card draw of Rabbit's Foot.

(5) I have a feeling this will become a staple in some solo survivor build. Perhaps a fail focused build that can benefit from having a lot of cursed tokens in the chaos bag. Currently the bless/cursed card pool is slim, so only time will tell.

Calprinicus · 6189
Saying Token of Faith is better in lower player count is like saying Shortcut is better in lower player count since you can only move 1 investigator. With more player you get more opportunity to trigger the card. — ak45 · 469
But more players means more tests for bless tokens to get removed, so it heavily depends. — StyxTBeuford · 13029
Look at the shadow for the reason it's not blessed. — Chained Dreamer · 1
It`s better with more players. 1.) You want to avoid the situation where the token isn`t used in a particular round. The more often you use it the better for you. 2.) The tokens get removed fast. But that is a bad way looking at this. The faster they are removed the faster they do your team good. After all it`s a co-op game. — Chiungalla · 2

What was once simply a Toni Morrison novel is now an interesting pick for Silas.

My starting assumption is this: if you’re running a bless heavy deck, you probably have sister Mary.

(Predestination is not gonna fill up the bag unless you’re cycling it with resourceful.)

Now, Silas can give this a shot once a turn, hoping for the token, withdrawing if he doesn’t get it. It’s not the most efficient use of his time, but there’s no action loss involved.

The wild symbol is what makes it truly neat. Let’s say you’re using Olive McBride, a scrying mirror, and/or Jacqueline to look at multiple tokens. (Premonition also works.) You can play this on a teammate to make them automatically pass a check, something that would otherwise cost a lot of XP (or four resources). And with the wild symbol, it can apply to any skill. One of the ridiculously high ones in the circle undone. An evade of a brutal monster in the Yucatán. A sawn-off blast with double or nothing.

Sure, it takes a lot of time, effort, and you can’t do it alone. That’s how you know it’s love.

Edit: Now that we’ve seen the pact of the sun, this card becomes “use ancient covenant another time this turn, but a tad better“.

MrGoldbee · 1473
Auto success counts as success by 0 so it doesnt work with "succeed by X" stuff like any shotgun. — Django · 5115
That's incorrect. Autosuccess makes the difficulty of the test 0, you succeed by whatever your skill value is. So if your investigating a 2 shroud at 3 intellect, commit this to boost yourself to 4, and then draw a bless, you succeed by 4 because that's your final value against a difficulty of 0. — StyxTBeuford · 13029
I don't think auto success does count as a success by 0? It counts the difficulty of the test as 0, but that's different , right? And the example in the expanded auto-success rules, regarding Hope, explicitly says "However, the skill test still takes place. Cards may still be committed to the test, and the investigator’s total modified skill value is still determined, as it may have some bearing on other card abilities. " — bee123 · 31
This card (and Favor of the Sun) is great with any "succeed by X" cards, like Shotgun. For most Guardians you're getting the guaranteed max damage just by playing this. — Jaysaber · 7