Disc of Itzamna

At 3 Resources, this is a bit expensive, since that (and the slot) could have gotten you Tooth of Eztli or Grisly Totem, always assuming you can't take Crystalline Elder Sign or Rabbit's Foot. On the other hand, Seeker isn't exactly drowning in enemy control, so this isn't terrible, just a bit overshadowed by other choices. It's the kind of thing that you upgrade out of fairly quickly once your core XP plan is realized.

Fair assessment. I agree it's a little pricey, but Seeker's are kind of spoiled because of the good Dr. Milan. I think this will see more play than it's upgrade. The upgrade doesn't seem worth it, but 2 damage is enough to kill a handful of basic enemies, and an action-less and test-less evade will help get away from non-hunters if they have more than 2HP. — LaRoix · 1645
The damage is also nice against Victory enemies (it'll be dead and scored sooner, while discard would remove the threat from play, it wouldn't help you score the point). This cuts the other way (making the upgrade maybe worthwhile) in TFA. — Yenreb · 15
Anyone knows whether it defeats 2 (one health) swarming enemies? — Wuk wuk boom! · 1
@Wuk wuk boom!: — Total_DK · 1
(Let's try that again) @Wuk wuk boom!: "When a swarm card is defeated, any excess damage may be dealt to another swarm card underneath the same host enemy or to the host enemy itself." — Total_DK · 1

While most of the Starter Deck investigators got Basic Weaknesses tailored to make them (in particular) cry, Harvey got one that's reasonably mild for him. Sure, getting milled a random card each turn sucks, but Harvey can withstand a couple rounds of this better than, say, Ursula who struggles a bit with card draw. Annoying in HArvey, potentially devastating in almost any Guardian.

This one is actually the meanest of all the basics in the set imo. Because it hits you at the beginning of the turn, you rarely get a chance to kill it before it hits you, and losing 2 cards from one weakness (since it is drawn instead of another card) AND two actions is kind of brutal. Harvey can deal with it better than most since he's more likely to draw it with two actions remaining, and having more cards means it hurts less, but he's definitely still going to spend two actions ASAP to kill it. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
That’s why you ask your fellow investigators very nicely to take their turn before yours and remove it for you. :) — Death by Chocolate · 1485
Very good point. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
Since I mostly play over Zoom these days, it's pretty easy to forget that I can take the actions to clear a partner's weaknesses. It's a useful thing to remember. — LivefromBenefitSt · 1067
Thrice-Damned Curiosity

This has been updated to match my "Signature Weakness Project." I have done my best to make sure that the original content isn't altered too much, out of respect for any comments.

A weakness with a strong theme, although mechanically, it's kind of a blunt tool. Looking at the two elements, the effect and the discard condition, we get:

The effect: Harvey takes 1 damage for every 3 cards in his hand. The good news is that this won't kill Harvey outright from full Health unless you are doing some Dream-Enhancing jankery before you find this. The bad news is that you will want to keep your hand size low until you draw this, and that is not Harvey's jam. Much like The Home Front, timing is going to be everything with this card, and is not exactly great with soaking Damage. You could work with Charisma and Miskatonic Archaeology Funding to build a meat shield, but that's a lot of XP, Resources, and actions (plus MAF limits the soak they can offer you). You could add Mr. "Rook" and dig like crazy for it, but Harvey doesn't really need Rook otherwise, since he will have his whole deck in is hand sooner or later. Scroll of Secrets can try to fish it out, but that is a bit of a long shot. Really, it boils down to "keep your hand small until drawn" or "stock up on soak."

On the other hand, nothing says "gambling with your life" like being a faculty member with a grant opportunity on the line.

The discard condition: One and done, although it goes into the discard pile, and Harvey is great at decking himself, so....

All in all, this is an average signature weakness, maybe a bit worse in long scenarios. I kind of wish it was themed better like "put a resource on this card for each 3 cards in your hand. remove one resource. Discard when there are no resources. Harvey cannot take other actions while this card is in play." Perfect distracted professor!

