Fire Axe

The most boring, unimaginative and weirdest upgrade in THE WHOLE game. For 2xp you get "Fast"? What? Such a bad upgrade to one of the most classic cards in the entire game, the one that was designed ages ago and started making a whole archetype with Dark Horse. I know some folks like to say "heeey but you can save it in your hand if you play somebody like Minh and then when an enemy shows up you put it into play hoho i am so smart" yeah, but you can do that with the other Seeker cards like "I've got a plan!" or Occult Invocation, you know, the card that is meant to be saved in your hand for when you need it, which is why it is an EVENT card? And with it you just spend a bit of resources and blast 2-4 dmg and be done with that enemy that is sooo problematic as you say, and still keep 2xp and save yourself a hand slot.

They could have given us another +1 to combat maybe, or make it do something else, maybe another ability that is a reaction which says if your last resource is spent by the above ability, gain 1 resource. That way it would make it so when you destroy the only enemy with it you still get 1 resource for other cards when you need it and would make an interesting combo card. Such a disappointment :(

Blood&gore · 432
From all the community DIY player cards i've seen, this one is the most boring one — OnThinIce · 26
Miracle Wish

No. Its NOT an ultimate producer. It's a 5 EXP Lucky+ and one of the most hard using 5exp cards ever, evenly matched with Flurry of Blows .

Most investigator have an of +2, with a little bit cards, resources or other bonus. So if you play miracle wish with just 1 token, its effect now reads "1c. Fast. after an an investigator at your location would fail a skill test: they get about +2 skill value and a personal bonus." The more it draws, the more copy of Lucky you got. It cant save your ass unless you are running standard difficulty. is also unchangeable.

You probably want bring Evanescent Ascension into play with multiple wishes, cause Miracle Wish its an disposable card. So you want multiple token revealed in a single test, to do so, you need cards too catch it, or being lucky enough. Then you need to pay the X price. Its quite expensive when you were a guardian (If your bless deck seals in Rite of Sanctification to get resources, its more harder to get more bless tokens form the bag).

So who probably want to use it? OH OF COURSE, Father Mateo! He got an automatically succeed, but wait! How the hell they only give him Bless cards 0-3??!! Or, Kohaku and Mary? Maybe their +1 can change something...Nah. To me, seems that Carson Sinclair with a bless theme deck is the only reasonable choice. Once you give your teammate an , you can trigger your own to draw 1 card. Now it became a 5 EXP Lucky(2)+ ! Thank you FFG janitor.

OnThinIce · 26
Thank you for using my term "FFG janitor". It cannot be anything else, because nobody sane would put this and Flurry of Blows to cost 5xp. Guardians are already the weakest class of them all, so he's gotta be the one to blame — Blood&gore · 432
Compared to seal of the elder sign it seems ok in terms of xp for the effect. You trade the secure token pull for the ability to use the card more often. Nevertheless only use it if you have a good elder sign effect. — Tharzax · 1
I have to disagree you Tharzax, seal of elder sign is way better than this. One auto success is better than many Luckys. It gives you a sure win in any important or deadly test, a sure success point for crystal pendulum. Once you decide to use it, you basically dont need any other cards or resources input. None of this can MW do. — OnThinIce · 26
You know when I read Evanescent Ascension I just automatically assumed that the elder sign replaced all other revealed tokens — OrionAnderson · 71
I suppose you can abuse this with Rod of Carnamagos, but Carson can't use it. I agree that the best user for Miracle wish should be Carson. — joster · 40
Cleaning Kit

Not sure if it's because it's a guardian card or because of the versatility of ammo/supplies, but when I first saw this card Carson Sinclair came to mind. My group usually makes 3man campaigns so there is always a flex investigator. Adding this (or the Cleaning Kit lvl3 version) can help both the fighter to add more ammo and the cluever to resupply their fingerprint/flashlights. Along with Venturer it's a pretty big time support for the rest of the group. Great card overall even for a fighter to use for his own (found it pretty useful on a flex Wilson Richards that I tried as well, reloading his tools as needed (Chainsaw in particular)

Cleaning Kit only only supplies your own assets, not your friend's assets — OrionAnderson · 71
Yes, but you can supply your own Venturer which can in turn supply the group ;) — AlderSign · 300
Honed Instinct

If Leo Anderson can find space for it, this is really good for him with the Muscle Memory and Impulse Control upgrades. Now any of the allies he plays with his free action get to cosplay as Leo De Luca for a turn, which can be extremely clutch on some key turns (especially if you're playing the real Louisiana Lion as well).

