
Clarification: 'Engaging Enemies vs Being Engaged by Enemies: When an investigator engages an enemy, that enemy has also engaged that investigator, and vice-versa. There is no difference between engaging an enemy and being engaged by an enemy. Effects that trigger “after an enemy engages you” will trigger at the same time as effects that trigger “after you engage an enemy.”' - FAQ v.1.3, May 2018:

zman7791 · 5
It's especially handy for Kymani Jones, where the second ability also triggers when she engages an exhausted enemy for free. — AlderSign · 310
I have a rule question concerning this Card: — muzi · 1
Final Rhapsody

Behold, the main reason it's incredibly difficult to fit in Jim's upgraded trumpet. While the trumpet is a significant upside, in exchange for it you have to handle this downside - something that might blast you for up to a total of 10 damage and horror. And you'll have to plan for the full 10 - the upgraded trumpet heavily slants you towards wanting curses, so even if you fill the bag with 10 blesses and curses, you're well within the realm of possibility of hitting all of them.

There are two primary ways of dealing with this if you can't completely negate the card. First, you can run plenty of soak. Spare allies wouldn't hurt. Idol of Xanatos is another method of storing some extra health in an alternate mechanism. If you're using the standard back, Obsidian Bracelet can soak a lot of damage from a treachery in one go. And once you have a little more experience, Grounded (3) also remains a generally useful bit of soak and bonus for any spell-focused character.

Second, you can try to heal it after the fact. More effects exist in modern times to burst heal or top off and keep yourself under the threshold. Hallowed Chalice remains a good option without experience, and Spirit of Humanity fulfills a good mixture of roles for you. Jim's Trumpet will also help keep the horror side of things handled. It's also a luxury, but this is one of those cases where I also wouldn't discount Rite of Equilibrium - the requirements for Jim's ability and unique cards here means you might find an eventual use for it.

There are probably more complicated means of mitigating the weakness as well by removing it completely - Jim technically has access to some stacking shenanigans involving Scroll of Secrets/Alyssa Graham and Foresight, but those are more complex abilities. Just be sure it's worth it - there's only so much value you can milk from Jim's Trumpet to try to make it worth all of this trouble.

(I personally recommend Soul Sanctification if you're going to need to have that much excess random team healing anyways.)

Ruduen · 1011
Isn't it 5 damage/horror or am I missing something? — Wildcarde · 4
I think they meant 5+5 so you're having to soak 10 total damage/horror, which can easily knock out Jim if he's not full health/sanity. — Time4Tiddy · 246

Duke rewright last faq. Now two parleys gives you an option to activate Haste and get a bonus action for parleying.


Meh. Don't take this as an official ruling (yet) but parley def needs to be distinguished as an action type for the purposes of these effects. It's not a BASIC action (you can't parley without a triggered ability or by playing a card) but I'd rather make it clearer to players that it can count as a unique action type so you can have yr fun, haha.

Arching · 7
The most recent FAQ (2.3 - Midwinter Gala, Oct 2024) confirms this. Parley has been defined in section 1.30 Basic Action Types as a Non-basic action. — LiquidMercury8 · 54
It is official now, as FAQ 2.3 specifically says that parley can trigger Haste. — fuqifan · 1
Cryptic Grimoire

This card is better than it seems. Yes, you read that right.

It is an intriguing build-around for Rex Murphy decks. First, remember that you have to Resolve the tokens, not just Reveal them (so no Rod of Carnamagos shenanigans). Rex’s infamous Rex's Curse makes you not only Reveal but also Resolve tokens TWICE per test. But wait, there’s more! After you Resolve the tokens during the initial Rex's Curse check, you return them to the bag. This means that you can draw them again on the second part of the test, giving you a better chance of drawing the tokens and adding even more Secrets to the Cryptic Grimoire.