Addendum: I realied that the MAF meat shield won't work because it's "No more than 1 of that damage/horror can be assigned to a Miskatonic asset." not "no more than 1 to each." C'est la vie, Harvey. — LivefromBenefitSt · 1067
My first go-to upgrade for Harvey was to get Versatile and Deny Existence in order to ignore all the damage on this card. — toastsushi · 74
Getting deny existence with Versatile could work. I think Versatile is better with seeker cause they have so much draw and tutor abilities. A bigger deck also reduces the chance of drawing curiosity again. — Django · 5108
A few options I'm looking at — Calprinicus · 6124
Versatile + scavenging + bullet proof vest — Calprinicus · 6124
Backpack + painkillers + eldersign amulet (or sanity allies) — Calprinicus · 6124
The 4xp strange solution. 4 suuplies. Each supply heals 2 damage. — Calprinicus · 6124
Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't deny existence only work with encounter cards? — dr31ns5mf · 1
Yes Deny Existence says "Play when an encounter card or an enemy attack would cause..." so I think @dr31ns5mf is correct that this combo won't work. — coldtoes · 28
"Weaknesses with an encounter cardtype (such as enemies or treacheries) are considered to be player cards while they are in their bearer’s deck, and are considered to be encounter cards while they are being resolved, and once they have entered play." - from the Game Play FAQ. You can cancel the damage from Thrice-Damned Curiosity with Deny Existence because Thrice-Damned Curiosity is a treachery, and therefore counts as an encounter card - just like any other treachery - when being resolved. — Trinity_ · 203
No, you can't cancel it with "Deny Existence", you can just ignore it. :) Not so much a relevant info for Harvey, as for Diana. @ dr31ns5mf/ coldtoes: also notice the distinction on "Ward of Protection" (5), which adresses "non-weakness encounter cards". — Susumu · 371
Does this card count itself when calculating damage? — retromancer · 1
@retromancer no, it's in limbo while being resolved, not in your hand — Nenananas · 258
Vault of Knowledge

This is... not flashy at all, but a good utility card for "Big Hand" Harvey.

It's no match for Duke, but what is?

It's less good than Zoey's Cross or Jim's Trumpet, since you won't weep if you don't see it. It's less good than Sophie or Twilight Blade because it doesn't open up a totally new ability.

It's about equal to Roland's .38 Special, since it just lets you do what you wanted to do a bit better.

It's a bit better than Heirloom of Hyperborea, since it always lets Harvey do what he's good at as opposed to being good only in some builds.

It's better than Jake Williams, since you will always want to play it, and better than Jenny's Twin .45s, because it doesn't fill your hand slots. It's better than Becky, because Harvey doesn't have an overly-close attachment to his Vault that makes other investigators nervous.

I could not disagree harder. Most signatures that aren’t guns or allies are better than those guns or allies. Think of Minh’s Analytical Mind. This is very much equivalent to that, drawing you more cards a turn and enabling synergies that work well with Harvey’s ability anyway. In fact, for Harvey it’s arguably better since 3 cards a turn is much better than the 2 that AM gives you. Sigs that draw cards are borderline broken. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
This is well above Cross and Trumpet easily. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
On the other hand, Harvey has a lot of ways to increase hand size and draw. I agree that Minh and Caroline have Signatures I would put above this, mostly because they open up new abilities (or improve existing abilities). — LivefromBenefitSt · 1067
I mean, those ways also exist for all Seekers, but only Harvey gets this. I would put this comparably with Minh's, but well above Carolyn's. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
Real talk though, Becky is ridiculously good. Most guardians would give both arcane and their body slots for a gun that never runs dry. — SGPrometheus · 821
Nobody has mentioned that Harvey can assist other investigators in digging for their cards. The support part of this card makes it one of the best signature cards in the game. — The Lynx · 980
Becky is.... okay. The nice thing about Becky is the ammo. Unfortunately, like most sig guns, it just pales miserably to higher level Guardian options like Flamethrower or Lightning Gun. I personally like Roland’s gun the best of all the sig guns, and I rank sig guns low as far as sigs go. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
Blessed Becky is solid tho! — MrGoldbee · 1471
You don't have to use reactive ability if you don't want to. It's optional. If drawing a card will put Investigator in a dangerous situation just don't use Vault of Knowledge reaction ability. — Njagas · 1
Called by the Mists

This has been updated to match my "Signature Weakness Project." I have done my best to make sure that the original content isn't altered too much, out of respect for any comments.

Another flavorful signature weakness. Looking at the two elements, the effect and the discard condition, we get:

The effect: Stella takes a damage if she initiates a test of 4 difficulty or higher. The Encounter Deck isn't shy about tossing out 4- and 5-difficulty tests, and it's pretty easy to get into a fight with Enemies with a 4 Fight and/or Evade. In Solo, the is just enough of a cost that you have some serious thinking to do when this pops out of a Rabbit's Foot draw....

The discard condition: . That is all. It does get discarded, but Stella is not all that likely to deck herself.

All in all, this is a below average signature weakness. it shuts down Stella's shenanigans until you can clear it, but it is unlikely to cost you the scenario or campaigns.

It also punishes you for using Drawing Thin. Which is probably fair, because Drawing Thin is pretty bonkers in Stella. — Zinjanthropus · 229
Drawing Thin is bonkers period. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
True. I didn't mean to imply that it wasn't bonkers outside of Stella. — Zinjanthropus · 229
No for sure, it is at a certain peak in Stella. — StyxTBeuford · 13028