This is simply not a good card. You basically have to build around it to get a good benefit from it(unless you happen to only be running one item anyway, which is rare.), and the benefit isn't strong enough to merit doing that.
This is simply not a good card. You basically have to build around it to get a good benefit from it(unless you happen to only be running one item anyway, which is rare.), and the benefit isn't strong enough to merit doing that.
Expensive, but absolutely worth it. Jim Culver in particular loves this cat, as it provides protection against a good chunk of the chaos bag when combined with his ability (plus his elder sign isn't so hot anyway). At 3/3 health/sanity and only two resources it also works well as a sturdy shield that has the potential to heal itself.
This card potentially adds some insane combo potential, though the increased deck size makes your deck less consistent so it's also less likely to draw the card(s) you've chosen. It's better for investigators with lots of draw/ search effects, be it through their classes or their own ability. It's also better for assets, as you benefit from these longer than one time use of skills or events (though some investigator abilties may change that like Silas).
Leo De Luca: Gain another action but his ressource cost is pretty steep.
Mr. "Rook": Search your deck for important cards and get your weaknesses out early, so they don't surprise you later. He's considered OP for a reason and is very likely to hit the taboo list. Be aware he's unique, so conflicts with other investigators.
Peter Sylvestre: To compensate low sanity of your investigator.
Dr. Milan Christopher: Useful for any high investigator. Mystics can use him too, though they don't benefit from +1 .
Scavenging: It's great for any clue-er but useless for the class it's in, as all survivors have medium to low int. Most clue-ers are almost guaranteed to trigger it every round. Use it to recur an item with many matching symbols or ?. Reload items with charges, secrets, etc. by discarding and replaying them, like Ancient stones or Grotesque Statue. This also works for mystics with Sixth Sense and similar spells.
Alice Luxley: Similar to scavenging, least usefull in the class she's in. Kill some Rats while investigating or help your fighter. Her high ressource cost could be a problem.
Magnifying Glass: Cheap boost while investigating
David Renfield: Gain lots of ressources if used right and +1 . I recommend Calling in Favors or Smoking Pipe get rid of his doom.
Lone Wolf: Another source of income if you're alone or small team. Mostly useless with Safeguard.
Fire Axe, Meat Cleaver, Baseball Bat: 2 damage weapons not on the taboo list, each with their own disadvantage.
Drawing Thin: Ressources or cards if you can afford to fail some tests or you don't care about the higher difficulty. Can add more secrets to Ancient Stone 1 if you beat the higher difficulty (use Hyperawareness or similar cards to beat the difficulty)
Teamwork: Opens some crazy combos by switching ressources, (XP) items and allies.
Hallowed Mirror: Everyone can heal HP/ Sanity now.
St. Hubert's Key: +1 and but pretty expensive.
Solemn Vow: Combo with Jessica Hyde and/ or Peter Sylvestre to heal other investigators.
Mariner's Compass: Not very useful in survivor because they have very few boosts. Gets a lot better the higher your (obviously). So get 1 more clue each turn if you don't need many ressources. Compared to Fingerprint Kit it has no limit but does not provide +1.
Leather Jacket If your investigator has low health, this is a good alternative to Bulletproof Vest as it costs no action play.
Lonnie Ritter If you need sanity or stamina healing, lonnie is a very good investment as her healing does not cost an action, like most other assets. Her +1 is also a very good side effect. Just be aware that you need an asset with damage on it to trigger her ability, also see her card's page for details. Combine with Solemn Vow to heal the team.
Edit: Added Leather Jacket and Lonnie Ritter
This review is solely for Jacqueline Fine, as the card is obviously much better than its predecessor for other mystics who cannot afford to lose their spell/relic asset (unless they're running Premonition effects but that's another story).
It gives you the safety of not actually losing your Grotesque Statue or Seal of the Seventh Sign like its cheaper version. But still, when you're playing Jacqueline, you are much more safe in playing Recharge 2 than any other mystic thanks to your own ability, so the only reason you would upgrade this is to get one more measly charge...
Here's where the actual value of the card lies: it is a spell, and with Arcane Research you can upgrade your level 2 into level 4 for free over the course of 2 scenarios. Unless you've built your deck around 7 upgradable spells at the start and have no research to spare.
This is worse than 'Unexpected Courage' as a standalone card. You just can't consistently time important checks to get that extra '?' icon. It isn't hard to use it with two icons though, so it's not that much worse.
But unlike 'Unexpected Courage', 'Prophesy' can be tutored by 'Practice Makes Perfect.' An investigator with access to just the seeker and mystic pools has a pretty shallow pool of practiced skills with 'Perception' and 'Deduction' as the obvious standouts.
With 4 targets in a 30-something card deck, the odds of missing a search with PMP are significant—especially if you've already played PMP once. So if you want to be sure you won't waste that card and possibly fail the skill test, 'Prophesy' is a reasonable addition. For my part, I've done this in a Mandy Thompson deck and have not been disappointed.
I wouldn't look at this card in any other situation though.