Once you have set up your assets and got the game rolling, you can expect to perform 2-3 Skill tests per round, including Investigate and Treachery checks. With Rex's Curse, you get to Resolve tokens 4-6 times per round (assuming you keep succeeding in the tests so you don’t shuffle Rex's Curse back into the deck). That’s plenty of chances to add Secrets to the Grimoire when using a deck. And what can you do with the Grimoire’s discounted Fast Insight cards? EVEN MORE Skill tests, each giving TWO chances to Resolve tokens (though most relevant Insight cards are testless). This card turns Rex's Curse into a signature boon.

There is, of course, a risk of failing Skill tests due to the tokens, but even then, you are not left high and dry because at least you get the Secrets to play your Fast Insight cards to make up for the failed test.

In addition to some Insight cards, Rex Murphy can generate tokens with Gabriel Carillo, and by throwing away his stuffy nerd glasses and replacing them with new sparkling Prismatic Spectacles.

Some notable Insight cards for Rex are Rex’s own signature card Search for the Truth, Burning the Midnight Oil, Deep Knowledge, Delve Too Deep, Drawn to the Flame, Existential Riddle, Preposterous Sketches, Stirring Up Trouble, and Ravenous Myconid's Uncanny Growth.

Dedasda · 6
I tried this pre Hemlock and it just didn't trigger much for a hand slot. — MrGoldbee · 1472
@MrGoldbee try this with parallel Rex. You can fill the bag with curses in just one test with Analysis and in that same test you have good chances to get curses — joster · 40
Livre d'Eibon

If Norman become Body of a Yithian during City of Archives and lose the ability of revealing topdeck (or Stubborn Detective whatever), can he trigger the 2nd ability of Livre d'Eibon ?

Since he no longer knows what card the topdeck is , I suppose he may not trigger it.

Yusaku · 2
Spoiler warning! Doesn't the scenario description says that you have to remove all unique item from your deck? — Tharzax · 1
Spoiler, too! You are both right. There is no "Livre d'Eibon" in this scenario, but should Norman stay a Yithian, I would say, he could not use the second ability, because there are no matching icons on the back side of any card. — Susumu · 371
But I commit the card and it's symbols regardless of the backside. I suppose you can't commit a card, which symbols you don't know. In this case you don't know if you have an eligible test. But if you somehow get to know the top card of your deck and it has matching symbols I would allow to commit it with the livre. So probably consider Alyssa, scrying, SoS etc. — Tharzax · 1
I think, regardless if you know the symbols on the card, as long, as it is face down, the card has no symbols, so should be uncomittable. — Susumu · 371
Wasn't there some faq for committing cards that are attached faced down under cards like Diana, the atlas etc? I think I remember that the answer stated that you can look at them every time and that you can commit them. Therefore I come to the conclusion above. But I couldn't find it. — Tharzax · 1
Cards below Diana can never be committed to a test, only added to her hand due to her elder sign, or played, if she has the "Twilight Blade" in play. However, "Crystallizer of Dreams" allows to commit cards attached facedown to it. It speciffically says "as if they were in your hand", so this might still be a case of the "Golden Rule" not applying to the Livre, but I might also be wrong. Not sure anymore, I stand corrected. — Susumu · 371
After reading the ability again I'm now thinking about resolving it. Assuming I activate it m wwithout the top card of my deck revealed, I got a card with a random symbol I have to commit to the next eligible test. Do I create a lasting effect like the card surprising find? — Tharzax · 1
No, "Surprising Find" says to "put it into play in your play area, then commit it to the next eligible test you perform". While this is a lasting effect, it is also a specific ability on "Surprising Find", that can not be aplied to other cards as a general rule, which don't have the ability printed on the card. — Susumu · 371
Yes, but I think the part with putting it into play is there to get it out of the deck, that's usually shuffled afterwards so you don't know where the card would be. This is clearly defined by livres ability. So I know which card to commit, but not their symbols. Since I have the potential to commit a card and no restrictions except exhaustion I can use the ability. Now you have to resolve as much as you can and if you don't have the right symbols you can't commit the card. You can't resolve this step and nothing more happens. The card goes back on top of your deck. — Tharzax · 1