ClownShoes · 148
Flurry of Blows

This card blows: I'm genuinely flabbergasted how this got past beta test, let alone get printed. Somehow the design team thought "Yeah, no, this definitely deserves to cost 5 exp"

I will say one thing in favour of Flurry of Blows: it actually would be a decent card at level 0 if you are specialising in using melee weapons. If you are committing your entire turn fighting, then yeah, an extra 2 actions to strike enemies is decent if you can work around the drawback with the fact you won't have action left to take when you play this, but this cost 5 experience

You know what you can get for 4 exp? Fang of Tyr'thrha, which does 4 damage for 1 extra resource in one action (AND can teleport you anywhere that is revealed, mind you!)

And before somebody comes and say some stupid crap like "Oh but this is gated behind an high exp cost because it gets better the stronger your melee weapon is", by that same logic should that mean Venturer should cost 5 exp because it can replenish ammo on the Lightning Gun and Flamethrower?

I always thought the Guardian's design philosophy and card pool always had a consistent issue that only got worse with each release: that Guardians, the class specialised in fighting monsters and tanking, sucks A$$ at fighting monsters and tanking.

While every class got more tools to deal with monsters on their own and also gain extra survivability (I think the biggest moment where Rogues got more resilent is when both version of Precious Memento got printed), Guardians have been either consistently getting highly situational fighting assets and events that are simply not great in practice or support stuff that doesn't help them kill crap. It is just... Sad to see this class becoming the worst of the bunch, outdone by basically everyone else on a regular basis.

Now, thankfully there are still good cards in the Guardian card pool, even added by Hemlock Vale (thank god for Hand-Eye Coordination), but this should be a wake up call: Guardians NEED better weaponry and more consistent tools for fighting. And before some smart alec comes with the argument of "B-But this is based on Lovecraft Mythos, you can't just shoot a Shoggoth in the eye and kill it!" I'll reply: I don't care. This type of thinking does not work in this type of game, period. Arkham Horror LCG is not a bloody Lovecraft story, it's a pulpy action-adventure take on it, and something like that NEEDS some Investigators that are capable of snapping the neck of a ghoul with their bare hands! And I can assure you, the same people bringing this absolute nonsense up are the same that are perfectly fine with Daisy shocking Umôrdhoth to death as a prank when he puts one of his tentacle on a doorknob or Darrell flashing his camera in Yig's eyes and then kicking him in the trouser snake

Anyway, rants is over: sorry for the antagonistic tone, but I'm honestly sick and tired of these design choices and as I said before, I find Flurry of Blows to be the culmination of this utter garbage balancing.

Oh, actually I forgot to add one thing: "Skids" O'Toole also gets to take an extra action (without having to end his entire turn after taking it, mind you!) by spending 2 resources once per round, and he can use that action for ANYTHING, not just attacking with a melee weapon

Let me repeat that: an investigator, from the core game, has a better version of an ability of a FLIPPING level 5 card

Let that sink in.. (with just the small reminder Third Time's a Charm is a better version of Wendy's ability and only cost 2 exp)

Edit: As TheNameWasTaken pointed out, you take an extra fight action and then resolve 3 more, so you actually get 2 extra attacks by using this card than you normally would: this still doesn't justify the exp cost in my opinion, but it does at least put it on the same level as Skids' ability, given Skids gives you an extra action you can use to do anything, while Flurry gives you 2 extra actions just to fight, so Skids' main power is more versatile than this card, which in my opinion makes it better. There is also the whole issue that attacking 4 more times makes it more likely to fail more attacks, as Arkham is a game where the odds are stacked against you: the more skill checks you take, the higher the risk you run into revealing certain tokens, which is another reason Butterfly Swords are so garbage.

This card delivers four attacks in two actions, so your math is somewhat off. — TheNameWasTaken · 3
I'd disagree regarding the statement that Guardian isn't receiving fighting support (Cyclopean Hammer and Runic Axe), but I agree that this card is unplayable at its XP cost and that it feels like Guardian is in a weak position vis-a-vis the other classes. My guess is that part of the problem is the way the class is conceptualized: most of the time, instead of focusing on how the class accomplishes tasks like Rogue focuses on turning resources into success, Guardian is laser-focused on the task it performs, a situation which paradoxically creates a mental barrier towards Guardian's fighting capabilities for the designers. They don't want to give it super-effective fighting or tanking tools because that would make it (even more) boring, turning most Guardian decks into over-glorified "Delete enemy" buttons. At the same time, they feel they have to be very careful in giving it non-fighting or tanking tools because they don't want to make the champion combat class also become the best at investigating (of course, they don't seem to have the same problem with giving Seeker combat tools, but that's a topic for another day). They feel they can't allow Guardian to improve its strengths or its weaknesses too much because they're focused so much on what it does that they don't stop to ask if there are alternative ways for it to do what it does. For an example of what doing that might look like, Scene of the Crime takes Guardian's focus on enemies and uses that to provide them with cover for cluevering, one of their weaknesses. It's good, it's true to the class' identity, and it doesn't break the game. Similarly, while I don't think Melee weapons needed the support, Strong-Armed shows how it's possible to make a Guardian card that helps them fight without just turning their game into "Fist v. Fight." Again, it's Vicious Blow so it's good, it's interesting, and it fits with the Guardian theme. It is possible to make good, interesting Guardian cards, FFG; you don't have to make Flurry of Blows. Just take a step back, stop thinking of Guardian as "the combat class," and start thinking about it as "the class that uses enemies like Survivor uses failing." — NightgauntTaxiService · 412
Also, you're completely right about the need for theme to give way to mechanics in this case. As the blog Ancient Evils pointed out, Before the Black Throne manages to nail the feeling of not being in control of your fate. Is it thematic? Certainly, it hits the theme out of the park. But is it actually fun? You know, that thing games like Arkham kind of need to be? — NightgauntTaxiService · 412
@TheNameWasTaken Sorry, was just pissed at this card so much I ended up misinterpreting it a bit: I'll edit my review. Still, 1 extra attacks DOES NOT change my opinion this should be a level O card — HeroesOfTomorrow · 53
@NightgauntTaxiService Honestly, my main issue with Guardians is not that they did not gain any combat support, is that they do not gain *enough* combat support. Like, one of the things that makes playing Guardians so boring is that few weapons feel truly "viable" (as you mentioned, the Hammer and the Axe), but... Using those, Machete and nothing else, makes the class boring, beside the issues with also their power level. Because basically every Guardian deck translate to "Put this weapon down and keep attacking" and that is it: I feel like making Guardians openly overpowered in fighting is not the solution, because you certainly can very easily with some stupidly designed assets, the solution is to make their fighting abilities actually interesting to use. As you pointed out: enemy management should be the main appeal of Guardians, and Guardians suck at that beside killing, and they are only good at it with some specific set up, mind you. I do agree adding non-combat tools to their kit adds depth to their class and helps non-fighter Guardians shine and offers more variability, but if their main fighting kit is so flawed from the foundaments, it doesn't matter how good support options they get when 50% their weapon assets are botherline unusable, the class just feels bad to play — HeroesOfTomorrow · 53
I will say, many Guardian combat events that do not include the words "Dynamite" and "Blast" are pretty good, which is why Nathaniel is one of the best combat Guardians in the game imo — HeroesOfTomorrow · 53
Also, the Fact Guardians are the ONLY class that does not have any skill card above level 2 is another thing that really adds to how "samey" Guardians feel, and it's laughable that Joe can just take ALL Guardian skills if he wishes to — HeroesOfTomorrow · 53
I definitely agree with you that making Guardians overpowered in combat isn't the way to go. Regarding the way to go, I think there are a few pre-existing themes in Guardian that, if expanded, could make the class stronger while also making it more interesting to play. 1) More cards like Cleaning Kit and Custom Modifications. To use an example from Dungeons and Dragons, make Guardian more like Warlock, able to take their basic abilities in countless different directions. This would also help with the Guardian fantasy of using your own personal weapon to bring down the Mythos. Instead of using Generic Sword #435, allow players to use Leo Anderson's gun, or Mark Harrigan's trench knife. Tap into the fantasy of fighting the Mythos with whatever you have on hand and hoping that it's enough. 2) More cards like Scene of the Crime and Second Wind that allow Guardians to turn the Mythos against itself indirectly. — NightgauntTaxiService · 412
What takes the cake is this came out in the same set as Rod of Carnamagos. Whacky token manipulation effects aside, the Rot cards have more interesting and powerful enemy management effects than anything in the Guardian card pool. And for only 2 xp and 2 resources! This is the type of enemy management card Guardians should have gotten, but no. Instead they got Grievous Wound which is basically a crappy version of Scarlet Rot. — MindControlMouse · 42
I love when people go on paragraphs-long rants about a card when they’ve never played it, let alone even read it properly! — spiderlocmtgo · 3